I definitely do not think its the other Sound Nins. Both of them were injured to the point where they were forced out of their level 2 curse stage. That means even if they did regain consciousness or whatever, they would barely be able to move. No chakra. Also, they would be absolutely worthless in a fight. I've got to agree that its someone he's afraid of, and I mean seriously afraid of. The only person I can think of who creates that much fear in Kiba is Gaara. You have to remember that Gaara has been training as well. Gaara is another that wants to be the strongest, and since he lost, he will definitely train to become stronger.
i think we'll see gaara coming up fairly soon in the manga, perhaps when konoha and sand join up to destroy the sound
and i dont know if the sound 4 would be able to beat gaara as easily as some people say they would. Not only has he proven himself to be invincible to all the assassins from the sand village, but orochimaru explicitly chose gaara to play a large role in the destruction of konoha. I think this alone shows just how powerful he stands compared to orochimaru's own men
yeh im guessing the dance thing for kimi is similar to a fighting style for their specific bloodline that accentuates the bloodline ability, ala the gentle fist of the hyuga.
On a lighter note i can see the last dance already, the long forgotten dance of the bone clan, Macarena no jutsu!
Kiba: This smell. Whats going on? Why are they heading this way? Damn, I don't get this at all. I must get out of here.
Since Sakon and Ukon are obviously gonna be following him, you think he would be THAT surprised that they knew where he was? I doubt it. People have mentioned that some people who can read japanese said the kanji implied a different "they." We are not complicating matters. The dialogue implies another group. If it were Sakon and Ukon, Kiba would not say "whats going on." He would just say something on the order of "they've already found us."
On the Dance of the Crescent Moon. I don't think that was just a Konoha technique. From the way Baki was familiar with it, it seems to be a general technique that is just difficult to master.
If he was smelling Ukon/Sakon, why would he say, "I don't get this at all"?
It seems to me that the people Kiba smelled coming towards him were Sakon and Udon. Perhaps he was surprised that they came so close faster than he thought they would.
The dance of the Cresent moon may look cool, but I think thin Kin's sword dances will be speciffic to his bone techniques.
As far as Gaara coming to the rescue, that's just absurd. I know there are some big Gaara fans on this board, but there's no point to him coming now.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (AssertnFailure @ Feb 29 2004, 07:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i think we'll see gaara coming up fairly soon in the manga, perhaps when konoha and sand join up to destroy the sound
and i dont know if the sound 4 would be able to beat gaara as easily as some people say they would. Not only has he proven himself to be invincible to all the assassins from the sand village, but orochimaru explicitly chose gaara to play a large role in the destruction of konoha. I think this alone shows just how powerful he stands compared to orochimaru's own men </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
the sound four cant beat gaara's shukaku form. remember that naruto won just because he had gamabunta. the sound four would probably die since gamabunta got hurt pretty badly against him.
chapter was heavily dissappointing.
i wish i had more hands so i can give this chapter 4 thumbs down.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I am hoping Neji and Chouji, but maybe not. I am kind of mixed about whether or not it would take away from the arc if they survived.
I think he could also just be smelling the two of them together again. I don't think he knew that they recombined till then. If not....
So here is who it could be
1. Neji and Chouji
2. Jounin Squad
3. Sakura and someone else
4. His sister and her dog
5. Shino and his dad
6. Jiraiya and Kakashi</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
if it's any of those choices, kiba wouldn't have decided to get away from where he was. he'd stay and wait for the help. and if it's jiraiya and kakashi, oh man, ukon/sakon are majorly screwed. anyway, the reason why i think kiba said "why are they heading this way. i don't get it at all" is cuz he probably thought he made an escape that left no traces for sakon/ukon to be able to follow but the opposite is happening. so i think he is just surprised that they were able to follow him.
and for people who think gaara is somehow involved...WOW. you guys leave me speechless.
yeah it is starting to look like a translation error by whoever posted that on Toriyama World forums, since Inane doesn't even imply that.
In theory couldn't Kiba and Akamaru pull out some soldier pills like they did in the fight against Naruto? Sakon/Ukon are in a bad way right now themselves, the only thing about them is it is freaking hard as hell to damage their body, because Ukon can just block from anywhere, and if they are cut, they just split.
They have to be low on Chakra too...I want to see Kiba win this fight after he has been fighting so well, first the Twin Headed Wolf, then the exploding Akamaru Doll.
actually, i was feeling a bit of build up torwards Kiba dying to save Akamaru, did anyone else think so as well?
i don't see why Kishimoto would want to bring any other characters into this mess, it's not like he can't finish it with what he has already..
BTW: it might be Shino & his father or Hinata & Kuranei coming, i hope the latter. we haven't seen anything from them recentally.
I really want Kiba to survive now, he's been doing so well if would be bad if Kiba would die
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Power PMV @ Feb 29 2004, 08:23 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> lol, this is the last dance of the bone clan:
Kimimaro's clan secret dance
http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/laugh.gif http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/laugh.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
lol that was awesome. but i dont think his dance looks like that tho. lol
The two pages have been mixed up. Just look at Kiba's position. http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/wink.gif
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 29 2004, 06:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> chapter was heavily dissappointing.
i wish i had more hands so i can give this chapter 4 thumbs down.
if it's any of those choices, kiba wouldn't have decided to get away from where he was. he'd stay and wait for the help. and if it's jiraiya and kakashi, oh man, ukon/sakon are majorly screwed. anyway, the reason why i think kiba said "why are they heading this way. i don't get it at all" is cuz he probably thought he made an escape that left no traces for sakon/ukon to be able to follow but the opposite is happening. so i think he is just surprised that they were able to follow him.
and for people who think gaara is somehow involved...WOW. you guys leave me speechless. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
agreement that the chapter was pretty bad. no action, just people standing around doing nothing with a barrel catching on fire as a prelude to the socal forest fires.
agreement also on the 'other' group of people. kiba would have stuck around if they were allies. 1. to distract ukon/sakon for an ambush; 2. he'd get help for his wounds
i'm sorry, but these 1-on-1 fights are getting very, very tedious. there better be extra people coming, or it's going to really suck for the next 10+ chapters.
It has pretty much sucked since Tsunade became the 5th, but hopefully the next few chapters will have something going for them.
Sasuke popping out of the barrel next chapter SHOULD happen. I am surprised the japanese fans are not complaining about this shitty storyline.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>the sound four cant beat gaara's shukaku form. remember that naruto won just because he had gamabunta.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
unless they use their sealing techniques yes they might lose, but they could just incase it in the wall thingy and watch itself get hurt while it tries to get out.
That being said, it takes awhile for Gaara to transform - if hes damaged in that time he doesnt transform. If you think the sound 4 are just going to wait around while he transforms then you're just not thinking http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
i wouldnt say this chapter was as bad as all you haters of this arc, who constantly bad mouth it (Hatake Kakashi) - it was far better then last weeks.
It doesn't get any worse than last weeks, thats why. This wasn't as bad, I tend to like the ones where all 3 of the characters are featured more than just one of them.
Oh and I badmouth this arc because it is the worse arc out of the whole manga. Watching this thing get animated is going to be hell. Lets do fights for 30 episodes, with no plot progression. I hope the anime studio does some editing and trims these fights down to one or two episodes each.
the longest a fight will go for in this arc animated would be an episode for Chouji and Neji
Anime usually covers 2-3 manga chapters (unless they want to fill and create cliff hangers (such as 66-67))
I think this wont be too bad animated, at least better then it is in manga form. Why? - simply because manga readers do not want to read fights with minimal talking, animated fights are much better.
Yeah, I gotta agree with Kakashi. I think this entire freaking arc is the most pointless thing I've ever seen. One minute, we've got a bad-ass chain of events going, what with Itachi finally appearing, but then we're going back to Orochimaru, and his sorry ass. Oro seriously needs to just curl up and die. He's had his chance in the spotlight. Not only that, but the most progress made was Kimimaro and even he was just another sudden character thrown in by Kishimoto.
But, I did enjoy reading Neji fight as a good guy.