RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
I'll agree with Y The Alien that this seems an odd thing to have a long debate about.
First off, I don't read the manga, so I have no problem with being proven wrong. But here's my opinion.
The hypnosis doesn't work on people who aren't looking at the sharingan user's eyes. Looking at the person's feet would protect you from the hypnosis, but you'd probably get jacked by something else.
The sharingan does give the user a tremendous advantage regardless of the hypnosis.
Itachi does seem like the strongest person right now, and can probably beat anyone (not sure about Jiraiya).
Jounins are in a completely different class of speed/strength from genins (and probably chuunins). They could all probably fight effectively against Lee (if he doesn't unlock gates).
The Gai vs Kakashi rivalry is probably mostly a good match-up because of Gai's taijutsu vs Kakashi's ninjutsu. From what Gai says, it seems that he's able to avoid genjutsu from the Sharingan. So for those of you who wonder why it's even a great rivalry when the Sharingan can't hypnotise him, it's because of the other techniques that Kakashi has copied. He is Konoha's #1 technique specialist after all.
And I get the impression that Gai is much stronger/faster than Kakashi. He hasn't shown any indication of ninjutsu or genjutsu (not saying he can't, just that he hasn't), so probably spends all his time working out. If he wasn't considerably better at taijutsu, then he'd get owned by Kakashi's ninjutsu.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
All signs points that Gai will beat Itachi? What the FARK are these signs everyone is talking about?
Lee and sasuke's fight was not a good example at all! cuz Sasuke is a weak lil boy who gets beaten by a loser that tried so hard to succeed. but we know itachi has speed. afterall he freaking caught sasuke's chidori... and his jutsu speed is incredible fast, im sure gai (a nin without a sharingan) cannot see through his jutsu speed.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
exactly. plus itachi's sharingan genjutsu technique is not his only strength, we already now he needs to make eye contact for that to work, but he doesnt need to eye contact to predict movements and counter at incredible speed. in addition itachi might have all sorts of techniques the leaf ninja have never even seen, those he developed, and ones he has seen performed by other members of the organization he is a member of. looking at itachi's feet may protect you from one of his weapons, but he has plenty of others.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
wow... finally people are realizing that gai's method is ineffective even if an opponent, who is the same fighting level as itachi, use it. my job is done.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
This thread is suppose to be about Counter the Sharingan. Not if Gai can beat Itchi. Gai's way dose get around the main dangers but that dosnt avoid it. So the fact remains it works. just dosnt protect agest anything eles
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
wow... finally people are realizing that gai's method is ineffective even if an opponent, who is the same fighting level as itachi, use it. my job is done.
I've been saying it the whole time, his method is retarded. Looking at someones feet will never win you a battle.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
This is about countering the sharingan. I know gai would get his ass kicked but I think his feet method would counter it. After he looks at itachis feet he would get beat really fast, but not by the sharingan.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Then agane. Fighting Blind isnt alwas a Bad thing. Sight is over rated.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Try staying on topic rather than trying to make your self seem smart.
In the end it would counter some of the abilities of the Sharingan though it is doubtful that it would make up for the loss of sight.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
LMAO!! Am I the only one who finds it funny to watch Naruto geeks run amock!
I'll take a spin on this.
I cannot really say who is stronger or not since they have not fought, however if they were to fight I can say that my money would be on Itachi.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
wow... finally people are realizing that gai's method is ineffective even if an opponent, who is the same fighting level as itachi, use it. my job is done.
Wow. People are finally realizing that Gai's method is inneffective, even if Itachi' opponent was of equal fighting ability and was using Gai's method. My job is done. -perfect-
My question earlier wasnt to demean you. I honestly thought English was your second language. Your usage of the word moron earlier though was quite excellent.
Try staying on topic rather than trying to make your self seem smart.
I'll keep that in mind... next time I have to read a sentence three times to figure out what was meant to be said. That keeps the topics rolling right along.
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Shin_Naruto
We didnt see Gai's method. Without seeing it in action it is impossible to tell if it would ultimatly put him at a disadvantage or not. Saying anything is for certain is just ignorance.
What we did see was Itachi respect Gai' fighting ability, telling Kisame not to underestimate him. Gai also didn't show any fear standing infront of Itachi which is either due to extreme stupidity (Mutata' will go with this one) or a belief he could fight him. None of this means Gai could stand a chance vs Itachi though.
I for one think Gai couldn't defeat Itachi. Gai never shows any sign of him believing he could win, just that he could fight him till reinforcements could appear.
duh.. but we're talkin bout Mut@t@ disagreeing gai's method will work.. anyway.. Itachi became andu squad leader at such a young age.. who's not afraid ?
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: Kumiriko
This thread is suppose to be about Counter the Sharingan. Not if Gai can beat Itchi. Gai's way dose get around the main dangers but that dosnt avoid it. So the fact remains it works. just dosnt protect agest anything eles
Precisely.. no one thought of the fact that if someone who's taijutsu can be much better than Gai which is at itachi's level could simply use the "Look at his feet" technique and screw his ass up..
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
lol, sorry my grammar isn't as good as your's. last time i checked, this isn't english 101. so, get a life and stop trying to correct my errors. if it takes you three times to comprehend what i wrote, the you're truly a dumbass. haha [img]i/expressions/beer.gif[/img]
btw, if you're still gonna be correcting my shit, fix up my spelling too. i mess up on that sometimes.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
the main thing i like abotu this forum is that people have never tried to correct my spelling. i dont feel like typing perfect english, i can and iam sure everyone else can here too, its a choice i make not to spell check and read through my posts.
i seriously thought this topic would have died, i mean its clear that one group will never accept the theory of the other group (despite it being sound) and vice versa. we should stop this now. it isnt going to end any times soon and more and more people are just flaming away.
EDIT: and abotu the poll started up, ov course gai would stand a *CHANCE* against itachi. it just wouldnt be a very big one, infact it would likley be minute, but id wager hed last longer than kakashi did. also of course itachi would murder gai, his power far exceeds gai's. but the fact still remains looking at the feet (which shows you everything form where they are to where they are going to be in a second) counters sharingan.
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
thanks for ruining my poll guys.....i was trying to make it a civilized vote instead of just continuing the debate in another thread....but nooooooo [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Y the alien: any reason for me using a "vet" tone is strictly to defend myself from your blatant attempt at had it coming [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
i still dont fail to see how my analagy that to know if gai's method would counter the sharingan by first determining if gai would stand a chance against is in any way off, since being uchiha IS what makes itachi, and gai's fighting style IS what makes gai. If one is false, then the other will be false as well....
this isnt some lame magic: the gathering game where both sides of the fight have many different moves that can be performed and countered, if either gai or itachi's main abilities are defeated, then so are they
...hmm....i dont remember what else you were saying, but i believe this covers it
and chambers, you cant say "of course gai would stand a chance". if most people believe otherwise, then it isnt something that can be assumed. I wouldn't exactly say that kakashi could stand a chance against itachi, but I would say that jiraiya could probably stand a chance against itachi. The difference is in whether or not the good side could possibly land a blow on itachi (or at least a good enough of a possibility to have itachi be more cautious, as he was with jiraiya)
Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
this isnt some lame magic: the gathering game where both sides of the fight have many different moves that can be performed and countered, if either gai or itachi's main abilities are defeated, then so are they
no i believe the analogy is correct, just because it doesnt fit in with what you are saying doesnt make it incorrect. you say if there main abilities are defeated then so are they? from what we have seen of itachi so far he pretty much uses his mangekyou sharingan (right spelling?) to dominate fights. if gai doesnt look at his feet then thats that out of the window does he gain an instant win? DOES HE HELL!
and it is of course obvious gai would stand a chance, if he didnt itachi would have eliinated him with the blink of an eye and walked off, the same goes for kurenai and asuma, if the posed no threat whatsoever he would have just walked right through them. of course they stand a *chance* but its probly just an incredibly small one.
also..........i didnt ruin your poll, i was in bed!!
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
i wasnt referring to the "mangekyou" as his main was acknowleding him being uchiha and having the sharingan....if gai knows of a way to beat the powers of an advanced clan, then he would certainly be capable of winning.
if gai had shown up at the beginning instead of, say, kurenai....then im sure itachi wouldve fought him was because at that point there were 4 jounins and more on the way to deal with that itachi decided fighting was pointless and decided to leave.....and i'd have to say that whether a person could survive for 1 second or 1 minute from an attack from itachi wouldn't determine whether or not they "stood a chance"
RE: Trick to Counter the Sharingan?
well despite what youd 'have to say' your wrong. if you can last a round in boxing then you have a chance of winning. if you can throw one punch in one round you have a chance of winning. if you have the chance to throw a single throwing knife you coudl win it.