Nobody purposefully builds underpowered machines of war. But they can end up so if the enemy had better plans.
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Nobody purposefully builds underpowered machines of war. But they can end up so if the enemy had better plans.
They have to make them overpowered to sell more kits.
New Trailer up!
Oh my... After 4 years in that condition, Exia is still operational and whooping ass. It looks so awesome with that cloak.
Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see Exia in that trailer.. only 00
At 00:13 to 00:15 mark. Right side of the face is broken and it seems that it's missing an arm.
Here's a better quality version (still a cam rip though).
This trailer's almost yelling at you that Lyle is the new Lockon.
Lol ya, otherwise they'd have to pull something outta their ass like saying Lockon(Neil) was a clone baby or something.
At 1:05, you see a masked man. Probably Ali. It just wouldn't be Gundam without a masked villain.Quote:
Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
Im pretty sure thats Graham, if memory serves me correctly we saw this masked man at the end of Season one and he clearly had blonde hair.
Graham is definitely coming back masked, since it was shown in HD clarity at the end of episode 25. Still, it doesn't mean we can't have a masked Ali as well. Let's hope not though, his craziness just isn't the same without his wild expressions.
And what's with Allelujah bondaged C.C.-style?
meh, i'm done with trailers.
i'll just see it when it airs... i need to find a readable TV schedule for my area...
Almost impossible to deny that :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I totally forgot about him haha. Yep that's Graham then.Quote:
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
Im not sure how accurate this information is but it was posted along side that of a youtube video. Click on the "more info" tab to see it.
Well accurate or not, it's awesome teaser material to get me ready for next season. It reads authentic enough.
Not really about S2, but made me crap my pants laughing :D
Edit: should post what I mean:
That thing on Seravee's back... oh shit (and I really mean bad shit).
Gundam Fuzors anyone?
Arios looks so flat in MA mode.
I was wonder what would happen to the dual system Virtue was using. I really want to find out what it turns into.
And yeah, Arios looks like a throwing dagger... I hope it looks better animated.
Cherudim had an interstingly designed gun. Pop-up barrel for long range sniping.
Megazord Gundam?Quote:
Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
Well they got the matching uniforms they might as well be the power rangers.Quote:
Originally Posted by Harima Kenji