I really enjoyed this last match, might be my favorite in the series so far.
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I really enjoyed this last match, might be my favorite in the series so far.
HS - S02E09
Ha! "Mental training" meant something totally different to me. I didn't think males were that much more dominant over females in tennis though.
ugh, the wait!!1
And I guess the Araya match will last for at last 2 episodes. ugh.
i really hope Eiichiro wins this and they dont pull another overly realistic lose-situation.
He won't lose.
He can't lose, so he won't.
^ definition of plot armour.
(Disclaimer: I suppose he can lose in that he'll go to the All-Japan Junior, but losing to Araya here won't be good since he isn't the top of Kamogawa region.)
They insisted on the fact he qualifies for the All-Japan Junior if he wins 2 matches, which he did very easilly and is only targeting the bonus from being seeded.
Since they insisted so much, even if he loses, it's alright. After all, seeded or not, he has to beat everyone at the All-Japan.
And the under-dog gives more oportunity for the show.
Araya is a very tough oponent, with incredible body strenght. It might be Maruo has to forfeit because he's at his limits physically and is at the point of hurting himself bad if he wants to try and beat Araya. A good lesson to learn, reinforce his body weaknesses to come back even stronger at the All-J, even unseeded.
And I'm not totally surprised by the difference between Maruo and Natsu. They are the same age and teenage hormones already kicked in. Before 10 of age, the match could have been more balanced. But at their level and age, it doesn't feel possible.
HS - Episode 12
You were right. Superior body won. Grrr....
The gathering of "rivals" next week looks fun.
HS - S2 E14
It's official! Ei-chan got beaten to the punch, but his reasoning wasn't wrong. The relationship would feel awkward and strange if he never went pro. I too would be worried about that and think about whether I should have confessed at all.
Nat-chan's reasoning of "I like you so let's go out" still holds superior despite that.
Ugh, Im about to re-confess to a girl in about 2 weeks, but Iīm not as hopeful as Ei-chan :>
Anyway, okay episode. Dont like these in-between-matches episodes much. Now I hope that Ei-chanīs match against this blonde boy doesnīt take up two episodes or more. Go finish him off quickly!
Everyone is so sure Nat-chan is to go pro... Eventhough she's strong and all, she might be the one to throw the towel.And she perfectly manages her free time, seizing all opportunities to spend good times.
Well unlike Ei-chan, she hasn't set herself the goal of quitting if she doesn't win the nationals. She's been playing tennis for so long that it's long been part of her life and seems to be well accepted by her family. Ei-chan had to strike a deal with his and promised to quit if he doesn't become the junior national champion. It's a lot riskier for him.
And Natsu is actually top level in her sex group.
Aki-chan does give her a run for her money, but yes. Top level stuff.
Why does Natsu look so horrible in the anime.
The anime has fluctuating proportions for people. Ei-chan doesn't look particularly bad because he's not particularly good looking I suppose.. and we're more focused on his tennis.
episode 15 is out
lol, setting up Ei-chan as the villain here :D
Gonna be so sweet when he beats this goody good guy ... I hope ...
And was Saber the ref for his first match this ep, or am I hearing things?
HS - Episode 16
Great job in turning Ide's fandom against him (from our perspective). I'm disliking him even though he's done nothing wrong. Hurry up with your romantic support Natsu.
Beat him badly, Maruo!
HS - Episode 17
Still waiting for the Natsu cheering :(