I am pretty sure there are other players but not all had the same position as him and can use the same methods. And this world may be a whole lot bigger so they could be on the other side of the world for all he knows.
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I am pretty sure there are other players but not all had the same position as him and can use the same methods. And this world may be a whole lot bigger so they could be on the other side of the world for all he knows.
Yeah, if there are players who hadn't bothered to build a stronghold full of strong NPCs, they would automatically be much weaker than Ains as a whole, although individually they would be every bit as dangerous provided they are max level and in possession of formidable magical artefacts. I guess the latter would go without saying as I've yet to see an RPG where high level players wouldn't have accumulated nice gear. As for the former, if the game so splendidly allowed it, like the tomb of the Ains group demostrated, why wouldn't others have done the same, even if on a smaller scale? Player homes could be raided, so one would have wanted some kind of protection.
Since Ains was mildly concerned about dragons, a dragon rider player might be nice. It would also explain being able to cover a bigger portion of the bigger world.
But what I am also wondering is, how strong melee players are? I mean Momo is a max level magic caster. We have seen some of the shit he can do. He can use the highest tier magic. So it would make sense that a game would have balanced Melee classes such as warriors to being able to be just as powerful right? That one knight showed a few skills but it didn't seem all the impressive. So that's what I'd like to see. Momo vs a max level melee player.
Yeah. Just Ains using magical armor that allows him to fight with swords by sacrificing most of his magic prowess is, it seems, stronger than the royal knight (although the royal knight probably was only as skillful as ordinary humans go, not as high as exceptional humans (like heroes) in that world are, if I remember anything from the adventurers' talk). Like you said, the classes would have been balanced in the original game. I guess a level 100 pure melee fighter would split a mountain with a single swing of a sword... Since Ains could max his level by only choosing magical skills (or closely related), I reckon one could have done the same with melee related skills.
It certainly would be interesting to see it! It wouldn't even need to be an enemy. In fact I might prefer it not to be. I still think Ains could use a buddy who's also a player (a man, so that Albedo wouldn't get jealous). Since Ains's underlings are all so fleshed out and with strong personalities, I think it would be interesting to see how they behaved in the company of a guest as strong as Ains himself. Especially if it's a human since they all seem to detest humans. That would be funny. If it was another player from the old game, he wouldn't give a shit about the fact they are all monsters.
Perhaps, but I reckon she would get less jealous. At least a man wouldn't make children with Ains before she did. We haven't seen her get jealous of the butler or the scientist type, at least.
I'd say it'd be even funnier if it WAS a female player that was just as strong.
Skeletor's Harem.
Albedo: "Why the hell is he hanging around Ains-sama? He can't even bear his children!"Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
/rips handkerchief with teeth.
This is one big reason why I would like it to be a dude. I'm not such a fan of harems these days. Of course it could be a woman with zilch romantic interest in Ains, but honestly I don't have much faith in the Japanese authors in that sense, to be able to pull it off. I like Albedo, so I hope she won't have too hard a time with her love. She doesn't need a rival who's stronger than she is, let alone a player. Needless to say, Ains should fully shoulder the consequences of altering Albedo's description.
Originally Posted by Kraco
I noticed this a few episodes ago.. does "bitch" mean "slut" to the Japanese?
Yes, it does.
I have seen with lots of manga and anime that translators oft choose to use "slut" instead of "bitch". Apparently the Japanese indeed mean slut very often if not always. It's really hard to keep it in mind. But perhaps the wall of text describing Albedo was the description of a slut and then the last line simply summed it up as a bitch (in the Japanese manner). So, changing it only made Ains the target of her sluttishness, but basically changed nothing. Though she's also a bitch as far as the loli vampire is concerned, I'd say.
Can you be called a slut if you only seduce one man?
I don't think the rest of her description would point towards her being a slut. It's weird to finally say "She's a bitch" after you've used a paragraph to say so. It definitely seems more like a throw-in line.
Quite simply, Albedo's madly in love with Ains. She has sexual thoughts and so forth, but never actually dresses particularly provokingly by anime standards, nor does she try to directly sexually entice him. (Spreading your scent on their bedsheets doesn't count). Being sexually open (slut) and devoted (despite being sexually charged) are mutually exclusive.
She's his underling. She can't approach him first. But when Ains happens to make the first move, she's quick to follow.
HS - Episode 08
I'm dying over here. Need next ep stat.
I enjoyed the blend of Momon's badassery and Hamusuke's fluffy incompetence. Seeing Momon get one-upped by Nabe and subsequently using his authority to slam her down was a bad move though. He'd be much more graceful as a leader if he admits his own inadequacies when they're pointed out. That move was a stain on his wisdom and frankly immature.
It wasn't such a bad move. He's a lord of monsters, so there's nothing wrong about exerting his authority every now and then. That reminds the underlings of who's the boss and makes sure they don't grow bolder and bolder to the point they might hurt Ains's own plans.
Still, that being said, I do agree that he should have at least been more honest and told Nabe he's pushing forward himself because he feels like cracking some skulls personally. No doubt that's the real reason; he's a player, after all. I'm somewhat sure Nabe would have accepted such a reason naturally.
It's just wrong the series is well past the half-way point now. I'm already feeling dejected, just like with Mondaiji.