Crap, I can't get it to run on Tversity at all, and for some reason, the subs aren't playing on MPC. But it looks good ^^:;
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Crap, I can't get it to run on Tversity at all, and for some reason, the subs aren't playing on MPC. But it looks good ^^:;
A full (shitty) camrip is out of 2.0 along with translations and subfiles scattered around the internet. Naturally, I watched it (although I wish the camrip was as professionally done as the one for 1.0) and enjoyed the movie a lot.
This movie covers (mostly) the period in the TV show comprising episodes 8-19, although by this point events are changing to the degree that it's impossible to predict whether the final two films will look anything like the TV series. The effects work is stepped up in this one with the inclusion of several fights against Angels that did not appear in the TV series (although I personally find the 3D effects used for the Angels in this movie look like total shit) and the score has more choir and generally feels like a NEW score instead of Shiroh Sagisu writing one new piece and calling it a day.
The best part of the film to me is the interactions between Shinji, Rei, and Asuka (and new pilot Mari, who appeared in the preview for the last movie) now feel much more real and human instead of just being a display of their respective neuroses. A school trip to the last remaining seawater aquarium in the world and Shinji cooking miso soup for the vegetarian Rei add some emotional depth to the characters without feeling cheesy or hackneyed. The new battle sequences, despite the amateur 3D in some parts, are well-choreographed and intense, and old battle sequences have been amped way up (the fight with Zeruel in particular). The trimmed-down plot progresses a lot more naturally this time around compared to the amount of material 1.0 cut out, despite this movie sort-of covering even more material. Anno closes things out with a spectacular mindfuck of an ending (as usual) and a preview for 3.0 that leaves me wishing it was out tomorrow.
So, yes, he's still got it. Sitting impatiently on my hands for the Bluray.
I am speechless.
Definitely the best Evangelion installment yet.
so, is a well subbed version out, yet?
There are some pretty good subs, that's not the problem. The only video source we have is a cam, and not a good one like the Rebuild 1.0 cam I watched when it was in theaters.
The camrip is a piece of crap.
Even with such poor quality and its negative effect on the fantastic action scenes, I thought the movie was worth watching.
I'll wait for Thora on this one
Same. Or any Blu-Ray rip for that matter. Unfortunately, ETA remains unknown....Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I'm guessing around a year, if not more.
Not in a rush
I've downloaded, but i haven't even watched the first one yet
I'll wait for a release with better video quality.
I have high hopes for that movie and in my opinion such low quality cam-rips destroy the whole feeling.
I just watched the first one and i guess it was alright.
I was never a big fan of this series for it's worthless, wimpy, pussy, (etc.) poor excuse for a protagonist and it how looked so desperate to make its viewer find it intellectual and complex, but this version is visually quite stunning with good fight scenes and impressively animated angels and evas so i found it to be pretty entertaining
The thing that i noticed the most was the lack of the scene where Eva-01 protects Shinji from the falling debris while it's empty
Does this mean that the Evas were built in a different way on this version?
As for 2.0, does it stray even further from the original plot? If i dare to dream, does shinky become less of a pussy? I'll settle for still a pussy but somewhat more rebellious like his manga counterpart. And does the megane girl in the end play a big part? She looks hot.
2.0 finishes off the "old series"
3.0 4.0 will be completely new (afaik)
2.0 is partly new too but it has some old content in it...
btw in my opinion shinji was already less of a pussy in the first movie
I didn't watch 2.0 yet, this is just what I heard and what I've seen in the trailers
the plot however is already different in the first movie.. it will go in a different direction for sure.
While Shinji's weakness is still present, he actually looked cool in the 2nd movie.
I was just wondering about this the other day, while browsing through my anime archive and coming across the first one. Can't believe it took almost a year to release. Did the first one take that long as well? I honestly can't remember. Definitely looking forward to it at least.
And looking forward to seeing it in it's 1080p goodness, since I have a laptop that can handle it now.
Movie 2 RAW
Movie 2 SUBS Ass File (2 small scenes missing)
Edit after watching movie:
Wow. Fucking wow. Holy fucking wow.
Subs are alright... 3 minutes missing out of 2 hours only.
I was tempted to bump my original Evangelion thread. Oh well.
I already posted about the movie and my thoughts on the Bluray are brief. The traditional animation is pretty great and the 3D CGI ranges from very effective (AT Fields were done with, if my eyes aren't deceiving me, along with a good deal of the Evangelion units) to middling (the 3D CGI Angels, especially the clockwork one, look weirdly out of place). The pacing is improved from the breakneck speed of the first film, as removing a lot of the "filler" Angels gives the basic character arcs more room to breathe. Kaji's embarassingly horrible Engrish during the opening was surprisingly not fixed for the home version despite everyone else's pretty much flawless English. The subs I used covered the missing scenes (which are completely irrelevant bits of linking dialogue as well as Mari's enhanced ass shot).
It's alright. I hate how Shinji looks tougher because of how Marie destroy any Eva she touches.