Jin could call the cell his second home already:
Episode 10 - Infinite-Zero
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Jin could call the cell his second home already:
Episode 10 - Infinite-Zero
It seems like a very strange world they are living in. I thought the Gillard army was just a name for some multinational force or something, perhaps one that was intended to use conventional weaponry against the threat, as opposed to the ISDA which uses the dragons exclusively. However, after what this episode revealed, it seems like the Gillard army is some lunatic's little private military. Why the heck would such a thing have any international standing?
Seriously, it looks more and more like this story has no foundation at all but random things are just added whenever the plot requires something, with no regard to how probable or logical it would be. That is, assuming there is an actual solid plot somewhere in there...
is this show any better then it was, gave me a black cat vibe last episode i watched all i rember was a waist shot view of some chick with a swords boobs. i got borde with it has the story picked up?
No idea. I haven't wacthed since the ep 10, although I've been downloading the new episodes regularly. Unfortunately I happened to hear somewhere that Jin remains an angsty emo, which, honestly, hasn't encouraged me to double click the icons in my utorrent folder.
oh well thanks for the heads up i cant relly deal with any more emo QQ im the hunter officer for my guild in wow i drink tears all day...