That episode was great at the end. It was such a heart-wrencher to learn those facts.
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That episode was great at the end. It was such a heart-wrencher to learn those facts.
well.. can those two from the army even pilot Zearth? i mean.. they did not sign the contract at all.. i guess i need to wait for the next episode then.. =)
Neither did the little girl the sister of that glasses jerk, but she has her very own seat inside the Zearth doesn't she?
I think the little girl sits on someone elses audoman (or Ottoman...whatever that thing is that you put your feet on which is separate from a big comfy chair). Someone mentioned the lights earlier but and now we have confirmation, but what I don't get now is how they ended up 2 ppl down instad of only 1. Kako died early but everything else should have been okay with Kokopelli having takien the place of the little girl.
As far as i know Kokopelli wasn't a kid. So it piloting isn't limited to kids only.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
I never said it's restricted to kids, but I think the other pilots are kids because they were told that this is also a game.
whoa... I just checked the first ep. the enemy had 15 slots for lights (like Zearth) but only 12 were lit which meant that this wasn't its first fight.... 12 also for the second one, 14 for the third one, not sure for the last one...Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
because of this I don't think those are kids, at least not human kids.
Because of what? I don't see your connection here.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darknodin
Originally Posted by Board of Command
All the other robots have been attacking Zearth which only defended itself. also, they all had fights before. I this works like a video game. they are after somekind of goal and they have to destroy Zearth to get to it. I guess they could still be kids, but they, unlike the Zearth kids, would have to have some sort of ambition.
also, Zearth looks human. this may be just artistic, but this show is really detailed so it got me thinking that maybe the other robots look like their pilots in a way (although, now that i think about it, it wouldn't fit much with what the show's been so far... but then again Dung Beetle felt out of place at first too).
of course, it could be something completely different, and that from the other pilots point of view, Zearth is attacking them. The robot that didn't want to destroy the city puzzles me.
Because if they are human kids, that means that they must have fought elsewhere and lost the pilots (missing lights). And fighting with huge robots isnt exactly something that you can cover up easily. If they are fighting somewhere else on earth, then the Japanese government should already know about it.
First of all the most recent enemy was a really bad design choice and totally deserved to lose. A giant saw that doesn't spin all that fast, how could that beat anything with moving parts? All they did was knock it of once and it was out of commission for several minutes.
Back to the important stuff, I'm guessing all the enemies are trying to take over each others planets. Maybe there were even some kids abducted from another country on Earth to pilot Zearth: Ambassador Edition to try and conquer other planets as all this is going on.)
As to the odd behavior of that one robot, if we assume each enemy is piloted by a single person at a time like Zearth then it's possible that some of those other pilots might not have wanted to destroy everything in their path and just wanted to defeat Zearth. We've seen drastically different behaviors from the different human pilots so far so it doesn't seem like much of a stretch.
Man, that sucks I actually liked Daichi. He always seemed like the big brother that keeps his calm and thinks rationally. I seriously thought he was goinig to be one of the last ones to die for that reason. But as we've seen this series kills off peopel when we least expect it, like Waku (Is that his name?) who we all thought was going to be the main character due to his personality archetype. When Daichi asked his Uncle to take care of him and his siblings, I seriously was about to well up and tear, because I knew what his fate was going to be and we knew why he would say something like that, because he will no longer be there to take care of his siblings.
Is Dung-beetle going insane from lonliness or was he talking to Zearth?
I like how Daichi have done almost no damage to town. And that Roller flatened it but buildings that got in the middle weren't harmed.
I think Dung Beetle is talking to Kokopelli.
yeap... very well done ep. is it me or the enemies keep getting weirder? and... who will be next?Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Obviously Dung Beetle isn't talking to's like he's being asked some questions related to the children. Heh, i like Daichi too.
Felt like a filler episode, but was very well presented nonetheless. Though i hope to get more info in the next story.
I don't know how you could've thought that was a filler with one of the children dying, and as we've all seen before, their background is introduced before a pilot dies.
I completely hated episode 8, right up until the end when we learn about the lights. Slut is dead, and I am happy, but her and Kako fucked it up for Tanaka...
Since the other enemies have lights, they're piloted, no doubt. It seems to be some strange competition where the Earth is the prize. Humanity is represented by these kids... I like the theory about the other mechs resembling their respective lifeforms.
I can finally go and read Volume 3 of the manga now. Like I mentioned, the order of the fights is different from the anime, and I really wanted to watch the anime first, as it's a bit more detailed and alot more moving (i cried in episode 9, i'll admit it). Daichi, Waku and Moji are my favorites, no doubt.
I wasn't sure if Kokopelli counted as a pilot... I also am not convinced that Dung Beetle is conversing with him, or if there is some other entity inside Zearth (they often focus on the light towards the top of the cockpit area)...
In my attempts to find more info about the enemy robots, i accidentally saw a massive spoiler (i advise you all to avoid the Wikipedia entry on this series, as it's almost all based on the manga and there are spoilers galore), but I'd like to get thoughts on what was said at the end of episode 8, about the fact that it may be possible that one of the contracted survive. I immediately thought that they'd have to save Ushiro's sister, since she really didn't sign the contract, but I also remembered that Waku grabs one of the girl's hands (think it's Maki) and 'forces' her to sign the contract.