yeah vorg is cool as well i said sendo was ONE of the coolest chars almost all chars are cool in ippo, only a few of them suck
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yeah vorg is cool as well i said sendo was ONE of the coolest chars almost all chars are cool in ippo, only a few of them suck
I've seen all of it. Vorgs is not that sad in my opinion.
yeah vorg isn't as sad but i was talking about coolness now Vorg is definately on Sendo's level of coolness well that's my opinion anyway i should stop posting in here because i get this urge to spoil everything and that wouldn't be nice
As it stands HnI is the only series other than HxH that i've watched twice... simply too good...
As for the people still searching for the manga just go to #lurk @ for bot listing
Thanks Bud. I just finished downloading Snoppy cool volumes 1-51. I wonder if Kumi-chan and Ippo ever become bf and gf....That bastards just way too shy lol.
Edit: What's better as far as manga goes? The lurker ones or snoopycool.
#lurk is just a place to download manga (they have just about everything that gets released like ckmoney, they do not translate manga)... you can download the snoopy-cool version there..
The Manga is great! Volume 50! LOL
I just saw eps 39-40 of Ippo, damn that was some good shit. (It was when Miyata fought that Thai guy).
I felt so sorry for him, everything's been going downhill, and he kept getting hit and even had his eardrums damaged.
But when he after all of that connected with the Jolt I almost screamed with joy. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Man, that was some great stuff.
Just wanted to say that [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
haha, keep those updates coming [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] the facial expression of miyata's thai friend at the end of that whole "mini arc" (not the little guy, other one) was hilarious
Haha yeah when he was washing the car. That was really cute.
I just saw ep 42, man, I like how Umezawa has developed. From a bully which you wanted to kill, to a regretful person and now as a worker at the Makunouchi fishing company.
I think the author perfectly captured the insecurity of that character. Interesting that he wants to do a manga out of Ippo's career by the way, lol [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
haha, yeah, funny how that worked out =P
and i definitely agree about character development-- i think that's definitely one of the reasons why i enjoyed this series.
I have watched Ippo two times now its the only anime i have watched more than once.
Terra: About Miyatas mini arc,it was the time i changed my view on Miyata. I didnt like him much before that mini arc, but after it i felt for him. How things went for him,from the biggest talent to a nobody.
Black Ops: The manga is at vol 74 in japan,i cant wait to when we get there if snoopy ever wakes up from whatever happened to them.
ah yes miyata pwnz! yeah i wonder what snoopy is doing maybe they'll release another 10 volumes like last time
does anyone know if I can get the whole series off of irc?
I still haven't been able to find it
Update: Vorg is awesome. Give him soup!
And some apples... He really likes those apples
I just watched ep 60... jesus christ, this show is so fucking good.
1, I'm glad that Ippo lost a fight. For a while I was pondering on the believability of him always winning, and I'm glad to see that he lost a fight and developed a bit in that direction too. Also, it did feel like it was too early to beat Date for the title; especially considering the latter's backstory and determination as a champion.
2, Vorg is so fucking cool. Who wasn't teary eyed in ep 60? Seriously. He lost for such a lame reason, and was such a nice guy, and his dialogue with Ippo at the airport was touching in a way that anime seldomly are these days (IMO anyway).
Yeah, awesome show. To the core.
yeah vorg should've one oh well this sets the stage for the best battle in HnI enjoy the last 16 eps
I laughed so fucking hard in the Kimura/Aoki flashback when they fell of the motorcycle twice and then had to chase it.
And Aoki playing with his dick LOL
Okay I finished the series, that was one hell of a good show, saying a lot since I don't even like sports anime.
It had everything a good show needs, comedy, the ability to capture, intriguating story... oh yeah.
I cried a bit during ep 75, it was so beautiful to see Ippo get the belt. Man, this shit is so absorbing. Great show.
But why did they add a Takamura flashback as last episode? Cool yes, but why there of all places?
Now I have the movie & OVA ahead of me before I start reading the manga.