It was kinda obvious she wouldn't go after that... but I expected everyone to be able to see her then =/
How many episodes left?
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It was kinda obvious she wouldn't go after that... but I expected everyone to be able to see her then =/
How many episodes left?
It's a noitaminA show, so only one episode left.
So.. final theory:
My wish is to know the name of the flower we saw that day, because that's what I want to be when I reincarnate, and I want (need?) Jinta to know that.
Menma probably died trying to get such a flower along the river.
Just finished watching it. A very emotional ending as expected. It took all my strength to hold my tears and I was watching it here in my work so I can't be seen crying lol.
Im not ashamed to admit it. I did cry a bit.
If someone watched this and didn't at least tear up, they would be the odd ones.
Great series. Shame it was so short. But I guess it was so impactful because of it's length. And I did tear a bit. I was expecting to bawl out though since I can cry pretty easy from sob stories usually.
I am an odd one out then (though my body and mind are a little numbed at the moment.. so perhaps..).
I thought the way they started acting all together again right at the beginning (the shoulder hug thing and the bit before it) felt a bit forced, but that's my only complaint.
Best of all, my guess was completely off.
The only thing I felt was really forced and cheapened it a little for me was at the end of the scene where they were all admitting their own selfish reasons for wanting to fulfill the wish, Poppo went nuts and then started bawling. For apparently no reason at all, Tsuruko and Naruko also started sobbing in sync, and Yukiatsu started tearing up as well. That just really ruined Poppo's whole admission. That scene would have been far more powerful if they had all simply stared at Poppo. The two girls already went through their own tearful admissions. The scene felt cheesy instead.
All in all, great series.
I'm glad this aired.
I'll just say that.
Just finished watching the last episode. What I loved most about this show was how it presented a "not perfect"-future. When near the beginning it was made obvious that Jintan turned into a Hikkikomori, even when he was this bright, cheerful leader in the past, I knew that this anime would be one to watch. Well, kinda reminded me of my loser-self, lol :(
However, I think this show could have really gone for a 26-episode lenght. I know, I know, most of these emotional drama-anime are better off with a lower number of episodes, but this one could have been even better with more episodes. Most importantly, we were never really shown how Menma died. Sure, thereīs enough for strong guesses, but still. Then thereīs the rather rushed ending, rushed in terms of how all the characters suddenly accept the surrounding situation. Especially Yukiatsu, who Iīd have expected a stronger reaction, since he was madly in love with Menma. And lastly, the whole development of Jintan could have been fleshed out a lot, showing him more at school, interacting with his father, etc..
That said, itīs fine as is. Definitely an anime worth watching.
Good show, started slow but the characters felt intricate. The issues felt real from an extremely dramatic perspective, which i think should be expected from the loss of a loved one.
Yeah it's still anime but it managed to deliver its story in a solid manner without cheapening it ( as is usually the rule with these things ).
9/10 would bang.