After seeing episode 2 I'm now completely snagged and I'm sure I'll follow this anime
I wasn't too convinced there was much plot potential after watching Ep. 1, but now I'm super-mega-stoked
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After seeing episode 2 I'm now completely snagged and I'm sure I'll follow this anime
I wasn't too convinced there was much plot potential after watching Ep. 1, but now I'm super-mega-stoked
Has the manga finished?
Yes the manga was completed last year.
I've just watched the first 2 episodes and I must say it's pretty good. The animation looks great, and the plot's pretty interesting too. I've not started any new anime series in a few months, so I'm glad to have finally found something to watch. And yeah, I'll be watching the live action movie tomorrow!
Theres a deathnote live action movie? 0.o
Yes I think it came out in June at Japan and that was the first part. There is two parts of the live action movie the second part is coming November 3rd. The Red Hot Chili Peppers did the ending theme Dani California.
Official Website
Just back from the movie. It was quite good, but I've only watched 2 episodes and I don't read the manga, so I can't comment on the differences or how loyal it is to the source. But as a movie viewer, I was entertained and I'm looking forward to the second part which will hopefully give a good closure to the story.
well it seems i'm always doomed to be one of the last to comment on episodes of shows... but...
I really like Matsuda's voice (i thought he sounded familar, but when i went to look him up the only thing he'd been in was Mushishi, where he voiced several characters in the various episodes) and really think that the voice acting in this show is very good so far. Mogi's voice is the one I like the least so far... The more I hear of L's real voice, the more I like it as well, although the computer generated voice, along with the music they play for it, is pretty awesome too.
enter the FBI... enter the Eyes' Bargain... man I can't wait for next episode!
Yes Just out by TW!
Episode 4 - Toriyama's World
for those who prefer (myself being one), Live-evil's version of episode 4 is out as well.
Death Note - Page 4 - Live-Evil
Yup. LIve Evil for me as well...
Agree totally.
After I spotted a few typos & spelling erros, and countless poor timing and the nearly non-existent editing... I gave up on TW version and deleted them away. =|
Not sure if anyone noticed, but somehow L's computerized voice suddenly became much more.... uh "un-computerized" in Ep3??
Hmmm. I'm still downloading TW's releases though. Their fonts don't really bother me that much, and I'm don't really nit pick on timing. Maybe I'll switch to another sub group if I start to notice mistakes. So far I haven't been observant enough.....
Still downloading episode 4. Release date of the second movie's in December where I live, and I'm totally looking forward to that. :p
This series is simply awsome.
Episode was sooo great again >_<
Best series at the moment, by far.
Quite an episode indeed. You rarely see as intricate plots as in this episode. Naturally a series like this requires a masterful story to be even able to exist, but that truth of course makes it no less exciting, as it's pretty impossible to try to predict events like those that happened in this ep. Jolly good.
Damn another great episode. I really like the characters and the storyline this is definintely one of the best series out right now can't wait for episode #5
Yeah good episode, but I think the movie has already spoiled the plot for me as I knew exactly what will happen. Still, I must agree that the idea and plot for this series is outstanding.
I wonder if he'll kill the FBI dude. Wouldn't that make him uber suspicious? Because the FBI dude is investigating him... unless it's just a backup plan, in case he knows too much.