I learned that in 2 years I might have my friend's dad as a professor.
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I learned that in 2 years I might have my friend's dad as a professor.
Today I learned that your shower will get even more fucked up if its been leaking for 3 months and you just leave it alone. Now, not only is it constantly leaking, but now theres no hot water coming. :( Me and my roommates kept pestering our RA about this who claims he's called maintenance but NOTHING has happened during these 3 months. Dammit, I dunno wtf is going to happen now. :mad:
Start a fire in the bathroom and claim you were trying to heat up the water for a bath. That should get the maintenance guys to hurry up
Assassin, you are an inspiring man.
a couple of weeks ago I learned that GLS likes the dubbed One Piece opening :p
Today I learned I'm not the only person in the world who likes the dub OP for One Piece.
Today I learned that you can forgive people but can not forget.
Oh man, this has always been a huge problem for me. I'm a pretty forgiving guy, especially to my friends. "Water under the bridge" I'll always say, and I hardly ever get pissed if they do something which negatively affects me and I realize it was an accident or something. But I can never really "forget" the incident, if it was big enough. It's possible to carry a grudge because of the memory of what a person has done to me, even though I've forgiven them completely.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
It is said that to forgive is devine, to forget is just plain fucking dumb. Mistakes happen in life, that is a fact written in stone with blood, but we should learn from them. Yours and others. Its not about carrying grudges, but you expect that it won't happen again, or atleast an effort be made not too. I too am pretty forgiving, but i remember everything. Not just the bad but also the good. The fact the you remember, means that person holds some value in your eyes. Also friendships should grow, for that to happen the people involved have to grow too... nothing stays the same forever.
To carry a grudge is a basic instinct. Animals do it also: Hit a dog, and it will remember for the rest of its life that you did it, and will never trust you as much again. The roots between that and carrying a grudge are the same. It's important to easily recall if a person has betrayed you before, to be able to avoid danger in the future.
Forgiving is just common, practical sense. And as such it can be established and disestablished at whim, whenever it serves a purpose. It has nothing to do with remembering or carrying a grudge as such.
Off Topic: I am very forgiving, you can punch me in the face and i will be upset for 5 minutes but when its over i am fine again
On Topic: I learned that only music is legal to download "illegaly" in canada not movies games or other medias.
I learned that some people are just to worried about stuff they don't need to worry about
Example: I'm reading the reason a person gave their computer in for repair it says the following: "My power supply is to high" so I check and sure enough it's off by 5.2 watts!.
Why the hell do people waste my time?
b/c you let them.....
Today I learned that V for Vendetta was the first movie I ever saw in theater that kept me interested the entire way through.(go see the movie)
Yesterday night, I learned never to belive hype. I fell asleep watching Saw 1. Its not even that scary? whats the whole deal?
Today in class I learned that saying that Hitler was a genius will get you in big trouble. It's not like the kid praised Hitler or anything. I hate how certain people are off limits, like you can't say anything positive about Hitler or criticize the pope in anyway.
Todayish I learned that if you lose a testicle the remaining one (assuming that you had two testicles to begin with) will become twice as powerful. In the sense that it will produce twice as much testosterone.
Also the testosteronelevel itself does not determine how easily you will build muscles and such. It is the how susceptible the tissue is that determines how it will get effected by the testosterone. The same thing goes for baldness.
Hitler was a genius, people need to face facts. It doesn't make what he did right by any means, but a man with that much command of his people deserve recognition for that much.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
Yeah. A real genius who first chased away or killed some of the most gifted people in the country, and then started a war against pretty much the rest of the (industrialized) world, leading his country inevitably to ruins. Quite a genius indeed.
I would say the citizens of that time were stupid and desperate more than Hitler was genius.
He was a brilliant speaker. I'm wondering Xollence, what class/grade was this in? I recall my sociology teacher in one of my college classes had a discussion about the brilliance of Hitler's speeches. Not a single person was offended by this. Now, if the kid said that Hitler had brilliant ideas, or just said he was a genius in general, without mentioning that he meant is speaking skills, then I could see people getting upset.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Today, el_boss taught me that if you lose a ball, you can have a super-testicle. :p
Edit: @ Kraco- Manipulation of the masses to get what he wanted. He was a gifted speaker for his time. Not that what he did was right, but he was able to use what was available to get his way. And apparently, back then, he was very charismatic to those people who followed him. It probably helped that Germany got screwed after WW1, but you can't explain everything with just that.
The class is The Contemporary World / (grade: senior year in college) and we were doing a section on facism. He was basically talking about how he was able to control people and about his military achievements, like using blitzkrieg at the battle of France.
Wow, I can't believe he got in trouble for that. I could see if he said that Hitler's "Final Solution" was genius or something, but to say his control of people and his military tactics and achievements made (in the early stages) were genius and get in trouble? Wow, fucking uptight class you got there. Still, pretty naive class.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
Edit: @Below- Wow, that sucks. Another reason for me to hate all organized religions. Ha!
Edited to correct some things as revealed below.
Well it wasn't even his generals either, they tried to do a similar thing back in the first WW but it failed, they just changed it around a bit. And his generals didn't want to go through the Ardennes (sp?) because of their tanks, it was Hitler that wanted to.
Well what do you expect from a catholic university that hires a teacher that grew up in St. Petersburg for most of his life to teach about world connections. I'm sure there's no suspension involved or anything but I don't think the professor likes him too much.
Hitler was a genius at some things. But, like most geniuses, he was also very lacking in other (and important) departments.
Offensive military leader: Genius (one of the best ever)
Defensive/Retreat military leader: Idiot (Washington was the man at this)
Raising Morale/Support through speeches: Genius (i don't understand German and hearing some of his speeches give me goosebumps)
Cunning/Diplomatic Speaker: Idiot (see the text of his conversations with Stalin... Way to get yourself an enemy....)
Indepedent Decision Maker: Genius (Riestag incident, among others)
Cooperative Decision Maker: Idiot (see his reaction to recommendations from German generals on submitting to Allies)
but if you say really broad shit like 'Hitler was a genius' or 'Al Qaeda did a great job on 9/11', of course people are going to look at you like you should burn in hell. You need to be aware of the environment you're in when you touch on delicate subjects, and also take special care not to possibly imply something you don't agree too.
Just so no one generalizes about "uptight religious schools", I went to a Catholic Highschool. Both Sophomore and Freshman year someone did a speech/report on the subject of Hitler's military genious - despite his other questionable qualities. Both were pretty well accepted, with the Freshman teacher commending the student on picking such a seemingly controversial topic.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xollence
Today I learned there are loads of people who complain about "uptight" religious folk. But then again they do exist, so I'll refrain from getting too defensive. Fundamentalists, Mormons, and some of the people on my campus...just...yikes.
Today I learned that my physic/chemistry teacher will be teaching us math for the next 3 weeks until the school finds a fucking math teacher for the 4th term.
Physics are applied mathematics so I think you will do just fine. Unless physics there are totally different from sweden. In eight grade when our math teacher quit to become a yoga instuctor or something like that, the music teacher took over math class, permanently.
The problem is he is a horrible teacher. He is unable to communicate, to pass out the information.
"Today I learnt" that god has truly fucked me over. I was having phone sex with my friend, and she is very sweet, with a sexy voice, and yumm. Anywho, my phone died right when she was orgasming.
W T F Mate?
Yeah. God, I fucking hate you. Go away, and let me hear my friends ORGASM, you SOB!
I learnt, honestly, that having a knife in your hand when your bored is not a good thing. I cut marks into my desk, and played Tic-Tac-Toe with myself. I somehow made it into a cat's game.
tic-tac-toe is a solved problem. There's no way to prevent two attentive players will always end in a draw.
Games that rely on the weakness of your opponent are not fun for very long -- Especially when your opponent is yourself.
I've destroyed many a piece of cheap panelboard furniture in my younger days... much of it the victim of an X-acto knife that tended to find its way into my hands when I was bored. Sometimes you just gotta slice another layer of particleboard off, just to see if the blade's still as sharp as it was ten minutes ago, right? :p
Oh man, you gave me a mighty fine laugh right there, lol.
Damn those X-acto knives! It's not our fault they cut shit!
Can we, the prepubescent children be blamed for being bored? No! Destroy knives, and we will all be a bit safer.
And yeah, but for me, it's every few seconds, instead of ten minutes.
Today I learned that being bored at work means I can be more productive in discovering new things. For example, I'm stage 4 in Kohlberg's stages of moral development.. Well, actually, I'm more 4 and a half, but they didn't describe that one too well.
If you're still playing with knives, wait until you get into fire and projectile weapons. :D
@Ero-Fan: I learned that earlier this year in my English class. :p
Today I learned that learning about Freud with a teacher that you think is a pedophile is scary.
T.I.L that when you have a workout and come to school the next day with a REALLY soar muscle, everyone seems to touch it. "ouch"
I was bored, what can I say? The internet is a fun place to kill time.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
You learned something in class? What the hell were you doing awake?? And any teacher that makes you think 'pedophile' should be scary.
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
My teacher makes me think of pedophile, but its a good thing because, shes 29, very curvy & HAWT :rolleyes: , and im only one year under age (17) :D :D :D
T.I.L friends , or more like students/peers you know and are cool with, can be very horrible for no reason, only as long as it benefits them :mad:
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
I am playing with fire, and projectiles. Ever use a Potato gun to shoot 50 firecrackers at someone? Oh yeah. I am a pyro, a huge one. I love fire, lol. SO good at making a fire burn for hours.:P
I just grabbed a knife cause it was right by me. LOL
Well it's that last couple of days but here is my summery i had to write for my first 2 days of my course
During the last couple days of this course I have learned a fair bit of skills. The first being the personality styles of that a person can possess. The second being some communication skills. Now of course, I didn’t just learn the names of the sections of the course I’m taken. I’ve also learned a fair amount about both, and using the rest of this page I will briefly summarize that information.
On day 1 we started with the subject of personality skills. I had been intrigued to know that there are 4 different types of personality that are based off 2 pairs of values. The pair of self-contained and open was the first. Basically this pair involves how a person reacts to an event or action. Do they get guarded or open when you ask them about their feelings on a matter? Do they want to cut straight to the task at hand or want to work at their own pace? These questions help you see which of the pairings they are. As a self-contained person would react in being guarded with their opinion and want to get to the task as fast as possible. The open person would do the opposite; they would be open in matters and work at their own pace. The other pair involves how a person will act, in either a direct way or an in-direct way. The direct person would be faster paced and assertive, while an in-direct person would be less so and more methodical. These pairs then make the four styles. Relaters who are feelings people that have fear sudden changes, come from the open and non-direct pairing. Stimulators at those with the open and direct values, which are ideas people who fear a loss of prestige. I’m part of the third group as I’m a self-contained-non-direct person or an analyzer, I’m more into the process and fear that darn criticism. The last style is a driver who comes from the self-contained-direct pairing, this person are the goals people who fear being taken advantage of.
On day 2 we had the class devoted to communication skills. The process in which information is outputted and inputted, with the focus being a conversion between two people. This process has two parts a sender and a receiver both of who have a part to play in it. The sender is the person speaking hopefully about the idea and encodes it to the receiver by using words and actions. The receiver then decodes it by reading it or listening, and hopefully sees the intent of the sender. This process has a lot of things that go in to it and these different things can add positive or negative effects to it. For example tone of voice, which affects the process in the way of how words are said. Picking the wrong tone or adding stress to words that aren’t needed to be cause the receiver to maybe get the wrong message during the process. Other things can cause the same thing like eye contact, showing respect and manners. Also the listener can cause this process to go amiss by having filters to the message. These can disrupt the message with non-verbal things like their cultural backgrounds, sets of values and biases. Your brain can even be a vice as you can think faster then you read and hear causing it to get bored. To help yourself as the listener it’s best if you try to be quiet, listen with the answer running, maintaining eye contact and not being judgmental.
That’s about it I’d say, I would go more in to what I’ve learned but this is a summery. Although I think I may have over done it, it’s fine for now. I’m looking forward to the next classes, even if they make me wake up at 5:30 in the morning
That was extremely interesting Deadfire. What course is it that you're taking?
The sender/receiver bit interested me the most. It reminded me of this English hypnotist named Darren Brown. He's so pro it's amazing. I saw a tv show done by him a while ago in which he displayed the subconcious aspects of communication. He basically gathered all these well-to-do businessmen/women and by giving them subconcious cues through his actions and words, got 3 out of 4 of them to rob an armored car by the end of the show. I say "hypnotist" but the guy just really understands human behavior and communication.
Here's a link to some video clips of his stuff in anyone's interested: http://www.channel4.com/entertainmen...control/video/
I'm glad you liked it as I need to hand it in tomorrow :PQuote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Anyways right now I'm taking a Professional Skills course that i have to do before i get to my real courses. It's basicly made to get you back in to the college and professional settings easier. I argee with you it is interesting stuff, and it really helps when your interacting with others with seeing though the mist per say to really to what a person means. It works on alot of levels, and can to the point that you can know someone you've never met before just by their speach and actions in reacting to questions and answers. With this knowledge you can easly convey your ideas to them for them to understand quickly with little understanding. As a leader you can use this knowlegde to see how to make them do something for you.
It's almost pure evil....
today i learned its funny when people rep you with a negitive comment but it is positive. Haha sucker remember to click "disapprove"
Originally Posted by woofcat
In my case its the opposite. He thanked me for showning him the link to the "Hottest babe in OP" thread (in my sig) but clicked on the wrong fricking option ( I dissapprove).
These newbies need to learn the rules and shit. I bet its the same guy.
Never the less it was funny. Made my day.
today i learned that some pick neg reped yesterdays post in this thread. What a douche bag.
I learnt how good cheese is.
I learnt that "learnt" is a real word.
Today I finally learned why my classmates are calling me Yasser Arafat. -_-
why are they calling you that?
Dont take that from them! dial 1800 - MAFIA :D ;)
Well, I was reading the biography of Hillary Clinton in class in the beginning of the year. One of the picture there was Ms. and Mr. Clinton with Yasser Arafat and he was like HEY! It's Yasser Arafat!!!!!!!!!! And he was pointing at the picture, but nobody (even me) knew that so they started calling me that name when he said that.
@ God#2:
I dont mind them calling me that since its kinda a honor to be called that since he defends his country. But they are teasing me... so ill dial 1800-MAFIA;)
Today I learnt myself how to chew on a bottle cap.
Not exactly today, but a while ago I learned that "melee" is pronounced "mi-lay". That was one of the biggest shockers in my life.
isnt it "may-lay"?? o_O
I'm pretty sure that in common English, both "mel-lay" and "may-lay" are considered acceptable.
In French (where the word comes from), that would never stand, and "may-lay" would be correct. But hell, 90% of the English language is bastardized versions of other languages ... we can twist french like any other language just fine. Besides, who wants to be like the French, right? =D
^ french word is mêlée. And I want to be like the French.:)
So it is pronounced "mi-lay", not "may-lay".
wait so I've been pronouncing super smash brother "may-lay" wrong, it's really mi-lay?
Actually, here in Montréal, you pronounce it mi-li...
I used the microsoft speech sam, and he says it "may-lay". :D I have too this whole time.
So you're saying ê sounds the same as é? It's been a while since I've taken French but I'm pretty sure they don't sound the same.
The way I see it, no matter what we say, if we're speaking ANY modern language we're horribly mutilating some other language for a substantial part of our vocabulary.
I have to admit, I think you're right about the whole circumflex thing ... but there's something to realize: in English, we don't HAVE that. At all. No circumflex. No accent grave. No accent aigu. No trema. Certainly no cedilla, and letters with tildes on top may just get you shot in some parts of the country (not really) :p.
Did we steal the French word? Yep, surely did, and brutalized it too. Did they steal it from latin and brutalize it in the process? Absolutely! Do I have to worry about it? Absolutely not!
As I said, I'm pretty sure there's two acceptable pronunciations in English. I should say in American English ... I don't know about the English they speak in Canada or Great Britain or anywhere else in the world. But in my part of the country, and in the company of gamers, if you say anything other than "may-lay" ... they'll either be confused or think your odd accent is hilarious :D
Just to give you the linguistic view....
The minute a word enters common usage in a language, it becomes part of that language's vocabulary. No matter where they got it from, whether created, stolen, or modified from somewhere else, it is officially part of the language as soon as native speakers start using it regularly. Differences in pronunciation merely reflect dialect differences. One is not more correct than another. There can be one that is used by speakers who speak the accepted 'standard' variety of a language, but that doesn't mean that the other is less correct for being non-standard. Of course, people often don't recognize this because of social stigmas attached to speaking non-standard dialects.
So, the bottom line is, pronounce it whichever way you want. As long as there are a significant number of people in addition to yourself that pronounce it that way, you will be pronouncing it correctly according to your dialect.
@KItKat nicely put.
T.I.L that while eating a spoonful of marshmellow form a jar do not drink ANY type of soda. Or it goes EVERYWERE. The two put together creates the same effect as shaking a can coke and opening it. I also learned that this can be pretty fun when it goes all over your friend.
Today i have confirmed my suspicions. There are dumbasses wherever you go in the world, it was not just where i live....now i am on another quest... to find out if they are concentrated in one specific area. .... and so the journey begins....
also i have learn that getto fablulious girls should wear a warning sign.... seriously, they are scary and will bite your head off, for no apparent reason, also they don't care who is around..... oh where, oh where have all the good women gone? If you find out tell me, please! If you find one hold on to her tightly....i don't think there are many more single ones left.
Today I learnt that spanking a female is fun!
Anywho, I think the most commen use of Melee in English is pronounced 'Me-lee'. ^_^
Have you ever looked at the names at the bottom of the main forums' page and wondered why there is a plus sign (+) next to some people's names'?:eek: Well have you?:confused: If you never have, take a little time and take a good look.... do you see it? Or don't you? Well if you do... ever wonder what it is? What does this magical sign mean?
Well let me tell you. Today, thanks to the help of Complich8,I Iearnt that is relates to you buddy list , yep thats it.:o It's a little something extra to put a little emphasis on that special gotwoot friend of yours, just to let you know that he or she as the case maybe is on, and is active in our gotwoot world..Isn't it cool:cool: So now you are free to converse with that special someone....
For those who don't see it, I saddens me to say that you have no buddies,:( atleast non on your list...:p
Well now you know, and knowing is caring......("half the battle" if you're a gi joe fan)
today I learned that this is just as funny in live action as it was animated
I learnt today that I need a social life.
Today I learned that rushing out of the house because you think you're gona be late and then realizing your alarm rang 1 hour too early and that you're not late at all is frustrating yet at the same time reassuring.
Edit: w00t, im a Chuunin.
Ho, today I learnt how making softsubs works, as I translated the bloody Naruto OVA3 from Finnish to English. I had learnt earlier how bad the ova is, but now that I have watched it 5 times, I know it better than anybody else.
As a shameless plug, you can find it here. I can't recommend the ova to anybody, though. It's bad. The translation can't help with that.
As a technical tidbit, the program I used for the work was Subtitle Workshop. Not a bad piece of software, as far as I experienced.
So, when are you going to learn that learnt isn't a word?Quote:
Originally Posted by Zidarri the Exile
Its a common spelling in British English, whereas American English uses learned.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Today, I learned that learnt is a common spelling for the British.
today i learned that working for freinds never works out.
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
I learnt that you are a dummmy.
Good thing you didn't misspell "dummmy", because then that would have made you look like a hypocrit :p
Today i learned that people enjoy insulting each other ALOT. For referece take a look at the post above. :D :D :D
Typo. Now, if I completely err'd on it, then, I'd have to agree with you. But since I just pressed 'M' to many times on accident . . . Meh.
Today I learned KitKat went ahead and moved my renders to the render section even without a notification, like she had asked people to send her. Such a diligent and devoted mod she is.
I just always thought: how troublesome, perhaps things will sort themselves out even without doing anything. Much easier to lie down and watch the clouds sail across the sky.
And behold: they sorted themselves out. Damn, Shikamaru is a wise fellow.
What's a render?
Today (well, yesterday) I learned that FX's new show Black White is actually not that bad. I assumed it was just a totally outlandish and controversial idea to make into a lame reality show (which might actually still be the case), but I made an effort to watch it and found it to be suprisingly insightful.
I also learned that no matter how many black guys tell someone of another race that saying the word "nigger" or "nigga" is ok, there are still infinitely more black people who will take serious offense to it, and start ranting about the "plight of the black American". I've come to realize that this is probably one of (if not the) most taboo words in English conversation, as even other racial slurs are not as controversial.
Today i learn that someone on gotwoot, thinks i am a bit stupid.....AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
I knew those people existed... now its confirmed, there is ONE.:p
Edit: and then there was TWO. lol
Nothing better about this show than the deep, intellectual lines delivered by Ice Cube, such as "if you a zebra betta come out dem stripez"Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Today I learned that I have to stop being such a procrastinator or the homework really piles up. especially for midterms :( :( :(
I just learnt why steak is so good! It simply is!
So you didn't learn why it's so good...
but that's ok, if it's good it's good. I like it too.
Today I learned... or more like three minutes ago... that it feels great after you finished 50 percent of your midterm final ,(which was a 5 page paper), especially since worked hard on it :cool:
I also learned just a minute ago, that when I try to click to the direct forum link, e.g "the wishing game" instead of "Off Topic" so i can go to the last post, i get a 404 forbidden message and I have to go the long way.
Today i learned how awesome Cigars are. Not only do they not have as high chance of cancer they look way better than smokes.
I hate smoking cigars. I keep up smoking them like ciggerettes.
Today I learned that a grocery store near me, which belongs to a chain that recently got bought by another chain, is selling all it's remaining foodstuff and wares for -30% discount. Yay! Except for anything with alcohol in it. Meh and bleh.
Today I learned that people get attacked near an abaondoned factory I walked by last night. Maybe I should start carrying a weapon with me when I'm walking alone at night....
Originally Posted by KitKat
....umm do you plan on walking past there everynight? and if you are going to get a weapon, get some mace and a swiss army knife :D .
today i learned that guinea pigs dont fly well.
today i learned that waiting till the last day to do an ISP is a bad idea. You can pull it off, (i have many times) but bad none the less since it kills a whole day.
You need to change that cute neko mimi girl back to Yoruichi, if you're gonna become a fighting girl.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Today I learned how to make my 2 month old nephew laugh consistently. My Dr. Zoidberg impression works everytime. :) Now I just have to find some more babies to try it on, I might be on to something here.
And that my lung capacity is 20% above average for persons of my age, height and gender. This really surprised me because I don't really exercise that much. Seems like inactivity does pay of in the long run.
Today, I learned what an SATs.
Today I learned that if some really hot, shorter then me, busty brunnete with a pink tanktop on is sitting next to me(in the computer lab) and has her backpack on the other side and then moves it to my side and leans down to put stuff in it(while still sitting down) she's practically telling me to look....... :p
regardless of what morals I have........
well it was not really today but last week( had no computer in New Orleans) i learned what a muffuletta sandwich is. it is a sandwich with salami geno ham cheese and olive salad, oh ya and it is the size of your head
i am the one on the right
Did you both keep eating the same sandwich until you... you know, kissed like in some old cartoon?
Looks like a good sandwich, though.
Today I learned that I am such a geek. when you said "mace" the first thing that came to mind was something like this:Quote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
I can just picture KitKat wielding that thing trying to fight off the bandits and goblins :p
no we did not eat the whoel sandwich lady and the tramp style just most of it like lady and the trampQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Today i learned that i can crack the average Wi-Fi hotspot in 7-10 minutes.