Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont remember who but some body was asking why this was called shura no toki the side story .. well the original (Shura no mon) comes from and old 31 volume series that was published in Koudansha's Monthly Shounen Magazine from 1987 until 1997 the hero in this one is Mutsu Tsukumo..
so far we seen only two of his special moves
Mukuuha "no air wave", or "vacuum wave" Mutsu creates a miniature vacuum by causing his fist to vibrate at an extremely high rate, and he releases the energy as a wave into his opponents body. Capable of breaking ribs and doing damage to internal organs.
Ikazura "Thunder" A vicious throw manuever, Mutsu breaks his opponent's arm over his shoulder, performs a hip throw, and kicks his opponent in the back of the head on the way down.
there'r others dont want to spoil so I'll just tell you the names
Kohou "Tiger Cannon" , Gazan "Fang" , Shishikou "Lion's Roar" , Jahazan "Snake Wave" , "Ryuuha "Dragon Wave" , And the last one my favorite Shimon "Four Gates" or "Gate of Death" <------ I always wanted to see the animated one hehehe :p :p
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
where can you find the original manga? i really like this anime.
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
well is hard to know because is been a while you know (1997) ..
but you can always check on the web
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then it is really licensed? I havent heard anything on the lunar or aoi anime channel
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup I was checking animeond and the got liscend by media blaster..
anyone knows if AonE will pick up this project?
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was a message on the channel by one half-op
[10:28] <%DannyBoy> <Attention> FYI:[Shura no Toki is not dropped, pending independent confirmation of EnviroSphere's hearsay announcement. Now shut up and wait.] .<UPP>.
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF, I am really cursed when it comes to anime being licensed. I really enjoyed this show and we were only on the second saga. Judging by the opening we had another story to follow after the tourny.
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
what channel?
do you mean mirc?
Aoen yup we are 12ep to go a total 26ep series
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
#lunaranime on rizon
yeah IRC
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
sadly i just read it and Lunar has stoped subbing it damn another one
man and episode 13 was supposed to come out today noooooooooo
"[ LunarAnime ] | !rules @find !triggers| New: Aishiteru ze baby 13, Madlax 13, Aishiteru ze baby 12, SexFriends 2, Madlax 12, Samurai 7 eps1-2 | Coming soon: surprise1-1, surprise2-1, surprise3-1, surprise4-1... BAKUTEN AND SHURA ARE LICENSED & DROPPED'"
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep... now we just have to wait for an anouncement from aoi-anime... but thet are still lagging on episode 8 so it could take a while, if they continue it, to catch up...
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope aoi continues they haven't released a shura no toki ep in a month or so now
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, I downloaded ep1-12 yesterday from Lunar and i though it was a great show which it was. Why must these company's take away great shows b4 they are done subbed by groups. People like me can't afford buying the dvd's [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think aoi anime will drop it simply because it got licensed... they used to release FMA while it was licensed... they dropped it for an unrelated reason... so i dont think the'll drop Shura no Toki
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah man!
Another great serie i've been watching got dropped... FFS!
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
budweineken do you know any link fopr aoi releases? PM meif you do
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can not describe the rage that is in me right now.
just uncontrollable rage.
RE: Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by: P-Virus
budweineken do you know any link fopr aoi releases? PM meif you do
I still havent heard any news from them dropping it... there's still some hope...
Shura no Toki!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, episode 13 & 14 are out but not subb. anyone has news on whether aoi drop?