Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
For some reason when I saw the flashback in this episode it reminded me a lot of Gaara. Somehow I got the impression that the father knew Itachi was too strong and dangerous... and I thought maybe they attacked Itachi first and then Itachi killed all the rest of them just out of spite. As for why he would have spared Sasuke in that scenario I'm not sure.
I actually feel the idea someone said of Itachi wanting to die and creating Sasuke as his nemesis is the best explanation though. Thats how I have viewed Itachi from the begining and nothing I can think of really goes counter to that.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
well its quite simple. the AA translation said it was to test himself or somthing, so he left sasuke because he was no test. also he probly left him so that he would have a test in the future.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
whats wrong with itachi using the excuse of testing himself as a reason to kill the clan? That kind of apathetic reasoning is more than enough to get the point across about just how evil itachi really is!
Anyone else find it odd that after seeing his grandparents and other clan members killed, sasuke doesnt hesitate to take his shoes off before walking into his house?
Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
anyway, i thought itachi was 12 when he massacred his own clan, but it says that he was anbu at 13. if he did do it at 12, then i guess he would've left the village right after therefor, not being able to receive anbu status. this is really weird because during the flash back, sasuke says that he is the same as age itachi when itachi graduated (7). which would mean that itachi was 12 since they are 5 years apart cuz sasuke is or should be 12 right now. but i guess itachi could've been 13 if one year has passed since the first episode til now.
sasuke is 12 atm, itachi is 17 right? 5 age difference, in bakafish it said he was 8 when he graduated, and 9 became chuunin, 13 became anbu. so sasuke was 8 when itachi killed everyone, and itachi was 13, so he was anbu, he killed everyone, then left.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
yeah i was like, wtf is he doin? is it a sign or disrespect or somthin? or maybe he didnt want to track mud on the carpets.
also another point the village of konoha seems to be made up of 60% houses and 40% telephone wires, yet ive neevr seen anyone use it or even seen it in the houses!
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
haha, well they could be powerlines.....im pretty sure they have electricity at least in the houses
i thought it was cool though that itachi said the same line you hear him say back in episode 30
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by: chambers
same line?
you know... run, cling, live life blah blah blah.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
hmm must have missed that one, ill be at ep 30 soon tho as iam watchin them all back.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Preety good episode, I thought the flashback was great since we needed more details of what happened that night. As for those wires, I think they are electricity wires for the street light.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
since I dont read the manga, I'm not too familiar with any of the stuff beyond this ep.
Itachi kills people to test his ability. Kind of an odd approach, but it fits for a character like Itachi. It sure as hell is better than having a bunch of evil people that just want to destroy the universe. Those people blab on forever and just wont shut up, and therefore are hated.
But because Itachi is somewhat mysterious and very dark, it makes him an interesting evil character, as opposed to say, the likes of a Cell or Frieza.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
its not justifed though. frieza wanted to rule the universe, cell wanted to become perfect. itachi tests himself on people weaker than himself. kindda odd if you ask me.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by: chambers
its not justifed though. frieza wanted to rule the universe, cell wanted to become perfect. itachi tests himself on people weaker than himself. kindda odd if you ask me.
listen... there were other strong ninjas in the uchiha clan, ok?
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Itachi was testing his strength, that's his justification.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
whats wrong with itachi using the excuse of testing himself as a reason to kill the clan? That kind of apathetic reasoning is more than enough to get the point across about just how evil itachi really is!
Anyone else find it odd that after seeing his grandparents and other clan members killed, sasuke doesnt hesitate to take his shoes off before walking into his house?
I have a feeling that Itachi is going to end up having more of a motive than just testing himself. Kishimoto is GOOD at backstories, and he often doesn't reveal them until well after a character is introduced. For a long time it seemed that Gaara just liked killing people, but he ended up having some pretty serious issues from his past. Neiji just seemed like a jerk for pushing around Hinata until we saw his story, again much delayed. Naruto, Sasuke, Oro, Lee, Hinata, etc. all have very strong motives for what they do. I guess we'll just have to wait [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
As for Sasuke taking off his shoes, well, I think that this was supposed to show that he was in shock and basically running on autopilot, not thinking about what he was doing.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
mutata i never said that there weren't strong ninjas in uchiha clan. re-read what i said and youll realise that i am right, and that a test of stregnth is not murdering 20 people who are all weaker than you.
also its not justification, thats what he did. justification would be he tested his strength because __________ (dill in the blank).
Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
Originally posted by: chambers
mutata i never said that there weren't strong ninjas in uchiha clan. re-read what i said and youll realise that i am right, and that a test of stregnth is not murdering 20 people who are all weaker than you.
also its not justification, thats what he did. justification would be he tested his strength because __________ (dill in the blank).
ok... let me quote what you said.
Originally posted by: chambers
its not justifed though. frieza wanted to rule the universe, cell wanted to become perfect. itachi tests himself on people weaker than himself. kindda odd if you ask me.
so, you said: "itachi tests himself on people weaker than himself. kinda odd if you ask me"
i don't know why you're saying that. he tested himself on the whole uchiha clan. he didn't just pick out the weak guys, EVERYONE was killed. are you not understanding this? you make it sound as if itachi selected the people he was gonna kill. and how is testing his strength not a justification? try this sentence: he killed his whole clan because ________ (fill in blank).
and if you're saying that killing the weak guys in the clan while testing his strength is not an actual test of strength, then think about this. what do you think the weaker guys are gonna do if they get away? of course they're gonna alert the whole village and have itachi killed. he obviously killed the weaker guys so they won't run off and tell everyone and he tested himself mainly on the stronger uchihas.
maybe you should re-read what you write and wrote and think before you post because you're not making any sense or proving a point.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
he meant thats what itachi believes justifies his action. im sick of hearing of excuses for itachi, its simple to me, to be able to kill your clan including you parents you have to be a fucked up person. also anyone notice in the A&A version sasuke calls his granparents aunt and mister, compared to grandparents in the bakafish.
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
I think the episode was ok...defintiely could've used more action though...the whole sasuke flashback thing shouldn't have been that long... a few minutes shorter maybe. Everyoen was hoping to see Jiraiya fight...guess we gotta wait ANOTHER 7 days before we see that[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] But with any luck Anbu-Aone will realise that they've always been at lest a days or two late in getting their subs out and work really to hard to release it the day after it airs in JP! (yeah...like THAT'S gonna happen)
RE: Episode 84 Discussion (SPOILERS)
didnt itachi's father say to sasuke itachi is not a likable companion, because no one can stop him? maybe he was just mad no one liked him because he was too strong so he killed everyone.