Not to generalize but the shitty parts are usually fillerQuote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
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Not to generalize but the shitty parts are usually fillerQuote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
And that part wasn't really shitty neither.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
The fight part? It kinda was >_>Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It wasn't that horrible, but if you didn't tell I could have thought it was canon material.
What was stupid is that Jiraiya shouted the names of Tsunade and Orochimaru while the kunais with explosive were flying to their feet. What was the reason for that, like they didn't know it was coming.
Also the shunsin no jutsu from Hanzo was executed quite, ehm, stupid. Yondaime did it much better, that's why this one is shitty.
See your point but I believe I mentioned on numerous occasions any number of reasons why you shouldn't take everything you see for granted, especially if you yourself have trouble accepting it.Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
been a year since I watched Naruto, is it time to start back up? how about bleach?
Pardon the rest of the world for not revolving around you and your every word...Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
Yes, if it's really been a year, this is a good time to start. There's a lot of good material ahead of you, and good arcs are starting off well in the newest episodes.Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
And if you're the sort of person who likes to talk about what they just saw, you'll want to get caught up in the next couple of weeks.
do you know when it will end?
Please just hit the pause button. Darth has a tendency to prematurely jump to conclusions and this isn't the first time he's commented negatively on the ninjas in this series based on some lackluster filler material. Not even the second time and I reminded him then as I'm reminding him now, not to take everything for granted. Nothing more, nothing less.Quote:
Originally Posted by poopdeville
You're growing up Abdula, that was a very good non flamey response to a somewhat rude comment by poop :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
The anime?Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
yes, the anime.
well the manga's got about 100 chapters of story on it, so they could probably get at least a year out of just that. then when you figure that the manga will continue during that year, you've got even more time.
but who know's. maybe it'll pull an Inuyasha and end abruptly without any conclusion, only to get a second series 5 years later <.<
God, that would have been SOOO preferable to the fillers.
I can already picture the narutarded suicides and riots
wow, I just realized. In the past year, only 30 episodes came out?
That doesn't sound so far off. This is the 40th week of the year.
Past year implies Oct 2008 - Oct 2009, as opposed to this year.Quote:
Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
I don't see how that's possible. They only skipped a handful of week, and almost all of those were followed up by double episodes.
According to the all knowing Wikipedia, as of September 24, 2009, there have been 128 episodes. There had been 91 as of January 8, 2009. That comes to 37 episodes, in 40 weeks.
Darth wins.