RE: Your favorite character in all animes
Naruto: Naruto - this lil dude kicks ass and comon, he tried to do 1000 years of pain to his unconcious teacher
Naruto: Jiraiya - I chose him for my name, this man is just grrrrrrreat
Naruto : Gai - its Gai if you cant look at him and see he rocks theres no point in explaining to you
Hellsing : Alucard - was the shit, plain and simple, and the soundtrack that was goin when u see him about to kick ass just makes u wanna wet yourself
Trigun : Wolfwood/Vash - they were sick, skilled when serious, yet funny as all hell, loved em
Get Backers : Ginji - i dont care what anyone says Raiten coulda defeated Mido easily! He's full of crap. Also the dollish version of ginji (usually seen when he attempted to run from Dr. Jackal) ownz all
Golden Boy : Kintaro - lol pervert to the max, gotta love it
FMP-Fumoffu : Sagara - he was the man, hilarity followed wherever he goes
Green Green : the moronic trio - they had their homosexual moments but they were funny overall
Wolf's Rain : Kiba - love that white wolf, cool lookin as all hell and strong to boot
GTO : Onizuka - hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaah
Konjiki no Gash Bell : Gash - anyone that'd stick their tiny penee in someones face that early in the morning can only be described as hilarious
thats all for now...
Your favorite character in all animes
sorry accidental double post....might as well turn it into something productive
does anyone watch Yumeria? if so, what about that Lolita obsessed teacher, hes hilarious and so forthcoming about his disgusting habits lol, or mikura fromt he same series who is mildly perverse, and also another good thing was the Eiken ova lol, everyone in that series was hilarious to a point