hm you think his fights are not creative? At points they can be boring but when he fights and uses his abilities I think he is very creative. In the Neji fight he created Kage Bunshins and had one attack less knowing that Neji would figure that was the real one. It didn't work but it was a pretty good plan. Also in the gaara fight he had 3(or 2 can't remember) Kage Bunishins attack at once to distract gaara then jumped over him to do 1000 years of pain. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif Even better, he put an explosion note on it cause he knew one kunai wouldn't hurt gaara. Don't say Naruto's fight aren't creative, he can be smart when he wants to be.
thats why i hope the naruto vs kimo fight surpasses that one. to me that fight is classic. naruto threw everything he learned and then some at gaara.
it's not like they aren't creative, it just that they don't look as cool as the Haku\Zabuza fights...
all we see now is a "one move" actions, some variation of the Kage Bunshin and then an attack... i'd really like to see some more well planned startegy (like when Shikamaru fights, he has a goal and sets a path there), think about the fight with Zabuza and the two shurikans...
besides, somehow, whenever naruto does anything, it just looks like a fluke, which makes it seem uncool... it's not only the fart thing, the final strike against Gaara looked so anti-climatic... it was like re-watching Dragon ball...
that last hit on gaara naruto just had the faster swing. also naruto isnt the only one move pony in the leaf genins. my only downside if the fact that neji didnt get a new move where everyone else has.
I dunno if he knew this before but he can now channel chakra through objects.
Well about Naruto, hopefully his fights will involve more strategy since Shikamaru is his squad leader. The thing about the Zabuza fight was that Naruto and Sasuke were fighting as a team. We haven't really seen that from Naruto up till these last few manga chapters. I think whenever they show fights involving more than two people it is a lot cooler.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hakeem_21 @ Jan 21 2004, 03:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Jan 20 2004, 11:13 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hakeem_21 @ Jan 20 2004, 04:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Jan 19 2004, 01:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> [
And, Hakeem_21 : It took the 4th years to CREATE the Rasengan. Not learn it. Create and learning it, are two totally different things. Add to the fact, Naruto had Jiraiya helping him out by teaching him the properties of the technique.
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I didnt see Jiraya do anything for him except giving him little advice.
Jiraya said to Naruto that he have learn with out help from anyone!
If the fox is anything against compared to sharingan,why is that Itachi who is a great ninja with SHARINGAN after the fox chakra?? Because he need it to defeat the legeandry ninjas. Sharingan is great power like the say alltime inte manga and anime but its nothing compared to the fox chakra. Jiraya said that Naruto is the only one with the chakra to become the Hogake. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Dude, where are you getting that crap? Itachi doesn't want the Kyuubi chakra. Akatsuki does.
And, Jiraiya/Tsunade don't acknowledge Naruto becoming Hokage because of his Kyuubi power. They believe he has what it takes, because he has the heart to become one. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Itachi and akatsuk is the same thing because Itachi is after the fox chakra for them. Jiraya says when they find Tsunada that Naruto with his chakra is the only one that can become the next Hogake. Will is good thing if you want to a good ninja but nothing if you want to be Hogake. Naruto would never become the next Hogake without the fox's chakra,he would a good ninja but nothing more.
You should realy read the manga from chapter 160 http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That's complete bullshit.
Itachi said the upper echeleons of Akatsuki want the Kyuubi chakra. He himself isn't the Akatsuki.
Orochimaru wasn't chosen as Hokage, despite his incredible strength, because he didn't have the right heart, of wanting to protect other people. That's why they chose the 4th instead. The 3rd has established this as the most important factor in being Hokage. Jiraiya and Tsunade also acknowledge this. You're a completely dumbass, if you think the Kyuubi chakra is what will make Naruto the next Hokage. You also doubt his potential as an individual, and think he relies on somebody else (Kyuubi) to be strong - which is obviously not true. Tsunade and Jiraiya never ever say anything about the Kyuubi chakra. They accept Naruto's willpower, and nothing more. Go back and read the manga, you idiot.
if Naruto continues on like he is he will never become hokage, hes never going to be mature enough or smart enough to make the right decisions.
He got the crap beaten out of Hinata just because he was cheering her on, Sasuke also got the cursed seal because of Narutos decision to stay and fight Oro.
Naruto makes BAD decisions.
He doesnt have what it takes to be chuunin let alone hokage - strength isnt everything.
in terms of skill Orochimaru was obviously above Yodaime at the time thats why he was expecting to be chosen, its because the 3rd sensed evil intentions that he didnt get it - skill isnt everything.
personally Naruto is awesome as a character UNTIL he fights - hes way better just as comedic relief then 'insane fighter'.
whenever he makes some nobile speach it just doesnt sound right coming from him.
Naruto as hokage will decide to fight everyone that comes along, he'll never THINK first, even if theres other ways then to fight, he'll fight anyway. Quick way to die and put the whole village in danger.
you're ignoring the fact that naruto is only 13,,, he's still mentally a child.
think back to the days you were 13, were you as responisble as you are now? did you think things through like you do today?
the chunin exam isn't supposed to be for kids, the reccomended age is somewhere at 14-15, where kids start to mentally progress, it's that naruto is chilidish, it's Shino, Sasuke and co. who are just mature...
i guess that when the timejump comes, we'll see a smarter Naruto, not less motivated, but just more mature...
kinda pointless post, but don't judge out naruto yet...
BTW: we have enough naruto-like charecters as comic relieaf at other animes, it's nice to see a guy like him getting to be the main hero once in a while...
personally i doubt the series will timejump years, more like months.
if we didnt see Narutos change we wouldnt believe it when he came back older, its not a good method to keep the series interesting - if everyone just comes back older and more mature everything loses its light heartedness which Kishomoto intended in Naruto.
Naruto isnt your normal 'just beat people up using ninja skills' story. Kishomoto made Naruto this unique for a reason - hes not going to just turn around and make him completely different.
if anything it will jump up to 6 months at MOST.
Not several years, that would be just stupid, think about it.
Everything you love about Naruto would have changed because you wernt there to witness it, a time jump is a horrible thing to make people grow up.
if you're a fan of the other anime i know of that time jumped (DB->DBZ) you'll notice that Goku NEVER changed. He stayed the same way the whole time, through every single episode even when he was older.
Naruto will never completely change into the mature person required to be a hokage, if anyone he'll be more like Jiyaira which i can respect. Do you honestly think he'll become hokage? its more likely he'll become a legendary nin then a kage.
Kages are concerned with all the paperwork and such, they dont do missions...EVER.
Naruto wouldnt be able to stand that at all.