Nice here it is by Oyasumi
Episode 17 - Welcome to Happiness!
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Nice here it is by Oyasumi
Episode 17 - Welcome to Happiness!
Great episode :)
funny as hell when Satou realises that he's been screwed with :)
Wow, every new episode of this series has been better than the previous for me:)
Another good episode.
I like how he realises it's a scheme at the very start and is trying to get away from it, but then falls for it in the end, and realises when he gets home, lol.
He also doesn't want to admit that Misaki is the one that's helping him from his hikikomori ways from the way he said it on the train.
Just out Oyasumi!
Episode 18 - Welcome to No Future!
It was priceless when they realized they all were screwed.
Quoted for Truth!Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
The way that Pres girl laid that trap was just beautiful, though the only one she really had to convince was Yamazaki, since Misaki and Satou are so gullible anyway. But it was nice that they managed to get away from the scheme (hopefully).
19 is out by ToyBox.
Man the animation/art in the beginning of this episode was really killing me. It gets better about 1/2 way through, though. Perhaps they went over budget?
Here is Oyasumi version :
Episode 19 - Welcome to the Bluebird!
Amazing episode.. incho's brother snapped out of it.. yet Satou still remains himself..
Now that mouseroad is no more, does that mean that incho is out of debts?
Just 5 more episodes left.. I'm really wondering where this show'll take us.
So hunger is the cure for hikikkomoris?
In this case, it was.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Satou's been shopping the whole time, right? so it clearly doesn't work for him.
The only reason he's being fed at the moment is bc he's too poor. the guy said... when you're at sea, you either sail or die in the most horrible way.
seriously, Satou can't really be considered a hikkikomori anymore no? He's out more often than me during exam periods. and he HAS a job (or occupation if that's what you wanna call it). whether he's making money or not is irrelevent in this case no?
He doesn't have a job. The only thing he did that you could call a job was RMT, but he stopped doing that.
He's writing the scenario with Yamazaki, he's not being paid but he is doing something meaningful, which puts him just above the hikki line.
^ Satou is past the hikki line for sure now, he isn't afraid to go outside anymore or has the creator forgot about that fact when he was creating this section ^_^
They stopped following what the creator created a LONG time ago, sadly.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darth Zin
Oyasumi release :
Episode 20 - Welcome to the Winter Days!
Another good episode, I don't remember an episode that I didn't like. It was nice to let the attention focus on Yamazaki a bit, get to know him a bit more. I liked the idea of him going back to the farm, as now he thinks he doesn't need anything in Tokyo, which is true in a way, he just wants to complete the game, it seemed that he thought the game wasn't going to do anything for him (make him money), he just wanted it complete.
The way he 'broke up' with Nanako was something as well, that'd be pretty freaky, it was cool how she punched him. It seems that they may put this in the game, that's why it was being recorded, but I also think that it may be a way for them to get together, not so much boyfriend/girlfriend, but as even normal friends again. He may have the protagonist not even get close to Nanako, or some sorry kind of thing, not sure just blurting out shit here.
Indeed this show keeps on delivering the goods. I thought the Nanako scene was particularly because for a few moments there it appeared that he had a shot at her if he'd said the right things (though I'm not sure he realized that), however he still went ahead and pushed until the relationship broke. I was expecting him to stop after revealing what he thought would break the relationship and then become so amazed that she still accepted him that he would instantly fell in love with her and make peace. I was impressed that he actually kept pushing until she chose to end things...a lot like a person might do when they doesn't want to feel bad about breaking up with someone so they just push the other person into breaking up with them first.