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WTF? They dragged the cliff-hanger on for a full episode?!
I think Serika and Mutto got it if I had to simply pick the two that won. They also both looked at each other when they were given contragulations, but that could have just been a "lovy dovy" thing.
HorribleSubs did label Mutto saying "The director says we still have a chance", implying that Mutto's in the same situation as Kenji.. but I failed to hear anything that resembled "we" in that sentence. It sounded more like "The director says there's still one last chance".
But if that was true, then I'd change my vote to Serika and Niita.
I'd check but I have already deleted the file and I don't have CR access anymore. I do vaguely remember thinking that Mutta is in the same boat as Kenji.
Finished watching the last 7 episodes. Have to say, the flashbacks became kinda annoying and the progression in the present slowed down too much. Other than that, itīs still a highly enjoyable series.
What I wondered, at times, though, is if the author of this show did proper research on the topic of astronaut recruiting, or if all of these tests are made-up bullshit. Moreso, all of the JAXA-staff seem waaaaay too nice. Itīs nice to imagine such a family-like atmosphere, but I heavily doubt that itīs anything like that in reality.
HorribleSubs - Episode 22
@7m07s into the episode: SHUT DOWN!!
No way Kenji's going to miss out. I'm putting money on that he mistyped (or Mutta misread/miscounted) the number of females to join the Houston squad.
Looking at next episode's preview, it looks like Kenji did lose... which is why his daughter was crying and his wife looked pretty disappointed.
damn, poor Son-Gohan.
But I agree with Buffalo, no way is Kenji gonna lose here at this point. If the current result is right, no mistake made, then my guess is that one of the candidates will be disqualified/has an accident/gets ill, so Kenji gets to fill the then-empty spot.
I didn't actually watch the preview. Originally I thought that he'd be alright with losing since it meant that he got to stay with his daughter, but if no one seems alright with it...then yeah, Kenji's in. I hope that douche that was "competing" with Kenji for leadership of team B ends up dropping out one way or another.
That's what I am hoping would happen too. It would justify all the hate that was built around that character.
lol...your's perfect xD
Ugh, i expected the interview to take place this week. Dat slow pace.
Yeah, we're back to the same pacing as when Mutta was waiting for his JAXA exam..
The saving grace once again is Apo.
So Hibito has some issues with a senpai, and Mutta is wasting his time as usual.
And people call other anime slow paced.
"start the ending music!"
lol wat
Enjoyable episode. At the pace things are going, Iīd say the interview will happen in about two episodes from now. Next week should be about the gathering before the start and then Hibitoīs start itself.
I wonder how I would feel if I was one of the two girls in the group who did not get any praise like Serika did. Maybe it wouldn't have been as bad IRL because you weren't in Team A and the lack of exposure meant you didn't care as much.
I knew Mutta wouldn't stop until he included Hibito in his list. I just didn't realise he was going to make sure everyone in front of him also got mentioned. Props to Mutta indeed.
Apo's reaction shots.. <3 as usual.