Has the series been licensed or how many more weeks does it take for the release of episode 25 :-/
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Has the series been licensed or how many more weeks does it take for the release of episode 25 :-/
[Triad] Kaiji - Episode 25
Well that was a quick release by Triad... Hopefully the final episode doesn't take 17 days to release.
So, its what noone expected to be different: Kaijiīs fucked again.
Yet, i wonder why the hidden piece is missing. Thatīs the mystery to me. Also, did the chairman kinda mark the regular winning tile? Looked suspicious to me.
Ah, well, there has to be a trick to this game, because otherwise, an ending completely based on luck would be kinda sucky.
New episode is out.
Wow, didnt really expect that.
Is there another season or was that it?
I hope there will be another season, this open ending sucks!
Awesome series, I watched it all in 3 days. On the animesuki forums someone mentioned Season 2 has already been announced. Season One covers the 1st Arc (Volumes 1-13) of the manga. The manga is currently on the 3rd Arc (Volume 38) and it could be the final arc.
Finished watching the final episode, and considering that I thought there wasn't going to be a second season I didn't even consider Kaiji losing, so I was surprised to say the least, however I do think it was for the best he lost, as winning and ending this series based on luck like that just wouldn't sit well with me.
Overall it was an excellent season, and despite there being a couple arcs that I thought I wouldn't like at the start, by the time they were finished, I was very entertained.
I has no idea the manga was going on for that long, but thats good to know. Did s/he mention any date as to when the second season may air? Either way, heres to hoping to next season or two will be as good as this one was.Quote:
Originally Posted by YaGaMi
The person on the forum mentioned it will air within the next year or two, but we can't take that as confirmation. Hopefully it will be out sooner than later.
hope this is true
Hype +10000!
Thatīd make for a great summer season
I didn't think this was that great. Was good, think i preferred Akagi though. Enjoyed Kaiji though, hope they don't make a bags of a 2nd series.
Just completed this, fucking awesome
I'm considering growing a mullet in the faint hope it will help me to ever become that manly
Watch season 2.
Way ahead of you