With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
gr3atfull you need to get back into that library and start burning those crappy french authors' shelves down until they give you Catch-fucking-22!
a taser, gloves, a mask and some flashbangs will be useful. A army knife (or two) can't hurt either...
seriously though, Kraco's right: You need to apologize to the dumb bitch, even if she was an absolute asshole in trying to ban you from the library. If its a public library I even question the legality of such a ban. If its a private library that you pay for... then it depends on the ToS rules, but that's some crap she pulled.
AND JOSEPH HELLER IS OLD LITERATURE! It's from 1961 for gods sake! What the fuck is wrong with the French? :mad:
my little rant: How the fuck does a thread on Cinnabons get to two pages but nobody even bothers to post a comment on most news related threads that I post?
Nobody cares about how they're going to pay for their medicine when they retire? Nobody cares about who the biggest military nation on the globe will hit next? Nobody cares about how the most delicate nuclear armnament issues of the modern day are being played out today?
But they care about fucking Chick-Fil-A s and Cinnabons? (which are delicious, i shall admit)
When I am king you will be first against the wall...