Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
I dont think R.A.B. will be anyone we all know, but I guess its possible since theres only one book left
The hardest part is that the last book more than likely wont come out for a few years, at the very soonest next summer/fall
The only part that bothered me, is that Harry didnt try to use spells silently like Snape was saying, they never said whether he had mastered it or not since learning it came quite early in the book somewhat
Also Dumbledore is gone, but why dont they just question the new painting in the headmaster office instead of trying to interrogate Harry? Why doesnt Harry talk to the painting in fact?
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Tinks, I agree with you on the not using Silent Spells thing, it does seem like Rowling made up a way for people to be very dangerous and stealthy in combat but then never has the characters do it when it actually matter. I'd imagien the teachers at Hogwarts and the Death Eaters would use some silent spells, but all the ones that got cut off were spoken aloud...
And as for the paintings, I don't believe they neccessarily know everything that the person themself did. For example, with magical photographs people are however they were when the picture was taken. Like the picture of the Order that Moody has in Book 5, everyone was all smiles despite some getting killed soon after. And also, Wormtail is in there all chummy with everyone. If pictures or photos could change, then they'd probably be having a group beat-down on Wormtail in the picture.
Dumbledore's painting was probably done some time ago, and therefore almost certainly doesn't know everything that Dumbledore knows. Harry asking it would be useless, and I'd imagine Dumbledore the Painting would be all hush about if Snape is still with the Order or was really a traitor... keep his cover going.
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
i always wondered what was the deal with the paintings, it seemed to me if your headmaster and you leave you get to live there or something, harry could always talk to dumbledore through there?
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
I just finished this book last night - woah, emotional stuff at the end there.
Dumbledore has always been my favourite character; unfailingly polite, calm, in control, pleasant no matter what the situation, and tough where it counts. It was really disorientating for me when he was screaming insanely in the cave and then so weak at the end there - he always seems to be completely in control.
Throughout the series of books he has always strongly maintained his trust in Snape. No matter who questioned this faith (which happened dozens of times) he has always remained firm. Even when Harry - the main character- loathed Snape to such a huge degree, Dumbledore's faith in him (Snape) never wavered. Because of this faith, and because of how 'all-knowing' Dumbledore seemed to be, this strongly points me to the fact that Snape is in fact still one of the good guys, like many have mentioned in this thread. There has to be a good reason why Dumbledore trusted him so completely, it has to be more than just the fact that Snape was remorseful.
So, here's my theory: when Snape appears, Dumbledore knows this is the perfect opportunity to accomplish all of his immediate goals--save Malfoy's life and keep him from doing a despicable act, plus allow Snape to fulfill his Unbreakable Vow (which I am sure he knew all about, just as he knew all about Malfoy's plan) and therefore a) not die and b) remain 'in' with the Death Eaters as a spy--and all this simply by doing something he knew he was going to do anyway: die.
I agree with this for sure. Dumbledore was willing to sacrifice his own life at that point because he knew he was going to die soon anyway; at least this way Snape's cover wouldn't be blown and with Snape on the inside their chances are much, much greater. Snape would have died if he hadn't killed Dumbledore at that point anyway, as a result of the Unbreakable Vow, and that would have been a needless loss.
This is also reinforced by the fact that Snape didn't fight Harry back, but just repelled all his attacks and then knocked the wind out of him rather than hurt him. You could almost take this as an "I'll explain later" type of action.
I still thought Dumbledore's death at the end there was a bit fishy - Harry sees the pheonix for a second, then the white tomb constructs itself mysteriously so nobody can see the body ... hmmmm... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
What makes me interested in book 7 (besides the facts that its the last one) is that it'll be so different. We wont have Hogwarts. We wont have OMG I got to win Quidditch. It'll be Harry, Ron and Hermione searching for the Horcruxes or something... it's just going to be such a different structure, if it really is like that. No teachers, no classes, no "I have homework so I can't fight the Dark Lord right now!!1". So yeah, I kinda wanna see that.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly, I was thinking this all throughout book 6. Book 7 will be a completely different structure. Hogwarts will probably still be in it, they'll probably have to go there to get the sword for something (to kill the snake maybe).
There's HEAPS JKR is going to have to fit in there too, things that need explaining, etc. The book is going to be one almighty brick, heh. For instance, Ron and Hermione still need to get together. Harry has to track down all the horcruxes and destroy them (whether or not he is one himself) and then kill Voldemort. We have to have closure on everything and all the characters. We have to see the aftermath after Voldemort dies. We have to see the changes in the Ministry. We have to see a reconciliation with Percy and the Weaselys. This book will be HUGE!
...and I want it right now.
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
shes made the book like it is because shes saving a big finale for the end.... for those who do not think dumbledore is not dead or snape is still on the order's side... go to here
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Originally posted by: CmDr_RavEn
...and I want it right now.
God don't we all feel that? To think how long it'll be... crushes me...
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
shes made the book like it is because shes saving a big finale for the end.... for those who do not think dumbledore is not dead or snape is still on the order's side... go to
An excellent site. This further convinces me that either Dumbledore is not dead or that his death was part of some elaborate plan involving Snape.
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
God don't we all feel that? To think how long it'll be... crushes me...
2 years or so isn't it? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
darkmetal505, awesome find.
That site touched on a lot of theories I had in mind. Actually, there some other hints I would like to share with them, but I can't find their email O_O
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
yea there are quite a few clues, but theres one thing i dont get. Only the goblet could enter the forcefield thing and pick up the white liquid, well Dumbledore didnt have to drink it, he could have just emptied it, right? Even if he had to "put it in his mouth" for it to work, he could have spit it out after that. Guess if he did that the story wouldnt have been as interesting.
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
shes made the book like it is because shes saving a big finale for the end.... for those who do not think dumbledore is not dead or snape is still on the order's side... go to
its unanswered questions were answered though...
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
yea there are quite a few clues, but theres one thing i dont get. Only the goblet could enter the forcefield thing and pick up the white liquid, well Dumbledore didnt have to drink it, he could have just emptied it, right? Even if he had to "put it in his mouth" for it to work, he could have spit it out after that. Guess if he did that the story wouldnt have been as interesting.
It probably would have replenished or something, just like Harry's conjured water kept disappearing. JK always says something is "bewitched" to get around loopholes like that.
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
yay magick! yanno, thats how the bible works ^^
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
its unanswered questions were answered though...
... such as?
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
1. If Snape Didn't Fulfill The Unbreakable Vow, Why Isn't He Dead?
what evidence was there that he didnt fulfill it? seemed to me like he did.
If Dumbledore Is Alive, Where Is Umbridge's Portrait?
well dumbledore's not ali ve and it has nothing to do with umbridges portriat but you see, she never got into the headmaster's office (remember? the gargoyal wouldnt move)
edit: i just remembered didnt dumbledore seem a bit...off throughout the book? like when harry told him about malfoy and snape and asked if he understood dumbledore replied with something like "yes i did as i'm blessed with extraordinary brain power" he's never been so full of himself or cocky before has he? i remember him also saying "i am a very powerful wizard" or something of the sort when he was trying to get the horacrux with harry. i thought he may have been half way fighting a curse from the fight in the ministry (book 5) where voldermart did a hidden spell and got dumbledore (as snape also said "he was quite shaken from the fight in the ministry" (ok if you havent figured it out by now i'm not precisely quoting the characters because i dont have the book within reach.)
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
well i cant remember if iv posted here or not and dont feel like checking and my views have prolly changed since then anyways, anyways so IMO
R.A.B. = Regulus Black b/c like everyone else has said, it makes sense.
Snape = not evil if hed wanted he could have easily killed harry he was practicly playing with him when harry was chasing him and the reason he killed dumbledore is b/c of the unbreakable vow, and probably fits into some crazy plan of dumbledor's
Overall view of the book= it was alright but a dissapointment, it was a good book and worth reading but i expected much more, she did adress a lot of concerns i had about the book such as the harry/ginny romance (which she killed) Ron/Hermione, and several others and im glad we got more backstory on snape hes an interesting char. if not a great one....
Harry Potter- Half Blood Prince- discussion
I don't think R.A.B is anyone we know...
And yeah, Snape's backstory was good. I enjoyed Voldemort's too.