Wow, the way the SF was drawn, it looks very Hajime Katoki'ish. I like the "Bling Bling" joints too.
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Wow, the way the SF was drawn, it looks very Hajime Katoki'ish. I like the "Bling Bling" joints too.
you know since we've reached episode 37 of the wonderfull anime GSD i thought i would take this time to reflect on a character who wasn't given a chance to shine who know's maybe they might reapear in the final battle with some doomsday device any way i just wanted to show this pic in remembrance never forget lol no seriously dont forget
if the link doesnt work try this and its a pic of heine
"page cannot be displayed, cannot find server" <- you're to the pic ain't working
so basically that post doesn't say what/who you're talking about
although it could be your talking about Yzak/Deakka (since you're talking about "character" (singular), and "they" (plural)
or it could be about totally different character(s) altogether
A episode spoiler off of animesuki that I thought was worth reading:
I know its implying that Lacus gives it to Athrun, but still...Quote:
Phase 42:
Shinn strikes out at Cagalli, who joins the battle on the front line as the Head of Orb. At this moment, Kira, aboard Strike Freedom, returns with Lacus from space, rescuing Cagalli. Cagalli returns to the Orb government and tries to find out Djibril's where abouts from Yuna. Also, Lacus pilots the Infinite-Justice and rendezvoused with ArchAngel, meeting again with Athrun.
Now that's interesting...(Damn! Lacus can pilot?!). But I'm skeptical of this spoiler; what's the source?
lacus piloting infinite justice.... that's gonna be my favorite ep [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
i hella agree with Dannynonsense
even tho shinn knows kira will not aim for the cockpit and only disarms him, that does mean kira couldn't beat shinn with strike with the same handicap, remember in the shinn and kira battle, shinn had varities of weapons to work with while kira only had a sword and gun. if u watch Strike fighting in GS u also will know wut im talking about, Strike can use knifes, the big sword, light saber and even sheild and alot more... i seen in GS kira actually uses the mobile, to take the hit, then pull off the knifes, he could even throw his shield(as u seen in the sand battle),also recharge... use alot of battle tatics(that gave me goosebumps). the ones shinn used against kira, kira can also use it against shinn with better skills. face it.. Strike is a hella better hand to hand combat mobile than freedom. and how could u say athrun beat kira...that battle kira won to me, he slice off most of athrun mobile while strike only had a few parts off and plus, not like kira died, both mobile got destroyed too. the only part is that athrun was alittle ahead because he went suicide. and pop up his seat so he was less injured. and the part Gil said he took down the best mobile at the time (Strike) theory is that Gil didn't know Strike and Freedom are the same drivers since both strike and athrun's mobile got blown up.......
the only reason athrun went suicidal is because he ran out of phase shift, if he still had phase shift athrun would've won because he was about to use his cannon, so athrun actually won that battle, and the reason kira survived is because he got rescued and because he is the ultimate coordinator, if it was any other coordinator they would've died automatically, plus during that battle athrun put a big hole in the cockpit so i say athrun did alot of damage to strike so athrun beated the ultimate coordinator which makes him the best coordinator and second would be yzak because he killed 2 druggies and 3rd would be shinn, this is in my opinion, kira didn't make my top 3
lol, that wont make any sense. if kira is the ultimate coordinator, how would there be better than the best. u must be living in your own world. athrun running out of phase shift has nothing to do with the battle, kira and athrun mobile's has the same energy. its not kira fault for him to use all this energy. athrun... went suicide on kira, or else he wouldn't have beaten Kira. Kira doesn't make top 3.....u kidding???to me.. kira can take down yzak, athrun, shinn, 3 on1 if serious. and remember this no mobile up till now can keep up with Kira's skills. not freedom not strike. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BETTER THAN THE BEST, BEST MEANs #1. and have u watch GS when Kira adapts to all surfaces(its so freaking cool), that is SuperB MAD SKILLS right there. u dont c athrun or anyone else does it without using some add on's.
wat i meant by kira as the ultimate coordinator is he was created to be the ultimate coordinator, and kira adapted to the surfaces because he changed his OS system, that's the only reason, and if it was kira vs shinn athrun and yzak kira would get his butt wooped because any of his mobile suits won't be able to keep up w/ his skills so he would be limited, so think before u write u know-it-all
lets not get to far off topic... my point is that kira would, is the best coordinator. and if'd he had a suit good enuff for him, he would definitly own.....
lacus piloting a mobile that's hot
reminds me of jill valentine (or whatever the name) from resident evil
she has seed as well right?
will SF and IJ have meteor as well?
Okay okay, we get the whole KIRA OWNS part. But if Kira was a cool as you said. Then he could have never been taken down by Shinn. Kira could have dodged everything the way you said it. But he didn't/couldn't dodge those blasts.
Its still pretty unconfirmed, though it would be cool if SF and IJ have add-on to the MS. Even though its an old concept, i can't remember which series but while playing Super Robots Wars I saw the unit. It had a huge cannon and huge boosters. One of the most funny move was to impale the enemy with the cannon and then fire it off...Quote:
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
lacus piloting a mobile that's hot
reminds me of jill valentine (or whatever the name) from resident evil
she has seed as well right?
will SF and IJ have meteor as well?
this post is mostly towards naruto-kira
first of all, take off those glasses that make you blind to everything but Kira <_<
second, as i stated before, being the ultimate coordinator doesn't automatically make you the ultimate pilot, not even when he has a suit that doesn't limit him
but really i don't to want this to turn into the same discussion that has been taking place after the Impulse VS Freedom fight where Kira bit the dust, kicked the can, whatever you want to call it
I'd hope to see them salvage n repair Freedom(it still has head n torso rite) n see Neo become like Mu.He could pilot the repaired Freedom.
Then ZAFT would be shot to pieces coz good guys now will hav SF,IJ,Akatsuki,Strike Rouge,Gaia,Freedom(hopefully),DOM troopers,METEORS(hopefully),Eternal,Archangel,Kusa nagi(Hopefully) and Minerva+Destiny(maybe they n Shinn will realise Rey n Gil's evil n turncoat)I'm a new guy here,so plz correct me if i get anythin wrong.Nice meetin all.
Yeah, it's 1 METEOR not 2. Kira's METEOR got destroyed and Athrun dumped it in space. So they might still have that one. And I don't think that Freedom is getting repaired. They are going to steal the Strike Freedom. As far as I know. And they are not going to shoot ZAFT to pieces or anything. The AA just doesn't want a war.
nope there not gonna steal strike freedom its being built by the clyne faction
I doubt Freedom will be repaired, but I bet its reactor will be used to soup up an old suit (Strike Rouge), or possibly to complete a new one (Akatsuki, Cagali's new one?). I kinda hope Neo gets a DOM, but my bet is that he will fly Andy's Murasame in the defense of Orb.
I'm guessing Strike Freedom and I-Justice are ZAFT designs, which have been held back to this point so that Dulindal could take out Kira and Athrun, and then he could bring in Freedom and Justice as yet more Pro-ZAFT symbols. Since he thinks Kira and Athrun are dead, its gonna be a shock when they show up in improved models of their old suits, whevever they come from.
Also, any pics of Cagali's new suit yet?
ultimate coordinator mean best pilot(If u watch GS u know wut i mean) least the highest potential in the longer run.. and yes.. he will be the ultimate pilot too....for crying out loud...shinn had alot more weapons and got his parts changed....during the battle, after some parts got broken. and freedom is not a good hand to hand combat, not like it moves at super speed...(mobile got limits to) if it could kira would move faster to aviod the blow oviously. also theres no strategy for Kira work with Freedom, sword,shield and a gun...... (which shinn knew where kira is gonna aim)......
Kira is a better coordinator, and with better weapons, he could do more multi task. like throw his knifes, shield, sword. maybe if u rewatch gundam seed u know wut tatics im talking about, instead of jus shooting was we saw.
and i dont know why kira got beaten...i aint the artist or the animator....but whatever it is....its making shinn look really bad.