Well, the key word in your reply is "much". They certainly haven't talked that much about it in any of the anime or game I've seen. But that only makes every bit count.
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Holy Crap! After watching the first ep I can definitively say I actively care about watching an anime series again, I think it's been over a year since I felt this way about anything*. A bunch of pro magicians duking it out with no main character status/plot armor for the inexperienced but idealistic young character. I don't know what more I could ask for.
Loved the info dump provided in this ep. As a non game player but avid fan of a well fleshed out universe I couldn't be happier. I think I might even try and keep track of all the lore I pick up in this show that ties into stuff I remember from the first series.
* anything = any anime series that I sampled over the time period in question.
Fate/Zero is being split between two seasons.
Fate/Zero BD Box Release to Add Cut ScenesQuote:
The November issue of Kadokawa Shoten's Monthly Newtype magazine is reporting this Saturday that the Blu-ray Disc box release of the Fate/Zero anime series will have the "original edition" of episodes with scenes cut from the television broadcast. The Blu-ray Disc box release will be split between the two scheduled seasons of the anime; the first 13-episode season will air from October to December, and the second will start from episode #14 next April. The end of the Holy Grail War will be depicted in the anime in June.
Producer Atsuhiro Iwakami explained that the staff decided on the two-season split to maintain quality across the entire anime.
...well that's bulshit.
The Fuck.... The worst part is I'm not even surprised, just annoyed that Japan strikes again.
Since it's to maintain the quality, it suggests they would have rather begun to air the show a season later than this autumn. However, something prompted them to began already now and thus the undermanned studio can't animate fast enough. I'm not the most impatient person in the world, but still I suppose this is more to my liking than not airing the show at all until next spring.
I don't get how splitting it up will improve the animation?? It's not like they get more time to spend on the first 13 episodes or do they? Because it's already started airing.
I'm totally fine with these. It happens frequently enough anyway. The only thing potentially bad about this is the possibility of a recap ep14, but recap eps also happen regardless of breaks anyway.@Idealistic: it's not so much about maintaining the quality of the first 13 episodes as it is about the LAST 13 eps. The break gives them time to get head start on that.
Yeah, and it's entirely plausible they started working on the first episodes a long time ago, not a couple of weeks before the first episode aired. I haven't paid particular attention, but it's possible Ufotable is working on other shows as well, further reducing how many frames they can draw in a week for F/Z. Furthermore, they don't need to work in a strictly chronological order either. They could be animating any scenes from the first 13 episodes now, as long as they ensure the eps can air in a chronological order. In fact that would be the most efficient solution theoretically, just like it is with live action movies.
episode 2 by UTW(720p):
I can't even find the words to express...
Except, I want more.
Also, ending segment was pretty cool, with all the servants in their "original" states, I think.
Saber was a lot more emotional than I expected her to be. Then again, Kiritsugu actually has an ideology and a goal for her to bounce ideas off. Or perhaps she became what she was in the 5th war after this one.
Kind of weird how Assassin couldn't detect the presence of his prey or his prey's protectors.
I had totally forgotten Alexander the Great, partly due to my mental image of him being more sleight in physical build.
I guess he was the tool kind of an assassin who trusted his master's words and commands. So, it was not a question of not being able to detect Archer but rather not expecting him to attack so devastatingly. I have no doubt he would have fared much better if Kirei hadn't sent him to die with such orders. It'll be interesting to see how Kirei planned it all out.
Seeing Ilya like this makes her fate in my favourite FSN route even more unbearable...
They sure are piling awesome promises. They sure do not fear PEGI (or the like) ratings.
I just hope they do not sabotage it in the end.
I think I can understand the huge mess happening at the end of this war.
It should be an incredibly flashy and action packed show, with nice visual effects and I hope a nice story to support all of that.
Since Random Curiosity gets mentioned around here heads up there are spoilers in their impressions on the second episode... shouldn't have read it.
You shouldn't fear Archer? Ha! I guess Kirei didn't like what he got in the raffle lottery and is now looking for a replacement. Still... seems a tad wasteful, and i can't help but wonder how he's explaining this to Tohsaka senior.
I noticed the Gate of Babylon is golden, i guess the grail's curse is what turned it magenta. Makes me wonder if this Archer is more or less powerful than its fsn counterpart.
Bluebeard...? I don't get it, and the ending didn't help either. Just as well though, means i have one more thing to look forward to.
Might help understanding.
I guess Caster did tell that name as it was the nearest example of his appearance on earth, or the being nearer to his state of mind