GotWoot - 07
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Why does this keep happening on episode 5?
The adult one would look awesome too, and that is probably the dad's true motive.
Sapphi should have used that one for the release post
Looks like a different person doesn't she.
This anime is amazing at animating facial expressions
More like they actually use it as a selling point intentionally.
It adds a lot of humour too.
*Sigh* Another monster of the week episode. This series is enjoyable just because of the dialogue but is seriously lacking in plot progression. Nothing significant has happened at all.
The music was great this episode. Felt like it was straight out of a JRPG.
It probably will, but just like Sora No Woto, it has probably dropped a lot of hints or foreshadowed a lot of stuff related to the final plot climax already.
I don't dislike this approach, as long as something actually happens. Sometimes, they just introduce characters then the show ends with nothing satisfying.
I think it's reversed. The reason why they do this style in the first place is because they don't have a good story, so they focus on the characters instead. I think that is easier and is more successful as of recent (K-ON!).
Exactly. It's almost like this style is providing an excuse to animate a shallow story, instead of bouncing them back to the think tank.
K-ON is a bit different in my books because the first episode didn't explode with a grand premise or plot like Sora no Woto and Occult did. That show only really picked up at episode 2, and the entire show is about the characters more so than the overall plot anyway.
I'd speak a bit differently if the filling episodeswereare/will be of much more significance to the endgame like Ga-Rei Zero.
K-ON had a grand premise. I remember it was about playing in the Budokan and music. Now, it is all about cakes and moe. Don't get me wrong, I like K-ON (particularly the 2nd season), but it is in the same category if not worse than the 2 you mentioned because everything is practically filler.
episodes seven and eight....
first of all, the monster aspect.
Are we expected to believe that the chubacabra migrated to Japan from South america, despite looking like this? did he sneak on a plane or something? I could accept seeing Tengu's and japanese monsters without explanations, but a foreign monster deserves some back story for it to be here... well, maybe the evil guys are behind it?
also, blood loss doesn't work that way. why was Ami kidnapped while the cows weren't? the bite marks indicated that the big monster ate the cows, so why didn't he eat her on the spot?
and not to mention how they (well, Bummei) forgot about Kouzue falling and disappearing.
JC and Smile are still not getting any real attention, there was a moment where I thought we were going to see how they differ from each other, but then it combined into the alien plot.
Bummei finally did something to protect another person. Kudoz to him, and congratulations on growing that pair.
Kozue... totally milking the "my glasses" line, also, being completely stupid, she suspects her friends are about to fight, so she leaves them alone to get them sodas.
Ami... well, I can see how she turned out to be that way, considering her father. in some ways, she's similar to Maya, only her father was an 'out' (extrovert?) person, rather than a shut-in. the part in the shrine is also well done, she's disappointed that Maya didn't come, not because maya's afraid of the challenge, but because she thinks maya didn't forgive her yet.
I guess there past 4 episodes were done to both build up the support girls and Bummei, so they aren't a waste, I just wish we saw some more plot, rather than just the last two lines of the episode.
is this planned to be 13 eps or 26?