I agree completely. Shaft seems to be riding their popularity with other series that have done well with this style. Unfortunately, this simply does not fit this show at all. It just seems like they are trying to maximize profits by reducing animation budget.
The style fits Bakemonogatari, since 90% of the show is simply dialog, making it really boring to watch without the stylistic rendering, but Bund has tons of action and is quite generic in nature compared to the former. I complained about Bakemonogatari's action scenes before with the missing scenes that did not make it because of time constraints (it was added later in the DVDs) for the same reason.
Dance In The Vampire Bund OP Single - Friends [Nakano Aiko]
Wow, it was actually good this week. In retrospect, I'm guessing Mina would come to save the day, dispelling the distrust between her students, Akira and herself, but I'm also wishing that this tension between them all would go on for a bit longer (since it's actually good compared to before).
And Mina just threw a frigg'n desk!
She certainly appeared a lot weaker in Episode 2 (with everything suggesting it was on purpose).
Yeah, it was a good episode despite the camera angles and zooms being all over the place again.
Mina's time is somewhat too stretched in every direction but considering how much time she spends visiting the school (I say visiting because clearly she doesn't actually need the education given there), she can't keep ignoring the worsening situation for too long anymore.
Dance in the Vampire Bund Special Edition Compilation Airs
so is it gonna be like a recap episode? are they throwing a recap episode in to eat some time because they don't have the others finished yet or something? eh, I think I'd take a recap if it meant less still frame shots :\
Dance In The Vampire Bund ED Single - Tsumeato [hibiku]
I'm so confused... that felt like a finale episode or at least a midseason break what the heck is going on with this show? It's scheduled for around 12-13 eps at least isn't it?
it's set for 12 i believe (at least according to mal), and then they're adding in a special recap-sort of episode, which is going to be aired next. it's like ep 7.5, and then the planned ep 8 is gonna air after that.
Originally Posted by Pandadice
it's set for 12 i believe (at least according to mal), and then they're adding in a special recap-sort of episode, which is going to be aired next. it's like ep 7.5, and then the planned ep 8 is gonna air after that.
lol @ recap. Barely anything happened.
I'm not sure if the strong episode this week makes up for the somewhat lackluster previous eps we've been fed prior, but I'm happy about this.
The candy girl's actions were confusing. If she's with Mina, then stopping her attack only jeapodises her safety. If she's with Telomere, she sure doesn't try very hard.
I dig that knight-uniform. It's very classy.
I start to hate Shaft for their 'style' or rather a way of making show cheaply... All great shots are removed and we get still shots instead, thanks to this i'm thinking of dropping it and reading manga. They are just lazy..
Dance in the Vampire Bund Licensed by Funimation
Originally Posted by ANN
The North American anime distributor Funimation has announced that it has licensed the Baka and Test — Summon the Beasts (Baka to Test to Shōkanjū) and Dance In The Vampire Bund television anime series from Media Factory. It will simulcast both series with English subtitles — within days of the Japanese broadcast — starting this month, and the first episodes of both series will begin streaming this Friday at 10:00 a.m. CST.
lol.. I wonder if they get ep 7.5 with this. Or if they got some kind of discount, since these can barely be considered animated half way. Wonder if they get rights to the dvd versions, when/if they're released with actually animated sequences.
so I guess they skipped 7.5. :\
Since it's just a recap, I can do without it. Good to see the ED is now something other than a still frame.
My favourite part of this episode would probably be the expanding of Vera's backstory/rival. Their "battle damaged" appearance later on was a nice touch. Judging from the woulds on their face, I'd say their skills are about equal.
Hysterica's "Oh, looks like it won't be easy" made her seem like an ameatur at whatever she's doing. Surely 90+ years would have taught her the cautious and well-informed survive longer.
Koharubi - Episode 09
This show has such an erratic subbing schedule
Shota made its way into here? I shouldn't be surprised. Mina's voice was rather fitting for her true form. It wasn't explicit, but I'm going to guess the girl that hooked the phone was the one who eats candy all the time.
^I wonder if that might be caused by Funimation C&Ds?
SFW - Episode 10
Damn... You can understand Mina having to go through a "purity test" under request of the 3 Clans, but what I understand to be normal procedure is for an old, "qualified" woman to inspect in private. Ripping someone's clothes in front of an audience is hardly the right way to do it, let alone when that someone is the Queen.
I'm guessing all the outdoor scenes were in the Bund, and were artificial lighting? Thanks to the story centering on the characters so much, I don't even have a grasp of how the Bund appears (other than having a bomb-proof elevator shaft that leads underground).
The whole purity test wasn't really necessary in the first place, I'd say. It was nothing but those three exerting the power over Mina that she had just said they don't possess anymore. It's quite ironic, really; she said she could build the new castle because they can't check her every move anymore yet they simply waltzed in and humiliated her in two different ways: The purity test and turning her own castle into dog hunting grounds with the target being an important person to her.
I still don't know what to make out of the candy girl.