Is that why they all look like they come from the same genetic stock, ie clones?
I've always wished I was 6'2" and capable of making 200lbs.
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Just be like Bolo Yeung (best known as Chong Li in Bloodsport). He is 5'6" and had to be close to that in weight.
The weight isn't the important part. I just wouldn't want to be tall and rail thin, hence the weight requirement. But the height is the most important thing. With exercise and diet, a 6'2" beanpole could put on weight and fill out. But a short guy will always just be a short guy, no matter how much he weighs.
Eh, being tall is overrated. In fact, yesterday my brother reminded me how both he and my other brother dwarf me pretty much (one is 2 meters tall, and the other is about 1.95 meters).
Ani, Korea may have copied it, but they mass-produced it. The CRAZE started there. No one thinks of Japan when you say plastic surgery. You only think of Korea.
I'm about 5'9", and could only wish that I was 5'10". Otherwise, I'm lov'n it.
My mistake. I quoted Animeniax because that's who I'm replying to, but in "I agree with that statement", "that" refers to rockman's "Being tall is overrated.".
If you are short, not average or kinda short but short (like 5'1" or less for a guy), you would never say that.
I think a good five or six inches taller than themselves is what most women would tolerate; otherwise, if you have a 6' guy with a 4'10" girl, it will look really mismatched.
By Asian standards, if you're a man taller than 5'7", you're considered "tall" and "desirable".
Also, being a "taller" Asian man is a blessing because you'll usually have a better build and thus increase one's access to a larger variety of women like Caucasian ethnicities of similar heights.
Jesus Christ this is a thread about women's bodies.
Stop talking about short Asian men.
Archangel, is there a male version of the picture in the OP?Quote:
You mean if they had a male version of this meat market picture?
Not really, more height is generally an indicator of better health. There is no consensus on this, but check this out:
A lot of it is height in relation to weight, diet and SES. I am pretty sure that my heart is healthier than a short North Korean person's (due to better diet).
lol @ the hygeine assumptions.
Otherwise, I think Cat:9-#6 exceeds her class.
Because she fills your niche for tasty blonde ass
This one is way boring. Plus the pictures lack the objectivity that made the first one awesome.