Resurrection "F", English dub.
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Thx, but eww, only english dub, no japanese :/
anyway, episode 14 is out
lol, goku switching on and off like a power switch.
Well, the JPN voices are terrible, I thought we all agreed on this?
The only VA's that I had a problem with is Gokus and King Kais. They will never get rid of Gokus, but judging from this last episode, it sounds like they changed King Kais.
It's one of the rare times when the english Dub is better. I's mostly dudes fighting. They should at least sound like men. Jap Goku is just...too feminine. Sure it's not the only time where women are casted for male roles. Maybe I'm just biased to the dub since I grew up with that.
No, Goku's voice is just wrong. So is Gohan's. Their bodies grew but the VAs didn't change, AFAIK.
As is much of the western audience. Oddly enough, I was the opposite; I watched the dubs first (and enjoyed it), but later found the original version and preferred that more. And it seems the same thing will happen to me with RWBY should I ever get my hands on the Japanese version. To be fair, though, they do have a stellar cast.
I don't know, maybe I'm too much of a "weeaboo" now?
You actually like adult Goku's voice!?
Well, to be more accurate, I liked how it sounded back in the day. With Super and the most recent films, you can tell she has lost her touch. Even still, it doesn't bother me too much.
They shoulda made it so Super Saiyan God changed his voice. :p
I'm at ep 14 at last. Was lagging because I wanted DT subs.
Discovered over8000 as a replacement, but they only have ep14... So I still had to wait for ep 13 from DT.
Watched those and now I can tout participate.
I also watched battle of gods and resurrection F.
Well, I have to say I'm not a teen anymore and I'm a little annoyed when most parts of an ep are all shouts and the same sequence of actions played from different angles and orders...
Goku when gaining flight and kame lost an interresting weapon and his magical cloud. He lost a great deal of diversity in his attacks and overall battle management. I was a little happy he used his teleportation effciently at last.
I think scenarists have a lot on the table to create better fight dynamics, better character dynamics. Because more of the same old namek arc in different settings is boring
episode 25 is out
Chichi is super bad with money. Poor Goku, working or not, money issues arenīt his faults :/
I like Mr. Satan. Kinda wish heīd get stronger in fighting power, just enough to impress other humans. Like, learn to hover/fly and a light kamehameha or so.
Also, he should have tried fighting the guy. If heīs so slow that Satan managed to keep his distance, then he couldnt have been that strong.
Episode 25?
So, I`m thinking they might just skip resurrection F, since the manga did as much and they`re more or less the same pace...
This show is disgustingly bad.
The art/animation is fucking terrible.
The music is fucking terrible.
The direction is fucking terrible.
Episode 15 is already straight filler (WTF?)
At least the manga is on point.
I hate ChiChi so much.
Are you gay or a lolicon?
Oh that was joke based on Chichi's name.
Oh right! Cause boobs.
I`m lost, what`s the joke?