Well no probs, maybe I was a bit harsh, I'm just extra sensitive when it comes to Gundam spoilers seeing as I am a complete Seed bitch.
But yeah, I'd appreciate if you don't do it again. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
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Well no probs, maybe I was a bit harsh, I'm just extra sensitive when it comes to Gundam spoilers seeing as I am a complete Seed bitch.
But yeah, I'd appreciate if you don't do it again. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
This is a theory but either way, read it at your own risk. ^^;;
Anyway, it kind of just dawned on me, if Athrun is saved, then its probably by Lunamaria. If not to save Athrun, then to save her sister. Impulse is the only remaining suit on Minerva, and its not like its a slouch technology wise. Lunamaria herself is also a red coat, so there is no reason to beleive she would just immediatly die like a non-main character grunt unit. I can see her stealing Impulse in an attempt to let Athrun/Meyrin escape from being killed.
adding on to barumonk's theory
she might get killed in the process which drives meyrin crazy lala yeah....
it'd be awsome to watch athurn own shinn while he 's in a gouf and shinn's in legend, that'd surely knock him down a couple of notches.
Awesome episode! Athrun taking out those gaurds and disarming Rey was cool.
Cant wait to see Gouf vs. Destiny and Legend next week [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I still have to love Rey because I honestly believe that all shows of this type revolve around the villian-hero relationship and an interesting bad guy is at least 50% of the show. I like Rey alot and have always been rooting for him to go to the evil side completely. I believe he is a clone or child of Rau and should develop interestingly over the next couple episodes. That being said, I was slightly disappointed when he didn't say anything besides "You can't betray Dullindal" to Athrun. I don't want him to just be a mindless puppet, and his relationship with Dullindal hasn't really been fully explained yet. In fact, I have almost zero idea as to how the kid's brain works. He needs to get an episode to himself or maybe more to establish him as the villain, since I can't imagine Shinn will be dedicated enough to fight alongside Evil Dullindal all the way to the end (although, if Legend guides the destiny, as the promo says, then maybe Rey can keep Shinn in line)...Quote:
Originally posted by: thejamppa
Man, Rey has changed. I'm started to think Rey has been plotting with Dullendaal. But who is Rey? Or What he is? Anyway, Rey has been changed, he even ignored when Athrun tried to protect Meyrin by shouting Rey that meyrin was there. It seems Rey is one of the bad guys after all... And Shinn is excited about Destiny but Athrun's behavior has mixed him badly. I think Shinn really worships Athrun as pilot and was so brat like when his hero wasn't like the thought... Or something like that. But I think Shinn will defect sooner or later to AA, Lunamaria might defect too... Since it strongly looks like Meyrin, her sister will be in AA too... Intresting episode, very good though.
As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower.
I love the idea of the new main character becoming a bad guy when it comes down to the end.... mwhaha
And as for Gouf vs. Legend & Destiny, I have a bad feeling Athrun is going to survive... I agree that technically there is not a chance in hell for him to win, but I feel like he's going to pull it off somehow. The "playing dead" idea someone vouched is probably the most likely thing, but then Rey is an idiot because after Kira survives a near cockpit shot from Impulse, how are you not going to hack Athrun's Gouf into itty-bitty pieces?
And how does Rey know that Kira survived??
I think that either of these things will happen...
1. Rey will get into position to kill athrun but athrun will be saved by shinn at the last moment
2. Kira will show up in strike freedom and save athrun
I dunno jus a theory
..... just to make it clear, rey doesn't no that kira survived.... he said he "did" during the talk with the chairman, becaise he meant that in athrun's heart, he will alwasy be there..Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
And how does Rey know that Kira survived??
From the reaction to the lab that Shinn and Rey investigated at a earlier point I would say that Rey is essentially a extended possibly one that was made without drugs and instead through cloning but he went through the same conditioning.Quote:
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
I still have to love Rey because I honestly believe that all shows of this type revolve around the villian-hero relationship and an interesting bad guy is at least 50% of the show. I like Rey alot and have always been rooting for him to go to the evil side completely. I believe he is a clone or child of Rau and should develop interestingly over the next couple episodes. That being said, I was slightly disappointed when he didn't say anything besides "You can't betray Dullindal" to Athrun. I don't want him to just be a mindless puppet, and his relationship with Dullindal hasn't really been fully explained yet. In fact, I have almost zero idea as to how the kid's brain works. He needs to get an episode to himself or maybe more to establish him as the villain, since I can't imagine Shinn will be dedicated enough to fight alongside Evil Dullindal all the way to the end (although, if Legend guides the destiny, as the promo says, then maybe Rey can keep Shinn in line)...Quote:
Originally posted by: thejamppa
Man, Rey has changed. I'm started to think Rey has been plotting with Dullendaal. But who is Rey? Or What he is? Anyway, Rey has been changed, he even ignored when Athrun tried to protect Meyrin by shouting Rey that meyrin was there. It seems Rey is one of the bad guys after all... And Shinn is excited about Destiny but Athrun's behavior has mixed him badly. I think Shinn really worships Athrun as pilot and was so brat like when his hero wasn't like the thought... Or something like that. But I think Shinn will defect sooner or later to AA, Lunamaria might defect too... Since it strongly looks like Meyrin, her sister will be in AA too... Intresting episode, very good though.
As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower.
I love the idea of the new main character becoming a bad guy when it comes down to the end.... mwhaha
And as for Gouf vs. Legend & Destiny, I have a bad feeling Athrun is going to survive... I agree that technically there is not a chance in hell for him to win, but I feel like he's going to pull it off somehow. The "playing dead" idea someone vouched is probably the most likely thing, but then Rey is an idiot because after Kira survives a near cockpit shot from Impulse, how are you not going to hack Athrun's Gouf into itty-bitty pieces?
And how does Rey know that Kira survived??
Also Rey hasn't changed at all from Day 1 he has been working exclusively for Dullindale the fact he isn't given any special treatment at all yet is considered a Ace simply means he's not as expendable as say Shinn. Who had he been killed in the first episode using impulse wouldn't have ment anything at all to Dullindale just another sacrificed pawn in a game of chess. However Rey being 100% loyal and having the same goals as Dullindale is a much more valueable tool for him to use for his greater plan. The moment Rey got into Legend however he has become a frontline soldier who is essentially a expendable pawn. Do note previous to this Rey has essentially been used to guard the Minerva in a rather safe position and legend being essential to the front lines by using it this is the first time Rey has actually put himself in any serious risk.
hahaha....... i just realized that if meyrin wasn't driving like a maniac, asuran could've gotten away without anyone noticing. but that would be boring. and omg!! meyrin is so much hotter than lunamaria. now i know the gouf isn't as advanced as the destiny or legend, but asuran is every bit as good a pilot as kira. i think he'll give them a pretty hard time capturing him.
I'm also a fan of the whole Rey going evil thing. He's been one of my favorite Destiny characters from the start and as I stated before he might very well end up being my 2nd favorite after Yzak. At first he was just a cool and silent badass, pretty good character but still not that special, but then he developed in a great way when we saw his affection for Gil (of course, this made it so he lost 95% of his fanbase since god forbid that a male hugs another man) but to me it was very interesting because it was just so unexpected. Then when he went crazy at the lab and finally when we found out that he was the offspring/clone/whateverthefuck of Rau it just got better. And on top of it all, he plays the piano and seems to become the pilot of the badass Legend. Oh, and potentially a badguy!
Seriously guys, Rey is the shit.
I agree, im liking Rey more and more as the series progress's (He reminds me alot of Zechs for some reason).
ArcZero made the point bout Meyrins driving. I dont think it was her driving as such as Rey saw her driving...
If you see Rey in the earlier episodes, he has "that" (=determined, evil) face sometimes. I didn't notice it until I paid heed to it a bit more.
first of all, i like what mut ded to meyrin.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] it was like meyrin in the future.. it would be nice to see shin and rey get owned by athrun. but i doubt that will happen. athrun has a disadvantage seeing it is 2v1, athrun can hold them for some time but he connot defeat the 2 most powerful gundam in the series so far. im not saying he can't but it should be hard as hell for him to outwit those two, i mean, rey and shin got this wierd gay connection.. hehehe j/k wonder how the animators pull this off.. great action scene next eps! can't wait!!!
Im not too sure about my feelings, I think he should of taken a Gunn (Goohn), u know, that underwater MS instead because you can't fire beams underwater.
But its a wonder how Athrun will pull out of this situation
Simple. The GOUF will lose but not without a fight, Shinn will still shoot but probably aim for a non-vital spot on the GOUF. Rey cannot be the one aiming for Athrun for he will definitely kill the GOUF. Unless he such a bad shot that he merely knocks it out which is unlikely. The odds are stacked against Athrun in this battle, it is unlikely he will win.
Hey guys, I'm finally chiming in with my take on this ep. NOTE: Sorry, Blues, I had to watch it. We coulda seen it together, had I known my date was postponed yesterday!!! *bows for forgiveness*
This episode was all-around great, because of all the many significant developments. My points/opinions:
- Rey is really fucking awesome now, as if he wasn't at least cool before, hehehe
- I like how Meer has and hasn't betrayed Gil's plan. She's gone nuts with identity crisis and that's one of my favorite psychosis.
- I like how they unveil Gil as the evil bastard he is...but they coulda held it out until after Logos got owned.
- On that note, interesting last stand by Logos. EAF/Zaft vs. Heaven's Base should be an interest 2-3 parter arc.
- Shinn's place is being shown better. He's merely a pawn and soon, he'll see this. The earlier theory from someone, about him turning and thus dying? That's tres possible now, in my eyes.
- Shinn respecting Athrun and being surprised at his desertion? Well, think of it this way: you HATE this bully at school and then you find that's an abused child. I know that's not a clear example but it's all "I hate you...but I know you're my ally...why are you leaving us?"
- Meyrin's worth more than quadrupled with this ep. Did anyone else think of Metal Gear Solid during her shower trick? And then imagine the "BREET" noise when Rey sees her driving. LOL
- The gun fight of Athrun vs. Rey was awesome. It solidified Rey as a villain to me, especially with Meyrin, one of his academy friends, as one of his targets.
Well, GSD's end draws near. Who else can't wait for the next ep? Destiny & Legend in action!!!!
Oh yeah, when should the 4th opener/ending start being shown??
The new opening started in episode 41 for Seed if I remember correctly, hopefully we'll get it around the same time or perhaps even ep 39-40.
Damn, it's gonna be good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I've just caught up to this and my thoughts about GSD so far are as follows.
- Shinn is a little bitch
- Kira better kill Shinn
- Meyrin is cool
- Yzak is cool
- Meer is a stupid ass bitch
oh and
- Stellar WAS annoying
[03:29] <@`a50> I bet
[03:29] <@`a50> Kira will kill shinn
[03:29] <@`a50> Then cry afterwards
[03:29] <%_kAi_> I liked how Athrun shot out Rey's gun
[03:29] <@`a50> Then Lacus will hug him
[03:29] <@`a50> And tell him it's alright
[03:29] <%_kAi_> heh, that's the end of Destiny people
[03:29] <@`a50> lol.
[03:29] <%_kAi_> you've heard it here first
[03:29] <@`a50> mwu will probably die again
[03:29] <@`a50> or remember his past.
who's gil?
i was hoping meer would go with athuran. it'd be kinda wierd having lacus and meer in teh same room. oh and meryin if finally becoming an intresting character. wonder if she'll join the archangel now as well. if she does, then it would make a good side story with her and lunamaria.
cant wait for the next ep.
My money is on Meyrin being crew on Eternal. She'd not only fit there better, it being a ZAFTish ship, but it would be nice to have more familiar faces on Eternal as well.
Not much evidence, and ArchAngel is just as likely, but I personally think it fits better.
ASSASIN: Gil is chairman Gilbert Dulindal.