Originally posted by: wirm
Just to comment on this...
I'm not certain that Oro has that many Sound jounins at all. it's a relatively new village. Also, his best troopers have all been maybe at chuunin level, with a few notable exceptions.
The Sound 4 had to use their seals to take on 2 jounin, so they sure the heck weren't jounin. Kabuto is definitely jounin, but that's why he's Oro's right-hand man. Not too sure about Kimimaru, but he was also highly favored.
Other than that, the rest of the sound ninjas were nothing special. Certainly not special enough to be considered jounin.
yet, it proves orochimaru has quite an army of ninjas at his disposal. I think what complich8 was trying to say is that why doesnt he send those men around to get rid of naruto and such. When they invaded his castle all three teams met up with only one enemy. (Jiraya met that girl) all others were just traps, so where exactly are the 30+ ninjas he should have around?