Then I hope Tanya defeats the hero and gives god a giant "IN YOUR FACE!" moment.
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Then I hope Tanya defeats the hero and gives god a giant "IN YOUR FACE!" moment.
Pretty much yeah.
I don't think it's a coincidence that this is basically what is already happening.
Which is why I think it's not a bad plan. For him, it's all about faith, it's not only Tanya that needs to be put into a desperate situation to see/believe in God once more.
HS - Episode 10
Prediction: Tanya's unit will be all but wiped out. Perhaps Tanya,the girl and the the dark haired fellow will be left. The Allied Kingdom strike force won't change the outcome of Empire vs Republic, but Tanya will know that she can't carry the Empire to victory anymore now that there's another supersoldier of equal might.
Prediction (wish):
To defeat the enemy super soldier, Tanya makes a deal with the suddenly appearing devil. Then god reappears and offers her the power to defeat the devil and become a god herself as a reward. She takes the power ... and uses the devil´s power to slay god, uses god´s power to slay the devil and thus create a world with no more gods, because gods suck.
Then she leads Germany to victory and the series ends with her becoming the Führer, speaking to the camera (4th wall break): "Let´s find out what a real Führer can achieve, hahahhaha!" In an off-location scene, we see some soldiers storming a house in Austria and shooting young, black-haired boy.
The End.
Obviously Tanya is gonna kill the guy, probably fairly easily.
It's been set up that the not-Americans will intervene, not the not-British and one particularly angry not-Swede.
She's already got the automatic rifle that his daughter gifted him. She'll kill him, and his death will be reported to his daughter, who will become Tanya's rival, magical powers or not, through "The Grace of God."
And let's also not forget that while Tanya is pretty "evil," Lt. Serebryakov is really hardly better. She's the one who can murder the enemy and sleep soundly ever night, never be nervous before a mission, and be casual about the slaughter of enemies and civilians alike. She may show more emotion, but she's just as ruthless as Tanya.
I haven't finished the series yet, have watched about 3 episodes and really like what I see. Anyways, a sequel movie is being made:
Just watched this because of Isekai Quartet. Was darker than that show prepared me for.
It was okay. Little bit repetitive.
I loved the flying formations, felt so powerful and sinister when Tanya ordered an attack.
No rumors for season 2?
The fights were well animated, they just didn't have a lot of variety to them. Their magic system seems pretty much limited to flying, force fields and exploding bullets.
Yeah, I was looking forward to that KonoSuba movie too, but who knows when that will actually be out for homerelease, and then fansubbed.
[HorribleSubs] Youjo Senki Movie - 00 [720p].mkv | [1080p].mkv
Very nice movie.
All that bitching on Commies and their shitty AA.. no wonder Commie refused to sub this movie.
That show is so goooood...
The only gripe I have is that the bitch didn't die. What a fitting name that person has, intentional most likely and I at least love that - on the other hand however, it's not like she is perfect at everything, but I couldn't help but think: "this isn't fair".
But the ending and the "upgrade" Tanya got (and did not want) made up for it.
The unfairness of it all is what makes this show so good.
Is the movie a re-edit of season 1, a continuation or something new entirely?
Omg thx
Her oversized pajamas look was pretty cute.
The action was a little messy to look at, but it's fine.
My favourite character in this show has to be our puppy-dog-eyes 2nd in command. She's just competently running all the fine details for Tanya. 2nd-in-command's a hard job man.