I should probably get a USB keyboard first!
Printable View
I should probably get a USB keyboard first!
Play mkv files, unfortunately. The majority of anime I download now is in that format.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
BTW, can the PS3 torrent? I know it has P2P already for PS3 stuff.
Haha I doubt it. They'd probably hand you over to the authorities for pirating from your PSN data (assuming it's real). I also have never tried direct downloading before, but does that even work?
Well if you install Linux on the PS3, you probably could torrent and all that stuff.
I search that too, seems like you do not have direct access to the hardware, rather your linux distro is virtualized.Quote:
Originally Posted by Idealistic
No access to cell's full power, and no access to RSX either.
So you end-up with a slow processing unit, not muc ram and no GPU.
In one word:
I don't know wether there are hacks and mods for the PS3 firmware and the added value of such mods.
Ars Technica interviewed John Koller, Sony's director of hardware marketing. He says sternly that there won't be any more PS2 compatibility ever.
linky link
"It's not coming back, so let me put that on the table," Koller says with an air of finality. But it's all people ever talk about!..."That won't be returning," he repeats.
Wait the slims don't even have software emulation?
PS3 Slim is only backwards compatible with original Playstation (PS One) games and they took out the install other OS function.
I strongly believe that he is refering to HW ps2 emulation. SW emulation is still a possibility and wouldn't cost them anything, heck they could even charge you a one time fee for it.
I still believe SW emulation is coming, eventually.
I have the 80GB that came with Motorstorm. I've never tried to play a PS2 game and I am too lazy to hook it up and see if it does. That chart says "Software" does that mean it will play PS2 DVDs?
When it says "Yes" for Psone, does that mean it will play PSOne games?
Yes, by software, it means that particular PS3 model supports PS2 Backwards Compatibility via software emulation as opposed to the hardware emulation that the original 60gb and 20gb had. Not all PS2 games will work, though, a majority should.
All PS3s play PS One games.
Nice :) Thanks for the info. :)
I hardly have any PS2 games anyway, I have like 20 RPG for PSone though, all I care about. :)
My PS3 is not backward compatible with PS2, and I read that it's not likely that later versions be updated to software emulation because the PS3 does not have the power to
emulate both the PS2's CPU and GPU in software. I've never tested my PS3 with my PS1 discs though, partly because I'd think it'd look awful on HD screens.
The PS3 has more theoretical performance power then an xbox360, yet the 360 can emulate a pretty large library of xbox games just fine, and we all know the xbox is far more powerful then a PS2.
So what you read seems like a highly implausible reason Psyke, furthermore a patent was discovered on emulation:
it’s basically a patent for a method that would allow the PS3’s Cell chip to translate code from the PS2’s Emotion Engine. Not half-assed software emulation (which in previous PS3 models couldn’t run some games), full, total replication of the functionality of the Emotion Engine.
So yeah, I strongly believe the "no bc support" statement was just about HW bc.
I'd be delighted if they do release a firmware capable of PS2 emulation, but I'm not keeping my hopes high. It would be nice to play some of the older games, but I'm sure the new titles would keep me busy anyway :p
I never bought a PS2, but I'd be delighted too if they announced software emulation. Sony would earn money from me by doing that, I can tell you.
Thankfully I have the 80gb MGS4 bundle, which has software emulation. Though, the only PS2 game I've actually tried is FFX.
Anyways, does the 360 emulate well? Last time I tried, I tried playing KOTOR 1 and 2, and it ran miserably laggy.
You don't know how pissed off I am right now. I bought the MGS4 bundle too, meaning I got my PS3 around the same time you did, assuming you got it at launch.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
But no, they don't sell 80GB PS3s here, only 40 FK*ing GB with no backward compatibility.
/end bitch
It's pretty easy and straightforward to change the harddisk, at least.
=( They did that? Did it atleast come with Dual Shock 3?
Oh yeah, and I forgot that I played Persona 4 on my PS3, and the only problem that the location boxes in the lower left hand corner were blank.
Yeah. I got that one too. And I've never even touched MGS4 =PQuote:
Originally Posted by animus
So far I've played this PS2 games fully on my PS3
SMT: Persona 4
SMT: Nocturne
SMT: Devil Summoner
and I'm on my way to finish this others...
SMT: Devil Summoner 2
SMT: Digital Devil Saga
So far the only PS2 game I have on my library (42 games) that doesn't run is Ar Tonelico 2.
So yeah... Im happy with my software emulation PS3.
Theres problems playing the game or does it just refuse to boot up completely?
It refuses to boot.
Heck... I heard the game even has problems running on a PS2. On the final boss, the game freezes on the 3rd round if you haven't kill him by then.
I still want to play it though... so I'll have to dust off my PS2 one of this days.
It's called the PAL bundleQuote:
Originally Posted by animus
40gb ps3, no bc, sixaxis. Yeah sony really loves the PAL region.
Which is ironic since supposedly Europeans constitute the largest amount of PS3 owners.
FYI, it seems that the slim and the GO will come with 6.00 firmware that has been inspected to insane levels as to eliminate all possible exploits
So to you guys that still have hope on dark alex, i wouldn't update just yet
My PSP is still running 5.00 m33. The last game I tried to play was Tales of VS, and the cfw didn't cut it.
How is this relevant to the thread topic?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Dissidia just came out and it does workQuote:
Originally Posted by animus
If you ever run into problems you might want to abandon m33 for another CW
God of War I and II Coming to PS3 with Smoother Gameplay and Trophies
Reworked versions of God of War and God of War II, featuring smoother graphics running at a faster frame rate, hit stores this holiday on a single Blu-ray disc, Sony Computer Entertainment announced this morning.
God of War Collection will feature both Playstation 2 games running at 1280 by 720 resolution and 60 frames a second. The collection, which will cost $40, will also include trophy support for the games.
Both games for 40 bucks, I'm there.
That's great, will be getting it as well.
that's pretty sweet. God of War 2 is the only ps2 game i've put into my MGS4 ps3 and it runs it 1024x768(i think) instead of full screen so it's kinda weird on my 50'' tv.
gamestop has god of war 3 set for 4/1/2010 pre order
Some deals.
Dell Home has a coupon that's good for 15% Off Great Electronics and Accessories, this works on PS3's as well.
$300 120gb Slim becomes $254 and the $400 160gb Uncharted bundle becomes $340.
6FWJ247J1P44CK for 15% off Electronics & Accessories. Coupon code is good until Oct. 31st @ http://www.dell.com/home
Best Buy has a sale going where you buy 1 Xbox 360 game for $79.99 or less and get 2nd 360 game of equal or lesser value for 50% off. You also get free shipping on both games.
I brought this up, because Best Buy will be doing the same sale for PS3 games starting Sept. 6th. Sale pic - http://home.comcast.net/~supergotenks/ps3sale.jpg
Firmware 3.0 is now live as well. I'm updating right now.
Couple nice functions but I seem to have lost the controller battery bar.
Battery Indicator comes up on the left of the ticker, when you press the Playstation button on the controller.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Oh ok, it lasts like half a second.
Looks like the Slim's logo is going to become the norm.
I got the free Afrika dynamic theme from the Japanese PSN, but I'm hoping that they will come up with more free themes rather than charge for everything little thing.
Tried to use this code, but apperently doesnt apply to gaming consoles. I looked up the code and it gave me this:Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
"15% Off Great Electronics and Accessories Categories Excluded: Power, Batteries, Monitors, Dell docking stations, Cameras, Camcorders, Samsung TV's, Storage
Expires 10/31/2009 - 11:59 PM CDT."
Hrmm, it worked when I first posted it, because I had it in my cart for $254. A lot of people must have used it since it was on slickdeals and Dell decided to change it. There was even a story on joystiq.
Damn slickdeals coupon's on that site get used up so fast.
Originally Posted by Psyke
I picked it up too; although its hard to see the words on the XMB now. Its still a bright and welcome change from the MGS4 theme i had.
Ah. That Afrika theme was kinda cool. But I did disable it after 2 minutes. Like rockmanj said... you can't read anything with it.
Is it me, or does the damn icons look bigger now?
And I hate the psn store icon on every damn menu.
Has anybody ever had the PS3 not reading FAT32 USB sticks?
I was trying to update to firmware 3.0 today using my USB stick. It could read my 1GB FAT stick, but not my 16GB FAT32.
I wish megaupload let me download. I can input the code but the "Regular Download" button remains solid.
I now have a phat 60gb and a slim 120gb. I will totally buy the next ps3 redesign that sports an external power supply.
Why get 2 (and more)?
August NPD numbers.
Nintendo DS 552.9K
Wii 277.4K
Xbox 360 215.4K
PlayStation 3 210.0K
PSP 140.3K
PlayStation 2 105.9K
01. MADDEN NFL 10 360 928,000
03. MADDEN NFL 10 PS3 665,000
04. BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM* 360 303,000
06. MADDEN NFL 10 PS2 160,000
08. WII FIT* WII 128,000
360 and PS3 sales were pretty much even last month. The September sales data should be pretty interesting with both systems being $299 now. I can't wait to see how they both do.
The new Batman game did well considering that it was released on the 25th of August and the NPD reporting period ended on the 29th. Selling almost 600,000 copies in a span of 4-5 days is pretty damn good.
I love how the ps2 is holding in there... it amazes me.
I honestly can't believe those numbers for the PS2. It's been what 9 years since it launched. It's hard to believe there's even 100k people each month buying a console that gets maybe 20 games a year, and those are usually Multiplatform shovelware. The only rational answer I can give is that they're poor, or they're owners of a non-BC PS3 and wanted to play say Persona 4.
I'm quite surprised at these sales, too, though I didn't expect the DS to skyrocket that much.
Yeah, PS2 and Mario Kart Wii both amaze me. Mario Kart has been out since April 08 and and still remains in the top 10 after all this time. The game still sells for the full price of $49.99 at most places.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
This coming Tuesday (9/15) will be pretty busy. WET, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, Need for Speed: Shift, NHL 2K10, and NHL 10 all come out the same day. I'm looking forward to seeing how well Shift does. It's supposed to be a sim racer unlike Carbon, ProStreet, & Undercover, which all flopped sales-wise..
The PS3 is the best video game system ever made. The Slim is the sexiest shit ever. When you see one in the store, it's lust at first sight. I just have to have one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Dell is taking $30 off the PS3 Slim instantly until Tuesday 9/15.
Regarding the NPD sales data.
Hi everyone, PS3 system software update 3.01 is now available for download. This is an optional update that improves system stability during use of some PlayStation 3 format software.
Hopefully it fixes the problems that Uncharted had with firmware 3.0.
Star Ocean coming to PS3.
Star Ocean 4 International gets a 2010 PS3 release
Hopefully this game and Tales of Vesperia PS3 will get english releases. And then the only 2 reasons I had to buy an Xbox360 shall be gone!
More info besides the pic I posted earlier.
The tri-Ace developed, Square Enix published Star Ocean: The Last Hope was released on the Xbox 360 earlier this year. The title is not an Xbox 360 exclusive, it's coming to the PlayStation 3.
Dubbed Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, the game will be hitting the PS3 February 4, 2010 and priced at ¥8,190 (US$90). The game features reworked menu screens and a tweaked battle system with auto-targeting. SO4: International also features English and Japanese voice acting options. It really is international!
Interesting. Haven't played Tales of Vesperia yet so i'm eagerly and hoping for a US release.
As for Star Ocean: The Last Hope, it was mediocre at best. I much prefer Star Ocean 3's battle system. I wonder what else they're adding to the international version.
I also updated my PS3 when 3.01 came out, and the font is huge! I hope they'll allow us to change that in future firmware updates.
The font size seems normal to me. Was your font smaller on 3.0?
I didn't update for 31 days according to my offline time. So I jumped straight to 3.01 from whatever 2.xx firmware I was on.
Finally, 3.01. Due to some horrible timing, I only just started playing Uncharted shortly after the firmware was released, and now of course can't play it.
Hopefully it fixes things.
The font and font size ont he new firmware is indeed larger, and I prefer the old one as well.
I haven't upgraded from 3.0 yet, and it hasn't caused me any problems so far. I think I'll upgrade anyways, just in case.
I only upgraded to 3.0 because I wanted the LBP demo. But damn... 3.0 is bad... well... the dynamic themes look good... but I only have the Afrika and Wipeout free ones (from Japan and Europe Stores)
Scans on Star Ocean 4 International PS3
Star Ocean 4 International will get a worldwide release and multiple languages
February 2010
lol, check out this Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Ad.
"Each game has its own concept and with Ninja Gaiden 2, the focus was on extreme violence," explains producer and director Yosuke Hayashi. "But with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, we really questioned whether violence is a necessity for a game, so we decided to move away from that trend. So the violence 'approach' is not the way we approached the development of Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2.
They decided to focus on boobs this time around.
One of my all time favorite RPGs was just released today as a PSOne Classic for the U.S. PSN Store. Final Fantasy Tactics! Definitely a buy from me. $10 USD.
Another fan of that game...
It's too hard!! I had to use cheats to complete the psp version :s
So yeah..... A PC is one thing, but c'mon, a monkey could do this with it's eyes closed!
Geek Squad aye? I should drop them my CV some time.
Hey quick question whats everyones PS ID? Mines paulxp2k, email address paulyboyxp2k@yahoo.com. Anyone receive the Mag Beta Registration yet?
Sega Document Suggests PS2 & Dreamcast Emulation on PS3
Sega has accidentally leaked a confidential document which suggests the PS3 could be gaining full PS2 emulator capabilities after all, along with the ability to play Dreamcast titles.
The document can be viewed below:
(it apparently somehow found its way onto a Sega public FTP)SCEA Meeting Aug 5th NotesSony is of course on the record as emphatically stating that there is no chance of PS2 emulation on the PS3, ever; though considering their denials of the PS3 Slim it does appear that they are not worth taking seriously as a source on their own products…
Sony PS3
・SCEA reiterated plans to sell 13 million PS3s this year
・Big announcement back half of year they can’t talk about (potentially price cut of PS3 to reach hardware goals)
Motion Controller
• Spring 2010 launch (March in JP)
• No bundle/pricing details yet, should come Sept 1
• Plan on selling 4-5MM units WW
• SCEA agreed to provide a list of Sega IP that would work well with the motion controller, Virtua Tennis was an example
• Motion Controller support allows easy way to differentiate PS3 SKU
• Other differentiation opportunities include PSP/PS3 interoperability – think of features that would make users want to buy both PS3 and PSP SKUs.
・Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).
Valkyria 1937
・Could bundle with PSP as well.
Sonic Anniversary
・Could put out collectors edition with all old sonic games on one BD disc.
PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)
・SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)
・For co Marketing money show PS3 controller on TV ads ? similar to EA Madden Spots, NCAA, etc…
DC Digital Titles
・If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively.
PSP Titles
・For SKU differentiation it’s best to offer features that are slightly different from PS3 version.
・Titles that are coming up on PSP are Assassin’s Creed II, GTA China Wars, Resident Evil, Little Big Planet ? all massive franchises.
Bah, if someone was able to finally crack that damn thing then emulation of that level would come within weeks, maybe less.
God of War Collection Includes The God of War III E3 2009 Demo
You have seen the videos and you have seen the screens, soon you will have the chance to play what the lucky hundreds experienced at E3, Comic-Con and PAX. Coming this fall, we are happy to announce to fans that God of War Collection will include the long-awaited God of War III E3 2009 Demo.
Each copy of God of War Collection will include a voucher code that can be redeemed through PlayStation Network on the day of purchase. This is your chance to experience God of War III before it hits store shelves March 2010.
When they said the Final Fantasy XIII PS3 would be Pink and White, I wasn't expecting much. After seeing it, I think it looks pretty cool. I wish the pink art was black, though.
The FFXIII PS3 will be a pinkish white (or a whitish pink!), carries a "Lightning" theme with FFXIII branding and will be a 250GB model of the console. It'll be out on December 17 in Japan.
Resident Evil 5Wii EditionPS3 Motion Controller Edition
Heavy Rain's Madison Full Strip Tease Scene
I'm looking forward to this game. ;)
Also, the gorgeous cel-shaded PS3 RPG Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland will be making it's way Stateside early next year.
I've been wanting to play Atelier Rorona, so that's great news to me.
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Demo Open to all today
Edit: It's up now under New Releases 1272 MB
This question has been bugging me for a long time....have you guys ever had slowdowns when playing on your PS3?
It rarely happens, but sometimes Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm will go into slow-mo for a second or two, then everything will be back to normal. FIFA happens more often. When I watched my brother play, it'll happen every 4 seconds or something.
He's only playing on 576i or whatever the SD PAL standard is.
Is this a sign of overheating? Or is it normal?
This subbed Final Fantasy XIII Trailer is amazing.
@Buff : I haven't had any trouble like that.
Shit happens sometimes Bill, my first xbox did that too but i replaced it on warranty and the second one was great
Yours still has it?
Warranty? Probably not. The MGS4 pack was about a year ago now.
Well maybe it's overheating? Don't you have another Ps3 from a friend to compare to or something?
Haven't experienced anything like that with mine, I doubt it is normal.Quote:
This question has been bugging me for a long time....have you guys ever had slowdowns when playing on your PS3?
I've been looking forward to this game for ages, but now I fear it may be banned. :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Some screens and info of Jill being in Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition
Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition detailed
Here's the debut trailer
Bayonetta Demo Coming October 8th
360 demo will have an extra level it seems.
They'll probably just censor it there by adding lingerie or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Raven
PlayTV could upgrade to record DVB-T HD and decode AAC for France and New-Zealand:
When it's out and tested to be true, I may offer my wife the combo:Quote:
MPEG-4 Issues: June 18 2009 French TNT TV have upgraded the DVB-T MPEG-4 AVCHD transmissions to include AAC and AAC+ audio, this has caused PlayTV not to have sound due to not supporting AAC stream. New Zealand also suffers from the same thing hence TV3 being the only channel with sound. The PlayTV developers are working on this issue. We should expect another software update soon according to David Hine marketing manager SCEE New Zealand.
Next software update id hoped to include
AAC/AAC+ support
AC3 (at the moment PlayTV only supports Dolby Digital 2.0)
MPEG-4 recording
MPEG-2 HD record improvement
Panasonic 42V10, PS3 slim, PlayTV, PS3 compatible Bluetooth remote.
There's a Bayonetta demo on the Japanese PlayStation Store. The file size is 1195 MB. The North American demo should be up around 5pm eastern.
I just tried it... and now I wish I didn't......Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
This is the greatest game ever :(
PS3 issue fixed!!
Culprit: Firmware 3.0 (forgot to update :p)
Originally Posted by Marik
Is the NA one up for you? I can't find it!
They delayed the NA demo, because the release date for the full game has been pushed back to 1/5/2010.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Ah, ok. Thought I was the only one who was getting an issue, heh.
Dynasty Warriors: Fist of the North Star Announced
The new game being teased by Koei Tecmo -- the one with the flowers? Um, yeah, it's actually about punching people: As predicted, the game's been revealed by Famitsu as Fist of the North Star Musou (officially, just Hokuto Musou, or North Star Musou) combining Koei's populous Dynasty Warriors series with the venerable manga series, and it's the smartest thing Koei has ever done with the Warriors series since the original idea.
The Fist of the North Star franchise follows a martial artist named Kenshiro who wanders around a post-apocalypse Earth, using his "Hokuto Shinken" style to fight gangsters that prey on hapless innocents. Why is this series so perfect for Warriors? Because it's a well-known universe in which it's perfectly believable for one guy to beat up a couple hundred enemies with his bare fists. This license will not require much adapting in the transition to a Warriors game.
Characters now confirmed are Kenshiro, Yuria, Raoh, Toki and Souther…
The notion of a Fist of the North Star game in the Musou series has excited fans of both game and manga considerably, and just as with Gundam it seems an ideal matchup, so success looks to be assured…
Hokuto Musou, according to the magazine, will be out sometime next year on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Teaser Trailer
I liked Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 1 and 2, so I'll get this too.
A game retracing the timeline of the vintage anime?
I've been watching 3 eps of the french dubed version (rerun), it was utterly unbearable...
I have to explain that they litterally butchered translation with very lame wordplays (you can't even imagine). That with a very dated animation and soundtrack, makes the experience painful.
Thing is that at the time of the original run, I thought it was fun... :D
Wow, you just described the portuguese dub for Dragon Ball ZQuote:
Originally Posted by David75
Yeah, Koei showed a teaser a few weeks ago and it was unmistakebly hokuto no ken.
Fucking awesome though, man I really love the main koei games, not that empires crap though.
But this and Warriors of troy are going to be wicked.
Originally Posted by darkshadow
It really is...I may need new pants soon.:confused:
Her walking animation is pretty distracting.... but well, I couldn't really get into the game, can't say I'll be buying this one. :oQuote:
Originally Posted by rockmanj
Dynasty Warriors: Fist of the North Star Gameplay Vid
As leaked yesterday in the upcoming issue of Japanese mag Famitsu, Tecmo Koei is hard at work on Fist of the North Star for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
:) @ all the blood.
It is bloody, but not enough exploding body parts....didn't he like make people explode with his hands? (and not in a good way *rimshot)