They're just trying to capitalize on it's popularity. Striking while the iron's hot.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Printable View
They're just trying to capitalize on it's popularity. Striking while the iron's hot.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Trying to appease the fans after the endless 8 debacle
well the majority of season 1 was series original content. they've probably got enough actual manga material for 2 more seasons ^^Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Yeah. If they have a decent script writer at their disposal, it isn't so hard to come up with decent anime original material for an ultra moe series like this. After all, the core idea is cute girls doing cute things. Actually that's not the core idea, it's the whole idea.
Could've sworn I posted this already. O_oQuote:
Originally Posted by Marik
You posted that a second season was coming, Marik posted the date of release and additional info
And if you want to be anal about it Pandalice posted before all of you making yours the most useless post of them all :)
Azu-nyan here to break your page!
More pics here:
This figure shoots down all the Mio ones, and possibly even Yui's.
I like this Mio one more.
I think I prefer it because I love both the costume and the pose. The facial expression also looks quite unique for a K-on figure, without the usual smiling at the camera look. I have to say I like the guitar for that Azusa one though.
I didn't realise there was such a Mio figure. Now I'm not so confident about my previous statement. It's not as "cute" as Azunyan, but that's not the point. The costume looks great.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
At what resolution does frostii make them? If they are 720p I'll migrate. If its 1080 I can't since my computer can't handle them.
It's 720p, go get it
Already on it. Thnks Archie.
Episode 12 was really nice because of the amount of music. I hope the second season will have more of it than this first season. At least the same people are employed again to compose and write the songs, so they should be good and fitting for the girls.
Im definitely watching those episodes tonight. Chihiro stopped at episode 10, bleh. THough I have mixed feelings regarding Frostii's release. While the subs are way superior, I hate the fact they switch the names to the american way, skip the suffixes (chan, etc) and translate onee-chan to sister.
oh well.
Yeah, I have actually complained about the same thing on irc a couple of times lately. Other examples are senpai -> mentor (which hardly was relevant in this case as Yui certainly wouldn't be able to teach anything about guitars to Azunyan). But the thing that bothers me most is when a group of Japanese people go to a Japanese store in Japan and the Japanese clerck tells them something costs 50 dollars. No wonder Yui couldn't pay and Mugi wasn't sure if she has the money; no way they would have dollars in their purses...
The only words left untranslated should be the ones whose meaning is lost in the translation itself
Sempai and Kouhai can very simply be translated as mentor and student, same with onee-chan. The matter of dollars an yen is somewhat strange i'll admit but it doesn't bother me much personally.
Senior or upperclassman would have been more suitable than mentor. Where the heck did that mentor come from in the first place? It's like Azusa would have entered the club specifically seeking Yui's (or somebody else's) teaching and support. Certainly the original Japanese dialogue didn't suggest such a thing.
I'm not any particular proponent of leaving Japanese terms in the subs, especially if English words of roughly the same meaning exists, or words conveying the same purpose. In fact the onee-chan and other honorific related terms are more irrelevant since you can still hear them being said in the audio and thus can understand the hierarchy and how the characters place themselves in relation to each other. Although they don't bother me at all. It's just too bad that subbers are forced to replace their purpose often with the first name despite the character never using it (and thus having the stupid effect of the audio and subtitle displaying a totally different name). Although I can't immediately recall if Frostii is guilty of this.
Senpai -> mentor isn't inapprorpiate. It's just wrong. (much like Kraco suggests).
Guess if I every choose to archive this series in 16:9, it won't be Frostii.
I've decided to stick with Chihiro (even if this gives Archie an stomache). But I will watch frostii's version of 11 and 12 since Chihiro hasn't released them.
Its funny. I've liked all the series Frostii is subbing this season, and I haven't found one single thing that bothers me. And then the first 5 minutes of episode 10 of K-ON annoyed me due to the americanization...
Frostii BD batch
So did Zell ever watch Chihiro's shit release?
Marik beat you on it Archie =P
So, 13 and 14 were the DVD/BD episodes only, correct? Or was it just the side stories?
@Bill: THORA is releasing 1080p BD subs as well. Looks like they released episode 10 back in Nov. so they should finish up soon as well.
I just noticed at least eps 13 and 14 have two subtitle tracks: Localized and unlocalized. Too bad I only noticed it afterwards... The unlocalized, as expected, sported "onee-chan"s, "Mio-senpai"s and such. If I ever rerewatch these, I'll be sure to use the possibility.
For real? God damn it... why didn't I notice that sooner? That seals the deal. Im keeping Frostii, Im just going to remux the episodes to get rid of the localized script. If I ever watch this again I don't want to stand up from my chair to switch scripts every episode.
I checked. All episodes have both scripts. Hate they used the localized one as the default one. And I also dislike the fact that nowhere on their page I saw a mention of this. I usually don't toy around with the scripts.
Thanks for the tip Kraco.
Tuesday, April 6th.
Coalguys - S2 Ep 01
-New OP is messy. Real messy.
-Didn't get many laughs in this first episode, but hopefully it'll build up.
-They refused the maid outfit. Damn.
-ED was nice. Can't say if it rivals Don't Say Lazy, but it has a good flow.
The new OP makes it a bit tough to concentrate, but the animation behind it is great. There is no way you can't give Toyosaki Aki credit for singing that fast, and in character.
The ED is good too.
I got plenty of laughs out of the episode, but that's because I'm a Yui fan. Almost everything she does ends up being funny, and Tsumugi fills in the gaps. It's mostly 'physical' comedy combined with all the noises she makes.
This show is like putting on a pair of worn in pants. It might get a bit old toward the end, but it is a very comfortable fit with a familiar warm feeling.
Still no real performances though. I wonder if that is because they'd have to pay Toyosaki Aki and Hikasa Youko's agencies extra for each time they played an insert song.
Yeah, I'm much more of a Mio fan. Perhaps the most noticable bonus here is glorious 16:9 HD.
How is CoalGuys? Im undecided between watching them or wait for another group.
The episode didn't really make me laugh and the OP was a bit too weird for my tastes but otherwise it was pretty solid K-ON quality. Although that being said I still hope something would change - actually I trust something will.
I'm amazed they decided to use those goofy animal costumes when recruiting. Surely they should have remembered they didn't work at all the year before.
I wonder if they're even gonna get a new member at all this season. By the looks of it, I guess not.
K-On!! #2
Apparently coal guys says this series is confirmed for 24 episodes. O_o
Chihiro said it's 27
but either way, everyone's saying it's a double season ^^
Yui and her money slapping antics made me LOL literally, not the figurative crap that simply means finding something funny.
Mio in a ponytail was shown too briefly.
The entire part about how they tried to hide the price the guitar was sold for from Sawa-chan was epic. The blank eyes and the feel of the entire scene reminded me of my favorite comedy episode of Sora No Woto (Those who have seen it should know exactly what I mean).
I was expecting not to like K-ON!! that much, but this episode really turned it around with actual comedy paired with solid delivery. As long as they limit the boring stuff, like the turtle nonsense or any other needless drama, this show may turn out to be much more than moe injections.
The receipt "hiding" by Ritsu was hilarious. I didnt expect Mio and Asuza to join in the cheering for that though.
Mugi's my favourite character since season 2 started. No one else seems to surprise anymore.
Mugi doesn't surprise either. I am more surprised that Mio and Azusa were tempted and willing to keep the money.
K-On!! - 02 - Frostii
In case anyone is waiting for them/archiving them.
I can't get enough Yui
This episode made me like Yui even more than before. Like Shinta, I laughed out loud at her money-slapping fantasy. Here's Mio, Ritsu, and Azunyan thinking of buying new equipment for the band, and Yui's just like "Yeah, I just want to be slapped around with it". Epic Win.
Mio's fascination at the hardware store didn't surprise... Yui X Ritsu moments were typical (and as always, hilarious)... Mio didn't shine much yet again... But I am starting to appreciate Azunyan a little bit more. I'm sure the thought of her being alone next year is a rather depressing one, considering we've only seen her really talk to and hang around with the seniors, and Ui (and that one girl that is Ui's friend). Animus mentioned it at the top of the page, but I seriously hope the club gets a new member before the end of the series. Or at least, make it big enough to stay together as a band after the seniors graduate (and have Sawako pull strings to let them come to the music room still).
The music room still:
Episode 3 - CoalGuys
Wait for frostii you fools!
It wasn't nearly as apparent last season or the first two episodes of this season, but this episode made it almost painfully obvious that K-ON is a 4-koma series. The Sawa-chan and Ritsu storylines did not mix well at all. It felt like the flow of this episode was constantly being broken.
That aside, a Ritsu episode is always nice. She's not my favorite, but her inspiring Mugi enough that she got all sparkily was worth it.
Mio...failed to stand out again. I suppose her getting all embarrassed about being so possessive of her role in the band and how she is super shy is a huge moe draw for some, but in my opinion, she has been constantly outshined by the others time and time again this season.
So to return to the per-episode rankings we used last season:
Mugi >>> Ritsu > Yui > Sawa > Azu-yan > Mio
Mio's been losing out since Azy-nyan joined. I don't know if it's because of Azu-nyan's joining, or if her appeal just happened to burn out at that point. She's still appealing, but it's not what it used to be.
I think it is because Mio was never that deep of a character to begin with (granted, none of them are), and most of the embarrassment gags have been done in the first series.
I think it is more of a burn-out thing. The other characters are managing to play into their eccentricities to pull out laughs, while Mio has been, well, Mio, which was good enough before but not when everyone else has stepped up their game.
However, we must not neglect that Mio is still fulfilling her role in the series, or to be more accurate, she is finally able to get the role that she wants, which is to support the others without standing out. If we remove her and Azu-nyan's straight man comments, K-ON would indeed be pure moe without the comedy, something I would not waste time on. The rest of the main cast are boke after all.
Because of this and her still awesome character design (Yomi fan here), I cannot rate her any less than the rest of the cast, so:
I just think Azusa is too Mio-like, which is fine if the character didn't already exist in the same series. Eyebrows pull Mugi lower than what she actually deserves as a character. Ritsu made a comeback for me in season 2, proving to be a lot crazier and more interesting than I ever thought she could be.
You're looking at them too superficially, and projecting a character from another series with a full personality and complex motivations (Assuming you mean Isayama Yomi of Ga-Rei) onto Mio.
If you look past the eyebrows, you see a typically soft-voiced, light-hearted, extremely privileged girl who is desperately struggling to fit in with her school peers by pretending that she isn't anywhere nearly as well off as she is. One might even take it further by noting that she is going to a decidedly average girl's school (Yui got in afterall...) despite her upbringing. If Mugi choose to go there, that would mean that she went out of her way, even before she met Ritsu, Mio and Yui, to find a place where she could interact casually with girls her age. In many ways, she is the most naive of the five. She's led a very insular life, set apart by the privileges she enjoyed. That's why she was so weak at the hardware store, buying all manner of inexpensive gimmick gadgets (which she very much enjoyed anyway).
Move past the eyebrows and see her for who she is, a girl who has finally made some true friends and goes out of her way to make others comfortable and not feel out of place around her...and has occasional mild lesbian tendencies.
Mio isn't Yomi, she just looks like her. As you said, Mio is the counterpoint to the more eccentric personalities of Yui, Ritsu and Mugi. She has none of the complicated character development that the similarly designed character has. Don't graft the personality and history of a more interesting character onto one fully intended to be the "normal" one.
I have always judged anime characters based on both their appearance and personality. They aren't my friends, or family, where character is key. I watch them for entertainment, and if they are designed well, it pleases my eyes and are thus entertaining.
I even admitted that past the eyebrows, Mugi deserves a better spot, so you are preaching to the choir on that one. I know full well her good qualities, but there are some deal breakers when it comes to aesthetics with me, and her eyebrows are one of them.
Also, I didn't (or will ever) graft the personality or history of one character to another. Mio has no complexity, I said so in my earlier post (in the first sentence, no less). But I like her character design, and I decided to shorten my elaboration about that by saying I am a Yomi fan, who has a very similar character design. That's it, no more no less.
EDIT: BTW, I like Yomi significantly more than Mio despite their similar appearances, precisely because of her complexity as a character.
This second season has yet to impress me. It has seemed a lot more random, or 4-koma like to quote Ryll, and lacking the clear development and an overall plot the first season seemed to possess despite everything. For some reason I was expecting this season to start with the girls graduating and thus facing big problems concerning their band and music. I guess that was just speculation or much farther down the manga line. Now this season feels like nothing but a series of ovas meant to merely extend the first season.
I'm not saying there haven't been any good scenes, though. I liked the hardware store earlier and in this episode for example Ritsu climbing out of the slump and finding the drums again only to be told to stop making noises by her bro.
Moeblob analysis 101
Frostii ep 03
"Guitah is cheating on me!"
I quite literally loled, people around me thought i was an insane weirdo. Damn Yui and her adorable ways
Coalguys - S2 Episode 04
Mugi!!! (was awesome).
More or less, everybody got their bit in the spotlight this time round. Mugi starred in the first half, Mio in the second, while Yui/Ritsu combo was present throughout. I liked how Mio's "gags" were more tame this time, and much of the enjoyment was derived from seeing her finally loosen up and enjoyed the trip compared to how bogged down she was to begin with.
The beginning visuals of the OP really make a difference huh?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta
I second this statement. Mugi carefully planning how she'd start a pillow fight was very delightful. Mio too, finally moved out of the background and settled into her role as chaperon to the others (mostly Yui and Ritsu).
But overall I felt that Ritsu and Yui were slightly above the other two. Ritsu trying to speak Kansai-ben and so excited when she declares that woman "understood her!" as if it was a completely foreign language. Her struggling and forcing it most of the time was a huge highlight. Yui was off the wall as usual, passing out from sugar rushes and pretending to act all refined while drinking tea (so as not to lose to Mugi's refinement).
Even though it was just a little thing, I really liked Sawa getting all frustrated that her gentle and beautiful teacher image got shattered by the Keionbu girls constantly calling her Sawa-chan. Now all the girls in the class call her that too.
Yui and Ritsu's rampage through Kyoto while Mio and Sawa-chan fruitlessly tried to hold them in check was the overall highlight for me.
Ritsu = Yui >= Mio = Mugi > Sawa
(Azusa exempt)
the Ui/Yui confusion at the very start of the ep was mean. At least to a non hardcore otaku that would have remarked instantly that it would not be possible for Yui to prepare her things for the school trip.
I had some good laughs, loved how Mugi started the pillow fight, Sawa-chan was a bonus, loved how Mio finally is more and more into it.
I missed Azunyan, but I admitt that the alchemy of the group was a lot better without her for some reason.
It's a lot easier for the group to go wild without Azunyan.
Yui and Ritsu always want to do something crazy, Mio vainly tries to stop them, while Mugi often just tips the favour towards Yui/Ritsu, to Mio's surprise.
When you mix Azunyan into it, the whole "junior telling off seniors" thing gives the impression that our group is being rather irresponsible, and takes out the fun.
Seeing Bill's post made me realize Frostii's ep. 04 hadn't been posted, in case anyone is archiving them.
Frostii - Episode 04
I found the problem with Ui is that she's so perfect and good natured that everything she does ends up being completely predictable. It really detracts from her character, because you're never surprised with her. This stems entirely from last season when she was able to impersonate Yui and play the guitar better than her with considerably less practical experience. She is like a certain other sister from a certain other series that shall remain unnamed. From the amount of food she cooks to the home run, nothing is surprising. In fact, the most surprising thing was that she played the organ in their "jam session" rather than a second guitar. I guess that means should could replace Mugi with little difficultly too!
Azusa definitely stole the moe fest this time, though their friend Jun was pretty good too, like a calmer, lazier Ritsu.
Azusa >> Jun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ui
Azusa moe was the best part of this episode. Like Ryll said, Ui is deadly boring and the other girl had little character so this episode wasn't really that good.
At least we got a bit of Azusa with her hair completely down.
Well despite Ui's perfectness making her plain, I do like having her around to balance out the others. Azusa without her "you should act more like seniors and practice" attitude won her back some cuteness points.
The I enjoyed the 2nd year group interactions too. Asuza fits a lot better in this one since she's not fighting over the moe and "get serious" roles with Mio, while Jun, like Ryll said, more or less fits the Ritsu role. Ui providing the logistics for everything makes her a good Mugi counterpart, minus the occasional fun/closet aspects.
The parallels with the previous eps were a nice fun feature. We got to see the randomness in full effect when Yui rang after getting lost.
edit: oh, the photo of Mugi sconning Ritsu was another good one
Looking forward to seeing these three back for the next ep (something I haven't been able to say for a while now).
This episode had a few of good parts, mainly Yui attempting to attend the class in a maid uniform and Mio secretly missing her bass as much as Yui publicly did, even to the point of accepting the name Yui gave it.
All in all I'm starting to heavily feel like this show could use entirely new material. I guess the previous ep with Azu-nyan, Ui, and what-was-her-name was a step to that direction but not a step big enough. Or alternatively they could actually show the band play some fricking music. That would make me equally if not even more happy.
That OVA before which showed them mixing with other bands was also one of the "good directions" that they never took off with.
That was pretty boring, even more moe blobby than usual
Coalguys - S2 Episode 07
Yui and Ritsu make for a pretty awesome MC duo. They're upbeat, on the same wavelength, wacky and are even professional enough to save a scene and get pissed when they're upstaged.
I rather like the new song too. The beginning in particular was nice and catchy, though the climax could do with a bit more work. Overall though, quite enjoyable.
A song? In K-ON!? Who would have thought? And they actually played it for more than 5 seconds.
I really like the new song. It isn't as cutesy as the other songs, and sounds quite normal. The poem Mio wrote was absolutely disgusting. I hate caramel.
I think my favorite gag this episode was the turtle on the back one. It was just plain unexpected.
The second half really saved this episode. Yui and Ritsu did good work MCing and the song was swell as well - as far as K-ON songs go. Finally a genuinely enjoyable episode.
I guess it kinda proves it now that Mugi's a carpet muncher. She chose an all-girls University, not to mention those pseudo-shoujo ai moments she seemed to so enjoy.
Chibi-K-ON moments were awesome, especially most of Yui's.
I think Yui would make a perfect Kindergarten teacher. She's not really teaching them anything besides having fun and playing around, she knows how to play musical instruments (and has perfect pitch no less!), she's got a myriad of other quirks that entertain kids (like she is mentally). It is a perfect fit.
Two things bothered me about this episode. The biggest was that Ui wants to follow Yui to keep her out of trouble. Sure, she is the perfect little sister and more of a mother to the Yui than their wayward parents are, but she needs to live her own life and not be held back by her sister. If Yui wasn't so oblivious, she'd probably wish for the same thing.
The second was young Mio. The shyness was cute when the two were really young, but she was pretty obnoxious about not wanting to read her essay. It really detracted from the earlier parts.
I think Yui becoming a musician is not impossible at all. She does have perfect pitch, and seems to love playing the guitar as well. She has more than enough talent to make it, especially if Ui decides to go into music with her sister. They might as well form a band together and get famous.
I think in a previous ep, we've seen that Ui is lost without her sister. For some reason she fears rejection or is insecure when her sister isn't around and she makes up for it by being perfect in every other area. She's probably the one with the more acute psychological disorder of the show.
[LonE] K-ON!! Maxi Single - Pure Pure Heart [Various].rar
[Nipponsei] K-ON!! Maxi Single - Pure Pure Heart [Various].zip
Includes the song from the fan club meeting and a rock version of the school song.
[CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 09 (h264)
New Theory: Yui might be more like Ui in terms of personality if not for the Grandma, Nodoka, and Ui. (Also potentially the Daimaou.)
Yui hides a hidden genius and an overwhelming charisma. Other just do things for her. She's by no means as stupid as she comes off, anything she puts her mind to she accomplishes with relative ease. But the others around her have been enabling her to slack off. Nodoka and the Grandma have been covering until Ui came of age and took over all the other duties.
If you think about it, Yui is at semi-pro level of guitar, all entirely self-taught in under a year, assisted by her perfect pitch. She's been practicing every single night since she got it (except the one this season, when it was pouring rain). As long as Yui is trying at something, she accomplishes it. At the end of this episode, she claimed luck was the reason she got high grades. But that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Ritsu was the only one throwing erasers during the test. Yui was studying her ass off with the same fervor she practices guitar, taking up any and all free time she had. In those two days, she learned everything she needed to ace the test.
But she also had huge disadvantages. She fell asleep, she didn't really study after she joined in the talent show, etc. Even with the reduced time and half-asleep, she still passed all subjects with ease.
I also think she would come off as selfless as Ui if people let her do anything. The first thing she wanted to do was return the favor to the old lady that had helped her so much. She never thought about anything else. She participated merely because she was asked to do so. But in general, people don't usually take what she offers and typically give things back to her. Even the drama club hasn't asked for the pig costume back, Yui still has it.
In many ways, Yui is like a daimaou. People do things for her and give her stuff, and when she offers things, people usually give them back to her. She's been doing it since the first episode. All the other girls chipped in to get her one of the most expensive instruments the band has (except maybe Mugi's, I don't know keyboard prices, but KORG's aren't cheap). Her sister even has a mentally crippling devotion to her. Ui gets withdrawl symptoms without Yui. That's really disturbing when you think about it.
Her laziness isn't a personality trait inherent in Yui, others enable her to be that way.
I have never in my life seen a person fall asleep during an exam. You are right, she is talented - also in some dubious ways. Seriously, though, you must be correct: much of her bad traits are a direct result of Ui worshipping the ground under her feet and doing everything for her and Nodoka finishing the rest when Ui can't be present.
That the others also cover for her weaknesses is somewhat natural since their primary form of fellowship is the band and helping Yui is unfortunately the easiest way for making sure the band stays operational.
The preview makes me think Mugi's family must have a permanent holiday house in Finland because this makes the second time already during the series. I have to visit it for a cup of tea and some cakes one day...
A friend of mine regularly falls asleep during exams. Keeping awake won't make much of a difference in his score though.
I never saw even the worst buggers fall asleep during exams back during my compulsary education years. Obviously later there weren't anybody that unmotivated around. I imagine somebody feverish could easily fall asleep, but I don't think too sick people normally even come to school.
Edit: I forgot one of the funniest scenes of the episode: Yui introducing Azusa as Azu-nyan to the grandma and the grandma then addressing her as Azunyan-san. Even at that point Yui didn't see it fitting to correct her - and Azusa herself has already given up on being anything more than Azu-nyan anymore in Yui's company.
That part was hilarious. I think Azusa and Yui make a great comedy pair, especially because Azusa gives in to so many of Yui's selfish and random whims. It's too bad those whims include that performance. I really hoped Yui would manage to give us a good show this time.
I fell asleep in an exam last year.
While Yui hiding under the table was pretty cute, the best part of this episode was the bride's reaction to Sawako's facemelter. She started filling with hope in a super-expectant cute way, and then burst into pure fangirling. It really made the point of why Norimi wanted Sawako and Death Devil to play for their fan's wedding reception. It really meant a lot to her. She was a much bigger fan than of Death Devil (and "Catherine" especially) than say, the former class president was of Mio.
You got the feeling that if she and her bridesmaid(?), the one with the mole near her mouth, found out that Sawako was playing again but some place elsewhere, they'd go to the show instead of the wedding.
Plus Sawako is way hotter when she's in evil mode.
The note passing stuff didn't really do much for me in this episode. It was okay, but it wasn't really funny, even Mugi's forceful way of getting thrown out of class just for the experience.
Decent episode.
What I would like to see is the household stuff of the other K-ON members. We see Yui in her home quite often. And the only other person we've seen interacting with someone else in her family was Ritsu and I guess her younger brother. I'd like an episode or something visiting Mugi's household especially.