well, today i learned that i like burger king more than mcdonalds.
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well, today i learned that i like burger king more than mcdonalds.
today i learned eating fat oily food, icecream, and water all in less than 4hrs will get you a bad ach the next day
Today I learned that my dog has a tumor the size of my fist in her chest.
Today I learned in History of US Econ. that the value of a human being was 1.13 million dollars in 1983.
Today I learned that people will camp out 17hrs early in the freezing rain to be the first to get a new game system.
Today I learned that 6Zabz has no properly functioning taste buds. (That or he just doesn't understand the God-given miracle that is the Mceedee's $1 menu).Quote:
Originally posted by: 6Zabuza9
well, today i learned that i like burger king more than mcdonalds.
I also learned more about H.R. 3304, the proposed reform to the U.S. Social Security program. I'll post more on it in its actual topic (gotta try to add the link here) and post what I've learned once I'm done with this project...
Well, it wasnt actually today. Like a month ago, I was finishing up my math project i had been working on for two months, and it was due like in a days. So I go to my fatass of a math teacher to have her check it over. My arguement is how .9 repeating is not equal to one. What do I get? She doesnt even READ the paper,not even the first sentance, but just hands it back and tells me to change my thesis. And in my mind, im like:
YOY FAT (#@*$(*# BITCH! (*()#&(*(*)#@&$(*$(#)@^)$(*)$(#)#@ BURN IN BLOODY @(#$)*$(#$(
But then i say: ....okay...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
Lesson of the story: never take shit from fat people. They dont know what theyre talking about.
today i learn that when someone sets a fire, and we have a fire drill, i get to miss about 1 period of class ^_^. at my lunch period someone set a small fire (you can step on it and the fire is gone), the guards took out the fire and we still had to go outside. after going outside, we wait for the firefighters come and leave ^_^ that takes like 50 mins. they are in the building for a mad long time
Today I learned that my Two day old coffee can be still be good!!
ANd that I own a libary book thats one year over due...d'oh
Okay, today I learned that peppermint tea takes like shit and it gives you a stomach ache.
today i learned that when the first of the next gen consoles is going to be released, and that there's a potential of running way short on stock, to preorder one and sell on ebay the same day.
XBOX 360s are going for over $1000!
today i learned that there are desperate suckers who'll wait in front of a game store at 2 am to 9 am just to get an xbox 360. god damn, if they don't get one now, they'll get it in march, bastards. also, i hate xbox so much..
today i learned many interesting things from reading this thread
Today I learned that only 1 in 5 people in the world have access to clean drinking water.
KitKat, thats really depresing
Today I learned that the creater of VGCats.com is a Bleach nut.
today i learned that stupid people come up with stupid things for a law suit, like an idiot who said "mcdonald's made me fat!". old news to you, new news to me.
Today I learned that the word "salary" comes from the Latin word sal for salt. Apparently salt was valuable in Ancient Rome and soldiers were often paid in sal. Cool.
I found this out a while ago, but it's so interesting that I'm going to share it anyway.
10% of the kids actually have a different father than they think. That means that there are alot of men out there that are raising kids that they think are theirs, without knowing that they actally aren't their "real" children. I think that this is truly amazing and a little sad, because it means that there are alot of women that cheat on their husbands. I could explain this phenomenon further if anyone is interested.
Today I learned how babies are made[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I learned that if you mix chicken shit in a drum of water and let it ferment outside in the sun, you can spray the result on your plants/vegetables where the soil and the stems meet, and expect your crops to grow three times as fast. You can then sell your crops to unwitting customers and laugh at them for eating chicken shit.
You can also use human decomposition to grow corn, like in the movie Secret Window. That's what we should be doing with dead people, recycling their nutrients back into the ecosystem. It escapes me why we just cremate our loved ones or let them rot in a casket by themselves. Seems wasteful. Let them rot with the earthworms, I say.