Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Originally posted by: Curium
UC was by far THE WORST Gundam stuff there is.
You will burn!!!...ok that was harsh, but UC contains Zeta and Char's CA so i'm a little defensive.
I'll admit I've only seen the beginning of Zeta so far, but so far it has been just bad. And Char's CA was bland at best.
the UC series was the best!!!
it's more on charactor interection, not just whole bunch of action and firework displays
and for those ppl who donno BD.....
it's a game originally......
based on one year war.....
all three BD carry EXAM system
i basically hate all the charactors since wing....
they all don't have the feeling of being a soldier/in an army
for god's sake...it's a war....they should have the self-concous of being a soldier!!
and 80% of them look like girls!!
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
WELL, we're talking about pilots, eh?? and a homo discussion also? hmmmm
Best Pilots All Around
1. Char Aznable - just awesome, period
2. Shinn Asuka - I hate the bashing he gets; he's more human than most pilots *coughWingcough*
3. Master Asia - honorable and had a great motive the whole time. Hands down, the best death in Gundam. I never fail at crying when seeing it.
Sexiest Pilots (nyahaha)
1. Duo Maxwell - gorgeous. a perfect collection of a hot bod and awesome personality.
2. Athrun Zala - don't you dare think I didn't smile when an early Destiny showed him in the shower, LOL
3. dunno....A list of honorable mentions, I guess *shrug*
Garrod Ran - cute, innocent, and naive
Garma Zabi - 1st ever Gundam bishounen. I choked when he died.
Heero Yuy - only cuz he's an excellent top for Duo XD
Kira Yamato - older Kira in GSD. looking back on Seed in #29 showed me how he's *cough* grown since
Kai Biden - not really bishounen but I love his attitude and quirkyness
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
lunamaria & shinn ( why do i have the feeling i said that before)
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Originally posted by: Curium
UC was by far THE WORST Gundam stuff there is.
You will burn!!!...ok that was harsh, but UC contains Zeta and Char's CA so i'm a little defensive.
I'll admit I've only seen the beginning of Zeta so far, but so far it has been just bad. And Char's CA was bland at best.
the UC series was the best!!!
it's more on charactor interection, not just whole bunch of action and firework displays
and for those ppl who donno BD.....
it's a game originally......
based on one year war.....
all three BD carry EXAM system
i basically hate all the charactors since wing....
they all don't have the feeling of being a soldier/in an army
for god's sake...it's a war....they should have the self-concous of being a soldier!!
and 80% of them look like girls!!
Character interaction is only a good thing if they have GOOD characters. All the characters were worthless. I felt even Wing had better character development then the UC stuff I saw.
Also, why are you expecting the pilots to act like soldiers? Litterally the only Gundam pilots that are part of any military in any AU is in SEED. G Gundam was like pro wrestlers, X was scavengers, W were all solo acts really (though Quatre was an exception). Expecting any of them to act like professional soldiers would be out of character for their way of life.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
the reason you didnt seem to like UC i beleive is because you didnt get to see the continuity throughout 20 years of gundam shows, and it seems you only caught a glimpse of UC totally out of context. i think the only way to totally understand UC continuity is to watch the core series, MSG, Z, and CCA (i dont think ZZ really contributed much to the UC timeline), only then would i or anyone here respect your opinion on UC gundam as a whole.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
I've seen all of MSG, about half of Zeta and CCA so I am about 75% of the way there.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: NomoZ
Originally posted by: Curium
UC was by far THE WORST Gundam stuff there is.
You will burn!!!...ok that was harsh, but UC contains Zeta and Char's CA so i'm a little defensive.
I'll admit I've only seen the beginning of Zeta so far, but so far it has been just bad. And Char's CA was bland at best.
the UC series was the best!!!
it's more on charactor interection, not just whole bunch of action and firework displays
and for those ppl who donno BD.....
it's a game originally......
based on one year war.....
all three BD carry EXAM system
i basically hate all the charactors since wing....
they all don't have the feeling of being a soldier/in an army
for god's sake...it's a war....they should have the self-concous of being a soldier!!
and 80% of them look like girls!!
Character interaction is only a good thing if they have GOOD characters. All the characters were worthless. I felt even Wing had better character development then the UC stuff I saw.
Also, why are you expecting the pilots to act like soldiers? Litterally the only Gundam pilots that are part of any military in any AU is in SEED. G Gundam was like pro wrestlers, X was scavengers, W were all solo acts really (though Quatre was an exception). Expecting any of them to act like professional soldiers would be out of character for their way of life.
then what about seed...they are OFFICALLY soldiers
shinn, athrun, luna, rei or even Kira enlisted
apart from rei, none of them actually looks like a soldier.....
for knowing the whole gundam history...i HIGHLY suggess you to forget everything you know fromm gundam and start from nothing
0079 one year war>team 08>0080 pocket war>0083 star dust memory>zeta>double zeta>0093 char's counter attack>turn A(turn A is the offical end for UC series)
highly suggess to skip wing....
if you insist on watch G Gundam....ddon't treat it as gundam....cuz God Gundam is absolutely a super robot...=.=b
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
3. Master Asia - honorable and had a great motive the whole time. Hands down, the best death in Gundam. I never fail at crying when seeing it.
Garma Zabi - 1st ever Gundam bishounen. I choked when he died.
Those are so true. Master Asia's death was awesome, and Garma was my favorite Gundam character (it's amazing how I always "fall" for the characters that die quickly).
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Yeah...when I first watched it, I knew it was coming...and I got sad, but only the 'oh he died' kindness.
But then, oh God, the music kicked in AND they said their speech one last time. I bawl, just thinking about it. It's so cheesy, but it's THE most dramatic and emotional way to go out.
Tis why I love G Gundam. It's tribute & homage to the classic giant robot shows and the like presents tons of cheese, but with that dairy, comes PASSION. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
3. Master Asia - honorable and had a great motive the whole time. Hands down, the best death in Gundam. I never fail at crying when seeing it.
Garma Zabi - 1st ever Gundam bishounen. I choked when he died.
Those are so true. Master Asia's death was awesome, and Garma was my favorite Gundam character (it's amazing how I always "fall" for the characters that die quickly).
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Ok, Kira has to be my favorite pilot out of the gundams. Second goes to athrun and heero. As for Shin don't know what kind of people you hang around with but he has serious anger isues. Almost everything he does when he fights, when he talks its all about his anger. He never thinks about anything but himself (hopefully his "love" for Stellar will change that) atleast Kira fought to protect his friends and Athrun fought for his ideals. *breaths* basicly * hate Shin but if he looses some of that anger and can learn to control his anger he might make a decent main charecter. And as for comenting on other guys looks its takes a man to say another guy is good looking, but i don't know if that applys to anime charecters.........
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
all i can say is.....geez...you guys are brain washed by the crappy shows...(wing,X,seed,seed-d)
even turn A has better storyline and charactors....why noone mentioned about it....
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
all i can say is.....geez...you guys are brain washed by the crappy shows...(wing,X,seed,seed-d)
even turn A has better storyline and charactors....why noone mentioned about it....
Better those shows then UC crap.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
all i can say is.....geez...you guys are brain washed by the crappy shows...(wing,X,seed,seed-d)
Says the guy with a million female Seed figurines...
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: PTX-003C
all i can say is.....geez...you guys are brain washed by the crappy shows...(wing,X,seed,seed-d)
even turn A has better storyline and charactors....why noone mentioned about it....
Better those shows then UC crap.
UC has a better storyline....^^
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
I don't know how you can say it has a better storyline. It is mostly the same general storyline, plus it wasn't that original in the first place. Power hungry mad man tries to conquer all while noble heroes try to stop him despide corruption from their leadership.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
yeah yeah...
the truth is that some of us love UC Gundam because of just that. We know what'll happen, more or less....just HOW it's presented is what drives us to watch it.
also, the sheer vastness of it.....an entire system of the Earth + colonies.....a timeline of 10-12 years with multiple regime changes.....and the growth of characters throughout this entire thing. War is something that transforms everything around it and Gundam shows exactly what that is like. The characters are deep and intriquing (*ahem* CHAR!!!) and the interaction they have with one another only builds more onto the story.
Now I ain't saying that the AUs suck...but I'll be damned if the child can surpass its parent in this case. Not even GSD can, and I praise the fuck out of it.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
alright, im not gonna say that the AU shows suck, i watch them too, but face it, theyre the kiddy shows meant to sell model kits of the latest funky weird design (lol murasame) approved by bandai for making money. thats all these shows are for, and thats why a new OMG most powerful MS comes out every week in the show, not for story reasons, just to move product. can you honestly beleive, in the context of the story, it takes a couple months for a new gundam suit to come out? in UC it took years before the next gundam was created, and they were created for a purpose too, not just damn we need to boost sales, bring out a new gundam! the gundam was created as a prototype ms for tthe federation, based off of data from the guntank and guncannon, the gms were mass produced gundams. zeta rolls along, and shit, zeon has created some good ms over the years, we need to make a gundam MK II, to test out this new movable frame technology, and also since everyone now has beam weapons, the RX-78-2 is useless now. crap, the titans started mass producing the MKII (aka Barzam) we need something stronger, and we want to test out our transforming technology, based on the research and data from the methuss, lets build Z Gundam and so on it goes, in a logical manner, and with a realistic timeline. im not saying that the way that AU handles the development of new ms is the only reason why it is just a little silly in my opinion, its just one problem in a laundry list of issues i have with AU that keeps me from taking it seriously.
Favorite Gundam Pilot in any gundam series
Originally posted by: Astronopolis
alright, im not gonna say that the AU shows suck, i watch them too, but face it, theyre the kiddy shows meant to sell model kits of the latest funky weird design (lol murasame) approved by bandai for making money. thats all these shows are for, and thats why a new OMG most powerful MS comes out every week in the show, not for story reasons, just to move product. can you honestly beleive, in the context of the story, it takes a couple months for a new gundam suit to come out? in UC it took years before the next gundam was created, and they were created for a purpose too, not just damn we need to boost sales, bring out a new gundam! the gundam was created as a prototype ms for tthe federation, based off of data from the guntank and guncannon, the gms were mass produced gundams. zeta rolls along, and shit, zeon has created some good ms over the years, we need to make a gundam MK II, to test out this new movable frame technology, and also since everyone now has beam weapons, the RX-78-2 is useless now. crap, the titans started mass producing the MKII (aka Barzam) we need something stronger, and we want to test out our transforming technology, based on the research and data from the methuss, lets build Z Gundam and so on it goes, in a logical manner, and with a realistic timeline. im not saying that the way that AU handles the development of new ms is the only reason why it is just a little silly in my opinion, its just one problem in a laundry list of issues i have with AU that keeps me from taking it seriously.
yay.....someone on the same page with me....
btw....about the TMS info.....what i remembered from zeta project....zeta is not the first TMS and it's basically the final form....Methuss is actually the first TMS .....Hyaku Shiki was suppose to able to transform..but the TMS frame failed during tests, so they changed the frame later on for Hyaku Shiki...(just for extra information, if my memory didn't fail me...S and EX-S are the last for zeta project......and Re-GZ is mass production of zeta)
i pretty much can't stand so many UGLY and paper-made units coming out like a wave.......a lot of the units just happened to show up and die..then another unit come up and die...that's stupid.....sounds like the wars are just power vs power.....