ROFL, I think anyone reading this thread should have drank some beer by this point, or risk permanent damage to their brain's synaptic response [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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ROFL, I think anyone reading this thread should have drank some beer by this point, or risk permanent damage to their brain's synaptic response [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')
A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).
I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".
What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?
Elia is Sven swedish?Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')
A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).
I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".
What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?
lionheart1012000, you're just big boned right? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
No, he lives in my village's so he's Dutch. Why, do you know someone who was also beaten up for nu reason?Quote:
Originally posted by: True_strengh
Elia is Sven swedish?Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')
A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).
I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".
What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?
rofl, dude, you're so fucking weird. this isn't a 1-800 help hot line forum. judging by the way you post, i advise you to shoot them.Quote:
Originally posted by: ELiA
MemnochTheCaT, I'd like to hear your opninion on this (as you are 'strong')
A friend of mine got into the hospital, he is weak/cannot protect himself. He was beaten up by 4 guys that were bigger/stronger than him, for no reason.. I know one of these guys (not a friend).
I am not strong ( I work out at home a little bit, but only my abs and stuff, to look 'healthy' and to 'impress' the girls when we go swimming, so I might look a little bit strong, but I know nothing of martial arts or so...).
I want to have the power to beat up those guys who did this to "Sven", because he would never pick on anyone or hurt someone. Now he has false teeth and his face is still a little "sore".
What would you do, if you (with kung-fu and all) were in my position?
Wow ELiA, that's pretty sad. He got jacked up so bad he got put in the hospital? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Anyways, back to the point at hand .. several problems here .. it would probably be best to 1st check into how the law handles assault charges in your country, and see if that might be an option. Of course, the guys might retaliate and try to get revenge against you and your friend if you went that route.
The other option, vigilante justice, would require either learning a combat fighting system (like Krav Maga, or perhaps an adaptive thai boxing+grappling style such as I prefer), utilization of a weapon (not recommended, as things can go tragically wrong), or forming a team (got any friends who are good fighters?) to accomplish that goal.
Learning to be effective in street fighting is not an instant process, and takes patience and more than a little bit of blood to become proficient. Let's just say that it would take many years and a great deal of skill to be able to handle 4 opponents simultaneously .. I've spent many years fighting and have been dealt brutal defeats by both weapon-carrying attackers, as well as multiple opponents. Escalating the encounter to absolute desperation also becomes an ever-present risk in street fights, because you never know if you might accidentally kill someone, or be killed, in an attack maneuver.
My advice would be to be the best friend possible to 'Sven', and hope that he will not get picked on again. If they bully him again, I suppose there is no other choice, but it would be the best possible course of action to let sleeping dogs lie. An escalation in violence will likely continue to repeat back and forth until there comes an outcome that you regret, for better or worse.
If you are serious about learning to fight, cool .. start with cardio training, and boxing (for footwork/hand speed/depth perception, also good for learning to become comfortable to getting hit hard and not losing concentration). After the basics, find a style that fits your body type well. If you are strong upper-body, then you might concentrate on a rapid-attack inside grappling style, look for quick joint locks .. break shoulders/elbows/wrists/neck ASAP. If you are more powerful lower body, you might try a heavy kicking/knee style like Thai Boxing, but be aware that you must develop excellent counters when someone gets inside your effective kicking range, and that must include things like headbutts, biting, and stance changes to disrupt their weight/balance as they try to grab you. I have taught a few of my friends and it is difficult to translate much of what I'm trying to say into text, so if you want to know more, PM me .. or start with the basics like I said.
Good luck in any situation .. hope it gets better.
Thanks, MemnochTheCaT. You know a lot.
It seems like you have gone a long way before me... you must be 30 or so... Anyway.
Thanks for the advice. Maybe it's best to hand it over to the "law". My mother said to me:
"Als je hun in elkaar gaat slaan, dan ben je net zo erg als die jongens"
which translates into:
If you fight them, you'll be as bad as them.
This might sound cowardly to you, but I am happy that I never had to fight/defend myself.
(BTW, isn't this a little more interessting than always talking about naruto?)
ANd: I like "timecop", although it has not much to do with martial arts...
Hehe, no problem. As a matter of fact, I'm already near 30! I'm 27 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Man, I'm gettin old (must be why I like Jiraiya and the 3rd so much as characters, they're old like me!)
As for your mom's advice, good stuff, I think you're on the right track.
As for talking about things other than Naruto, I replied with courtesy because I felt it was the right thing to do, but this type of discussion really belongs in 'General Discussion', we try to keep it to Naruto here in this area of the forums. If there is a mod peeping around, might be a good idea to lock this, since we have already thanked anbu/aone quite a bit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Good to see the flames die down [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Okay, same here about the "inferno". I think I'll stick here with you guys, seems fun.
I look forward to talking with you guys again.
I'm off to sleep now, school tomorrow and everything. Thanks for the advice and for changing my view on most of the forum users here. Adios amigos!
LOL, this was a funny ending.
Just a quick note.
I am European, infact, I am English [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
If spending time with EliA in 'Europe' or talking to some loosers here on the forums
was my only choice. I would rather talk to the loosers because, at the end of the day
they are more friendly [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] .
Ahh well being a looser is great. I dont need to attention seek, give abuse to people
for no reason or put a bad image across for Europeans as a whole.
I just want to say on behalf of all the "stable minded" Europeans, a big warm thank you
to AonE subbing group. Since I have found you, I have not gone back to lower quality
With reguards to other groups, thank god they are out there for the more obscure titles.
AonE tend to do higher budget Animes but lower budget ones are entertaining and
Im greatful that in this non-communist forum we have such a thing as choice.
Good day to you all , and remember :
I am European as UK is a part of Europe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Cheers, GaZ .. yeah I think I know how you feel by the 'guilty-by-association' kind of sentiment. I'm an American from Texas (like our silly president, heheh), but I am embarrassed by more than a few of my fellow countrymen and their often ignorant views regarding the rest of the world.
All I want to say is : we're not all insane over here in the states [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] Or at least, not THAT insane. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]
Ahh no need to defend yourself mate [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Everyone needs a little sillyness inside of them otherwise we would all be robots [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
*Wibble fozz plop ding ding fozz ding*
BTW, ever heard of the phrase "this world is made of..... LOVE AND PEACE!!!???!!" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Heh, haven't heard of that phrase GaZ, sounds like a classic line from the 60's! I think I'll make a new version of that quote [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
"This world is made of .... LOVE AND PEACE AND NARUTO!!?!?!?!?!!"[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img][img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
What ? No Trigun ????
Deprived, imagine life without Naruto or AonE and that would be life without Trigun [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Trigun rocked, so did Cowboy Bebop .. but they are long since finished, so I live on Naruto now [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
well as I said before :
Hahahah nice one GaZ! I like how Trigun used chibi-ized characters a lot, like Ginji in 'Get Backers'. I wonder what happened to KonohamaruCorps cool Midou Ban Avatar .. I liked that series too, other than the ending.
I have started downloading AonE's sub of Gokusen , its ..... interesting [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Totally different to anything I have seen before - and funny [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Also watched 4eps of Onegai Twins - thats strange aswell. At least we can get our anime fix for another week with the large back-log to watch [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]