Yeah, I know, especially once the rest of the Fairy Tail guys come into the picture.
But thats the problem about being a One Piece copy-cat. My expectations of this manga is very very very high. It better not dissapoint! :p
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Yeah, I know, especially once the rest of the Fairy Tail guys come into the picture.
But thats the problem about being a One Piece copy-cat. My expectations of this manga is very very very high. It better not dissapoint! :p
KEFI just released chapters 9-12 on there site you to have answer questions to get the DDL heh. Chapter 12 IRC only but not there yet.
Couple of chapters released:
Chapter 09 - Kefi
Chapter 10 - Kefi
Chapter 11 - Kefi
Chapter 12 - Kefi
The chapters should be available on mangatraders shortly.
Thanks, It was about time already. Ohh well, at least we get three whole chapters.
Hehe, nice how they made a quiz and the correct answers will give you the direct download of the chapters. :p
I just uploaded Chapter 9-12 on to mangatraders my name is blasta for anyone that want to get from there. KEFI seem to jointing with Null on One Piece. Lots of stuff being released on Halloween lol.
Read the first three... I think I'm finally categorizing this manga as one of those "happy-go-lucky" types (if such a type exists). Anyone wanna guess how many chapters it's gonna take before shit goes down and the manga turns (if ever) towards an over-arching storyline? I say 30-ish.
I go for 20ish
Best thing out of the three chapters?....Erza.:)
Oh yes, too much stuff was released today...For some reason, Halloween rivaled New Years for about the same amount of manga releases. Although...Christmas beat both of them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zati
/me had A LOT of fun approving all those releases at B-U (I'm admin there)
That Ookami Nanka Kowaikunai!? release was a pain since all the series info was wrong...
As for KEFI and Fairy Tail, the whole channel jumped up in people like crazy and it started being flooded...
Is that why I couldn't get into the channel? Well that's what happens when they delayed the scans for a month.
They're working on scanlating the Data books if I remember correctly.Quote:
Originally Posted by Zati
Yes the channel was getting flooded lots of people kept joining but I was in the channel early so I got the Chapter 12 release doing that !penguin trigger that ocean made in order to get the release lol and some people are stupid don't read the channel topic at all got some of the KEFI members mad.
Just picked up reading this, and I'm thinking similarily to what people have said - it's already good and looks like it'll get better, although the blatent fanservice with Lucy is a bit disappointing.
Funny faces look like cats! ^^
Nice KEFI just released Chapter 13!
I uploaded on to mangatraders for anyone that wants to get from there.
For those like me that too lazy here is a link
so who else thinks that "someone" he has to kill is Lucy?
Why Lucy? I'm guessing Erza or Salamander.
Because Lucy fits the role of damsel in distress.Quote:
Originally Posted by Augury
Probably someone called Titania.
HUGE update from KEFI. Chapters 14-19 are out
For you lazy people the password is sinterklaas.
14: Erza is TOO DAMN COOL
15: Gray was cool too. Revealed plot line cooler.
16: Wow, within these three chapters, this arc got pretty good! Death is served out pretty efficiently so far. Wonder how long that's gonna last.
17: Some plot resolutions are just TOO snug, y'know? No matter... :D
18: Finally, Natsu in some kind of predicament. About time.
19: Totally wrong about the predicament. Was hoping that the old man would get involved somehow. Guess it's not time yet =P
So where's 20?? :p
Wow, this was a nice update, good to read a few chapters in a row like this.
It also seems that they will now release LQ/MQ releases and come back and do HQ releases when they get the volumes.
It was nice that the head people are all close and that's the real mission here, Erza had a pretty cool technique, and she has crazy magic stamina.
Get to see a pretty powerful Natsu, I was wondering when something like this was going to happen when I was reading 14+, and it decided to come.