Nothing happened. See you next week
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Nothing happened. See you next week
For the Tadashi crowd...
Soul Eater 25 h264 AAC
Nothing much really happened, indeed. We got a superficial introduction of some other old weapons but that's it. Still, I suppose the content of this episode was needed for the following episodes but all in all this could have been the first ten minutes of an episode, not all of it. I didn't find the ep boring, though, and it had some good scenes. Soul Eater has yet to disappoint me even once.
Is Stein the only "strong" meister in shibusen? Where are the meister anyway? I though all weapons have a partner.. Maka's mom is a strong meister right?
Death Scythe's don't necessarily require a technician, because they are completed weapons. I suspect in most cases that they don't even require any assistance and rarely even need to be in weapon form. Look what Marie did to Asuza and the toilet with her bare fist, and she's probably the least serious out of all of them.
This episode didn't disappoint at all. It was one of those light-hearted episodes that makes the series better than the average shonen series (you know, the kind that always end up in a tournament somewhere). The kind of episode you always need after things get really serious, and before they start to get serious again.
Spirit's reactions were the best in this episode. The creepy pervert look he had on right before vomiting from happiness was great.
I gotta hand it to Maka though. She's such a sport to actually fulfill the bet of dating her dad. Considering she doesn't know a thing about playing basketball.
Did I miss something?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
I thought Eruka was frog girl.
I've caught up now, and I liked this episode for what it is.
I like where this is going with Stein. Madness Wavelength and Medusa's implanted snake wreaking havoc on his mind. I can see the kids at Shibusen having to bring him back from the Mad Side.
You seem to forgot about Pikachu buff! lol!
I want to see other meisters aside from stein that can handle the deathscythes as good as him.
Real girls can't be that cute.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
A good episode, i like it when they give us one of these funny episodes from time to time. It makes me appreciatte the fighting scenes even more.
Yeap, they don't look like frogs. :D
I see Stein siding with the Kisshin in the future. With all that madness and Medusa's influence, he's bound to join the dark side.
It came out a few hours ago (only in HD at the moment though). I'm a bit surprised it's not up yet actually. Anyway here it is.
SeF - Soul Eater 26 (x264 AAC 1280x720).mkv
Tadashi, now joint with JDeng:
Soul Eater Episode 26 HD
An interesting episode. Krona+Ragnarök make a powerful ally for sure. Stein is cracking fast. However, I feel like Maka and Soul were underperforming in this fight.
True. I think Maka and Soul are the weakest pair so far.
So has Krona and Ragnorok "recovered" now or something? I'm rather surprised they're becoming more and more civil. I'd expect the black blood in them to resonate somewhat with the madness wavelength going around. Same with Soul. But from the looks of things, the one to fall will be Maka.
I'm sorry I'm bringing back the discussion from the dead, but..
wasn't the stein vs medusa battle supposed to end with him throwing the scythe to the vector circle and let it shoot back at her?
it seemed like the fight was building up to some elaborate finish, and not 'I shoot faster!" thing...
was it any different in the original?
anyways, t'was a great fight, kickass!
Maybe because Krona and soul are not prone to madness unlike Stein who has a crazy attitude. The black blood is something artificial so maybe it didn't affect their true mindset.
I like to think it has something to do with their attitude as well. Soul just likes to take it easy and be cool, and take things pretty realistically. Maka is the honour student type who must excel all the time, which makes her much more susceptible to madness. Stein was crazy to begin with, so there isn't really anything to ponder there.
Krona never showed any ambition. She's been afraid all the time, though, which is a nice gateway but on the other hand she has been living with the black blood for a very long time and thus probably knows better than anyone how to deal with it.
Wait is Krono really a she?
I remember reading one of Kraco's post about taking a stance on that and refering to Krona as a girl until there is more evidence to suggest otherwise. But as of now Krona's gender is still pretty much a mystery and will probably remain so for a very long time.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Well those smooth shiny legs would look weird on a he, wouldn't they? ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
I'm settling in for a girl. The only thing that hinted Krona was a guy was when she said "I don't know how to deal with girls".
Later we found out he doesn't know how to deal with anything, so that kinda made it irrelevant.
Episode 27 by Aero
Episode 27 by Duotei
Currently no tadashi, but I believe Aero is good, or might be better. They were previously A.S.S. (Anonymous Speed Subs).
Also, man they need to make a new OP already, since it's a 52 ep series.
Been waiting to see his part of the manga animated. Good times ahead. New ending by the Main M.C. of SOUL'd OUT, Diggy-MO'. 11/26 Out! Nice music by JUNKOO. Still can't believe Diggy went solo. a araraa a ah! New OP should be next week, by Tommy Heavenly6.
This just show how weak Maka and Soul is. They really need to get their thing going if they want to stand a chance against the witches. The next episode seems good. We will get to see Black Star in action. A rematch with the samurai guy. What's the name of the young witch again?
Young witch is named, Angela Leon. Samurai dude is, Mifune.
Aero is a lot better than tadashi.
Really?! I'm on limited quota right now, so I'll have to choose one.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Wanna convince me to get Aero?
They actually have a QC, instead of just one dude doing everything, and don't have an annoying red font.
Their translations were very clear, and concise.
Okay, Aero it is for this ep at the very least. I'll download it tomorrow after I've finished this damn essay.
Felt more like an introduction episode for the spider witch than anything else but it was a good ep to see some real death scythe fighting ability. Soul certainly has still a long way to go, even though he and Maka seemed somewhat artificially downgraded in this particular battle from the beginning.
However, as long as Death god himself refuses to leave the academy I fail to see how they are going to fight the real villains. Considering how Medusa in the end was just toying with Stein, this spider witch is probably still more powerful. Who but Shinigami-sama would even be able to fight against her at all? And he can't do anything as long as he doesn't leave the town.
I believe it's been stated that he simply can't leave the town. He permanently planted his soul to that spot in hope of keeping the Kishin there forever. Even though it managed to escape, Shinigami can't just undo what he did. He's stuck.
One thing I learned though was that Shinigami, Arachne and Medusa are 800 years old (or more)?!
I got the feeling Medusa's age wasn't what she appears to be when she kept calling Stein a "young one". The chainsaw guy too, from the sounds of things. So do people age normally in this world? I guess Death Gods and witches can be explained by having supernatural powers, but that weapon seemed like just one of the many experiments Arachne made in her lifetime.
I watched Aero this time, and I can say, if they keep coming out first, I have no qualms about getting their releases.
Oh, and I'll add it in now. I like the new witch. She's hot.
When there's a will, there's a way. The only thing possibly making it permanent is if the mangaka doesn't want to use him for anything but comedy. However, like I said, with so many tough enemies I can't help but wonder how they could ever beat them with the Shinigami staying there. Unless they try some cooperative fighting, which has been severely lacking so far.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
And Medusa is far hotter than this new one.
I believe that now is the time for the meisters to show up. Such as Maka's mom etc. Students simply can't handle all those powerful enemies. I'm also hoping for a time skip. So we can skip those training episode shits.
I'm going with Bill on that one, mainly because it would just be too weird if he was a dude. Remember when ragnarok kept pulling her skirt up...? That shit would scar me for life if he was a dude.
Soul eater manages to excel yet again, 26 episodes so far and i've enjoyed all of them. Officially my favorite anime.
Again with the " the villain only lost because he/she wasn't fight seriously" bullshit? Guys lets make a rule out of this, if the villain looses then he's weaker than the hero, end of story.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Shinigami can't leave the city and i'm glad that's the case. I'm not sure you noticed but he wasn't even using a weapon when he was chasing the spider witch he had already ( i assume ) beaten to a pulp. That guy is just way too overpowered to be in any fight other than against the kishin.
This new witch is hot but i still prefer medusa, i hope she comes back soon.
Only thing Soul Eater is lacking is a new opening and a powerup for both Maka and Soul, i want to see them kick some ass for a change.
Originally Posted by Kraco
What's wrong with you people :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Archie
As for the other character: Justin Law is pretty damn cool in action. He was goofy in his meeting with Shinigami, but managed to top that off with coolness :D
(I recently got a pair of earbuds with silicon background-canceling fittings, so I know exactly what it feels like :D. I'll really need to learn lip reading though. Can't hear a thing besides my music with those phones)
I'm left wondering how Shinigami would wield a death scythe like Justin. He's powerful enough to work on his own, and it works well that way too, but I can't imagine Shinigami carting around a guillotine.
I'll be waiting to see that guy in action again. Law Abiding Shining Gun is too cool.
Even tough he's a death-scythe he's still a guillotine so i guess not even shinigami can use him in combat, he probably just works alone all the time.
PS: ... i want those phones Bill :p
While we are at making rules, lets also make a rule that the one whose objective is fulfilled is the winner, not the one who failed to reach his objective. The only thing Medusa needed to achieve in that fight was to delay Stein. The only thing. So, did she really lose, eh?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Can we settle on she lost the fight but won the battle?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
That's most certainly true.
Wasn't it supposed to be lost the battle, but won the war? Fight and battle are quite synonymous.
I do agree that Medusa was beaten by Stein in that match. I would like to point out that it is much more difficult to fight an enemy that is simply buying time than one that is intent on beating you. The former style makes finding openings very hard.
I didn't say war because the war between the witches and shibusen is just getting started. The terms "fight" and "battle" were more appropriate for the situation i was describing.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Woot Mifune owns!!! That final moves was just awesome. I'm suprised Blackstar was just slightly injured. Mifune really hold back against him. I guess he has a shota/loli fetish. A samurai Jackson. And Medusa's coming back next episode eh?
Mifune used the back of his swords, so he was obviously going to knock him out rather than kill him. Now that they've mentioned it, I'd be expecting him to join up with Shibusen in the future. Probably with the pleading of Angela. We're also introduced to the Sniping Crossbow death scythe. Now that we've seen 2 out of the 3 new deathscythes, it seems Spirit is Shinigami's choice because he's actually useful, rather than superior. I simply can't imagine a Shinigami using anything else but a scythe.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
And any Medusa fans will be in for a chibi version next week from the looks of things.
The scene between Stein and Medusa was actually pretty hot in this episode. Those two should definitely become a pair. Even if it meant Stein would need to join the evil side.
If they can somehow host a witch in the academy or the town, it seems more than plausible Mifune and Angela would move in. Neither seems evil enough to live anywhere near the villains of this series.
I could be wrong but I don't actually think they've said WHY they are trying to kill of all the witches. So this could definitely be possible.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Good episode, still disappointed there hasn't been a new OP yet though.
Interestingly enough, the one part of this ep that made me genuinely smile should have been a point of contention to me. It was when Sid, by merely eyeballing the machine, deduced that it "seems to be a device for lowering human morals". It was B-parody funny. Totally was not expecting that. Of course, that could have just been the subbers.
Huge agreement on the Medusa x Stein scenes. They always made an excellent pair, and if Stein goes evil the two would make the best partnership.
I would think that it is less that Angela is evil (she certainly isn't now) but more that everyone in Shibusen is a threat to her. Just like her first appearance, she's a small, young, nearly helpless witch who is easy to catch. Mifune is the only reason she hasn't been captured again. The problem is worse in Shibusen. Every student would see her as an easy way to complete their weapons as a death scythe. The honorable ones like BlackStar, Kidd, and Maka would never even consider it, but we can't say the same for all of the others.
I assumed the fued between the witches and Shibusen was because the Witch Queen (where Free's eye comes from) and Shinigami had some idealogical differences, but when you thing about it, that a death scythe requires a witch's soul, the lines become a lot muddier. Shinigami's personal weapons require a witch's death. Whether she is evil or not. Are we absolutely sure that the lines are as clear as our protagonists and the audience is presented with?
Chibi-Medusa? Mifune will be pleased!
Apparently, the song being played during the Black Star*Mifune fight was the new OP.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Indeed, it was. PAPERMOON by Tommy heavenly^6, out on 12/10. I found it quite odd they decided to use it that way. Can't wait to see what future scenes they show in the new OP, when they decide to finally use it.
So next week's episode isn't a flashback or anyhing but the actual reincarnation of Medusa? If that's the case I welcome another loli character in my collection.. And there is just one thing that I can't get my mind off, Why didn't they kill the mosquito man anyway? They have the shot, and they quickly followed the shot to Mifune. That mosquito should be dead. The weapon is a deathscythe.
I also agree on the pairing of Medusa and Stein. That would be hot. But I'm picturing Medusa going good rather than stein going bad. Just a guess..
Mifune in Shibusen? More than welcome. By the looks of things shibusen is short of "capable" meisters. So having one cool samurai would greatly boost their fighting power. And he's a good teacher too. But the problem is Angela, she's a witch. And shibusen already let Krona in, I doubt they will risk letting Angela be in shibusen.
The way things are either they make her a friend or an enemy. Killing all witches because they are witches (as it seems a witch is not a label for a criminal using magic) sounds dubiously like a genocide anyway. If Angela goes to the spider witch, she will either be trained to be her evil underling or she will be used for who knows what experiments, like Medusa used Crona, only probably worse.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
It seems it would be better to make her a friend.
Well the problems is one of shibusen's goal is to hunt witches. And their soul is one of the requirements to being a deathscythe. The students just won't stick around while a witch hangs around the campus. Its just too unreal.
Maybe they can setup some kind of agreement with Mifune. Like not hunting Angela as long as she doesn't do evil stuff. Then Mifune can be a teacher in shibusen.
Uhhuh... That would mean Angela would be also pretty near. I don't think Mifune is going to leave her behind just in order to teach at the academy. Besides, if Shinigami gave an order that Angela is to be left alone, I don't think anybody would go and kill her as I have a feeling they can check out what manner of souls a weapon has eaten.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
If Angela learned the Soul Protect technique then noone at Shibusen would have to know she is a witch. Medusa was able to use that technique for a long time and not even Shinigami detected her. It's not unreasonable to think Angela could hide herself from the students at least.
I believe Soul Protect was said to be quite a high level Witch magic spell.
Episode 29 by tadashi
Surprise, surprise tadashi is first this week.
Aero takes second place:
[Aero Subs] Soul Eater - 29 HD
Looks like Stein thought their only hope was cooperation, like I said in an earlier thread, but after this ep I think it's not an option after all... Still, it's good to know Black Star is kicking ass. But he should really train together with Tsubaki and seek stronger opponents. You'd think with the madness spreading around it wouldn't be impossible to find people who are actually worth fighting, even if the school didn't offer them. Though with Stein affected by the madness as well, maybe he should concentrate on fighting him with Tsubaki. If he could fight against unarmed Stein with Tsubaki, he would already know he kicks some serious ass.
The level of fail exhibited by Maka and Soul recently has been pretty impressive. I'm somewhat amazed they managed to get their hands on 99 evil souls. I'd love to chock it up to black blood interference or something but at this point all I see is them just plain sucking in terms of both technique and power compared to pretty much everyone else. Maka is still smart which is probably the only thing that keeps them alive in battle but without some form of powerup I can't see how Soul and Maka are supposed to hurt anyone without whipping out a witch hunter.
While I don't deny they seem artificially weak right now, it's also partly due to the enemies they have been fighting lately. Like the chainsaw guy who probably is closer to Stein in combat prowess. If you consider that Maka and Soul's hardest enemies inside that 99 evil souls group probably were no tougher than that lighting pair, whose asses Black Star kicked in half a second, it gives some perspective.
Black Star and Tsubaki are also quite hard to judge. Black Star is undeniably quite a mofo already (and Tsubaki as well with her various forms) but he's also an idiot, which creates huge inconsistency in his power level. However, we saw now that he can't even get close to Stein and based on the Medusa fight, while Stein won it technically, being at the level Stein was back then isn't nearly enough to ensure a victory. So, I'd say the students are all weak.
That's why they are students. Think about some of the death scythes we've seen in action in comparison.
Justin doesn't even need a technician to wield him, he can accomplish nearly everything on his own...which is similar to the way chainsaw guy works. The difference is Justin practically wiped the floor with him without breaking a sweat. Azusa does require someone to fire her, but on the other hand, she only need to resonant with someone to see everything near them.
Kraco explained BlackStar well, but there's also Kidd to contend with. Kidd is perhaps the most technically inclined of the main cast, but is artificially hobbled by his severe OCD. That trio can function dramatically differently, since the two Thomson sisters are not only skilled at, but very used to wielding each other in Kidd's place. In that way, Stein's lesson would be a little different. Kidd can use similar powers to BlackStar and Stein (not needing to use a weapon) and Liz and Patty are synchronized with him enough to function independent of him.
That brings us back to Maka and Soul. Yes, they don't stand out. I've always liked that they are more of the "normal" pair of the three main partnerships. This episode showed how they stand out in comparison to the others though. All of the events in the series have only drawn Soul and Maka closer together (not romantically) in terms of their partnership. Particularly how Maka and Soul trusted each other so explicitly that Maka was not only able to defeat Crona, but actually befriend her.
Kidd and the Thomson sisters are very close. Liz and Patty are very grateful to Kidd for the live he pulled them out of (potentially becoming demon souls themselves) but they are still a little apart from each other. Liz and Patty generally do their own thing all the time, neither of them pay attention in class or even care, but they come together when they need to.
As this episode showed in contrast to Maka and Soul, BlackStar and Tsubaki are growing apart. BlackStar was very shaken by his defeat by Mifune. He's obviously been training as much as possible in order to be able to defeat him. He viewed his failure as his own weakness, something he needs to get better at. He obviously wasn't speaking very much to Tsubaki about what he had been doing (huge contrast to Maka and Soul, who live together) and their relationship is beginning to break down. Compare this to how BlackStar trusted in Tsubaki when dealing with her now-demonic brother. Their relationship no longer goes both ways.
So what precisely is the problem with this? Mifune told BlackStar exactly how he would be able to defeat him the next time they faced off. Mifune told BlackStar that he and Tsubaki should begin exploring her abilities to their fullest, in order to find more hidden facets of her abilities that might strengthen her more. He recognized that Tsubaki had become a complete demon weapon the same way Mosquito recognized her heritage, but Mifune told BlackStar that neither of them fully realized how much stronger she may have become yet. Instead, BlackStar thinks it is his fault.
That breakdown in trust is what will hurt them. Maka and Soul however, while slowly, are going to surpass them. The classic case of the tortoise and the hare. The only thing Maka is lacking is confidence and minor technical aptitude. Soul's personality can easily support her, as long as he thinks it is "cool."
In other facets of this episode, chibi-Medusa is beyond cute. I'm very glad to have her back, the show just isn't the same without her.
Soul's attitude of being "cool" has diminished. I kinda like his mindset about it.
Just a little theory, maybe the reason for Stein's rapid descent to madness is not only due to Asura's wavelength but also to that last attack from Medusa when they fought, that would also explain why he keeps seeing her everywhere.
As for the episode, kind of slow and i'm really getting tired of seeing Maka and Soul failing so much, those guys need a powerup asap ( and i hope it has something to do with the black blood )
In other news, i'm sick of this opening, get a new one!!
I'm not too sure of this. Basically Stein, a body modifier himself, should be able to remove whatever Medusa might have injected into him - that is, if he wanted to, which is not given. So, his visions of Medusa might be either a simple result of madness or some sort of a connection he willingly chooses not to remove (Medusa is so hot that I wouldn't blame him).Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Chibi Medusa is pretty freaking cute.
Too bad her new form ends any possibility of coupling her with Stein... or does it?
Stein, the pedo technician
Yes she is. Loli medusa should stay that way.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Was just about to make a thread. Damn you!
Brace for epic.
:p. This seems to have happened a few times already.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
I openly welcome three-way battles. It keeps things moving, and there's bound to be potential allies and backstabbing.
What's interesting now is Eibon's connection with Shinigami. Before, we could palm off Sid's disconcern for Shinigami collecting demon tools as simply faith and obedience. But with this timely killing and secretive attitude, he's bound to know something. What's more is Shinigami's relationship with Eibon isn't something they'd like a lot of people to know about, again keeping it all fishy.
All that will be put aside next week though, as Crona finally has to choose sides with Medusa's appearance. Normally, I'd predict her to stay on the good side without a doubt, but this is Medusa we're talking about. Super brain-messing and blackmailing snakes really makes things hard. Judging from the preview, it even looks like Crona's given a mission to poison Maka with a snake. I'll be expecting a good show.
I've been at the hospital a lot lately so I haven't been posting, but I wanted to post this.
Soul Eater ED 3 - Bakuso yume Uta by SOUL'd OUT's Main MC Diggy-MO' (PV)
I'm not sure if I'm liking the possible evil-Shibusen angle. Seems like it was just tacked on, and felt so much different than the previous episode.
They are just introducing the possiblity that no one is wholly good and that no one is wholly evil (except for the Kishin). I really enjoy this angle to the story as opposed to the typical forces of good versus the forces of evil.
We, and the students of Shibusen, really know nothing about Shinigami before he founded Shibusen. He's been around for a very long time, he's been involved directly with killing Arachne, and his rules have been to kill witches without ever explaining why they are evil. We know from the Mifune/Angela situation that not all witches are strictly evil or strictly good, they are a product of their environment. Yet from one angle, Shinigami, who's death scythes require the soul of a witch, is merely using his students to create weapons for him. Can we really say that is all that different from Medusa attempting to awaken the Kishin, or messing with Crona? Is it any different from Arachne making demon weapons or Eibon creating all these devices? We learned from Arache's introduction that both Shinigami and the Witch Queen both want her dead.
That's what makes it so interesting. We are no longer sure who is the side we should be backing.
By the way:
<3 Patty
Aeroflot but staying in the air:
Episode 31 - Aero
- - - - - - - - - -
It's never easy to leave madness behind. Crona wasn't a particularly aggressive person to begin with and thus it's understandable she can't fight back, succumbing to the familiar fear once again. After all, that was what kept her alive and sane enough to function for a long time. It was revealed a few times in this episode her integration to the Academy was only beginning to happen if even that, as she doesn't even understand the concept of friendship yet.
What is not understandable, though, is how Medusa and other witches can still operate in the town as if nothing has happened, when in fact the worst incident in its history just took place. But nah - no worries. Witches still walk free and unchecked throughout the city, even visiting the whatever basement where Crona lives possibly directly connected to the vaults. Unless Shinigami actually knows everything that happened and is building a trap for Mesuda. Otherwise... They are hopeless boneheads with no chance to win against anybody serious.
I'll miss the dancing shinigami-sama in the old opening.
I'm in agreement with Kraco. It's as if the witches are all super stealthy beings who can walk in and out at their will. As a symbolic city of Order, Death City really isn't doing itself much good letting people in like it's a tourist attraction. Guess everybody's feeling conceited because Shinigami-samma's around (even himself).
From the sounds of things, Medusa's bite on Stein didn't in fact leave a snake, but now Marie's the one to be infected. I really liked how Bones animated this. As an audience, we really get the feeling of complete helplessness as we watched Crona do that witch's bidding. (I'm really put off by Medua's evil look. It's very unsettling.)
These turn of events make Marie a much more powerful character now. Whereas before she was simply an airheaded doll, whose good nature kept rubbing off on Stein, her status now reflects everything that Crona's doing. She can be thought of as all the friendship and care Shibusen's offered Crona, and her every appearance now will remind Crona of the very trust and kindness he's betrayed.
It would be a powerful trigger to pull Crona back if say, Marie protected her from an attack, then detailed a plan for a counter-attack only for it to be ripped apart due to the eavesdropping snake. I would really like to see her acting as the one to "show Crona the light", with Maka&Co there as support, rather than the traditional friends approach. Maybe she can even become a motherly figure to replace Medusa. After all, what Crona's missing most is the correct upbringing.
And we get fucking Excalibur next week. God I hate him....
HQ- Soul Eater Opening 2[Format Mp4 |33.69 MB]
PaperMoon[Full] Mp3
Personally i loved the new opening, shows a crazy stein and maka diving inside the madness once again, can't wait to see it.
I like the new OP song, fits a lot better than TM Revolution
ED man. Current ED is the shyte. :cool:
I also like the ED a lot. It's a really epic sounding song. Though I haven't paid attention to the words, so I don't know what it's telling about, and I might opt not to, to retain the image.
Why the hell would he do that? Medusa is weaker than ever, if he knew about her why wouldn't he just go for her asap?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Because they have no idea where she stands in the scheme of things.
Recall that there is already a "murder triangle" between Shinigami, the revived Arachne, and the witch queen, Madam Demona. Each one hates the other two for separate reasons.
Medusa stands in the middle, or potentially worse than all three. Arachne seems to hate her, she's on thin ice with Madam Demona, and of course Shinigami hates her. But her true motives remain a mystery.
Whatever it is i doubt it will benefit anyone else other than herself. Not to mention that with stein this close to insanity she could very well be the last spill that tilts the coup.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Indeed. I didn't expect Tricky Diggy-MO's first single to be this good, 11/26 can't come soon enough. I'm just sad that the S.O Triangle is done. I posted the PV in the ep 30 thread, check it out.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Bah it's an excalibut ep... i might download it just to watch the preview.
Actually this episode was somewhat watchable despite the abominable Excalibur, mainly because of Black Star and the others. Though of course still nothing to tell the Grim Reaper about when he finally comes to claim your soul. The next ep looks very promising based on the preview, however.
I wish we would get more Black Star and Tsubaki interaction. Based on the recent episodes there should exist an unresolved issue between them, and since I like Tsubaki so much (and Black Star kicks ass as well), I can't wait to see if it's going to be the topic of an episode at some point soon.
Despite being the most tuned meister of the three, let's say, it looks like Maka's the one who'll have trouble performing Chain Resonance next episode, while Black Star'll be the first to catch on. It's good that they'll finally start working as a team after the first half was about individual development. Strong as they may be, I find their skills are really one-sided, except maybe Black*Star, thanks to Tsubaki's polymorph.
I too am looking for more explanation on the Tsubaki/BlackStar front. If Arachne was really behind the creation of Tsubaki's Demon Weapon family line, then this issue should be more important while Arachne is still the focus.
I wouldn't mind seeing Marie's true form either though. I'm sure it is a warhammer given her last name, but she's just been spending time being cutesy and keeping Stein sane instead of showing off her absurd strength. Justin and Asuza have already had their time to shine. I'm also really curious about her eyepatch. Maybe there's no special meaning to it, or my mind is still stuck between Ikkitousen, Bleach and ef.
As for this episode, I can't get enough of the disgusted look everyone gets from Excalibur. Makes me laugh every time.
5:20 most random moment ever lol
Wow i'm sorry but i completely disagree with that one BillQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
As far as i can tell Chain Resonance is based on having all souls on the same wavelength of power, so that means that black Star will have to sincro with this team by making his soul release the exact same amount of energy as the other 2, making his not the leader but an equal to the others, and that is something he just can't do.
I'm sure they'll be able to do it eventually but if there is gonna be a black sheep in this group it's gonna be black star.
Now that I think about it, this OP song kinda reminds me of Ash like Snow (Gundam 00 First Season's OP 2).