RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
You should start watching the greatest anime of all time then, get busy!
thanks Raposo_C. as jing said u should watch it. it's really really good.
Wow, you guys weren't kidding, I was kinda hooked there, I only downloaded to episode five and loved it (remembers how I got hooked on Naruto when I saw Episode 3 for the first time - classic)
Plus working on an idea for a Naruto wallpaper ... hmm, maybe when I watch enough of FMA i might try that too ... so far just finished episode 5.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
another FMA convert to join the ranks
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
its ok, but there is a "block" in the middle which looks like youve jst stuck a picture there without cutting it. and also i dont like red sigs.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
He probably did stick the picture in without cutting it. I don't like the font, and the redness.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Well, the block in the middle was the Kyubi. It was this pic:
What I did was use the rectangular marquee tool and used it just on its face and mouth and used that. I dont know if I could get a good cut of the Kyubi since the pic looks like that. Should I use the pic of the Kyubi behind its gate (Its in the episode where Naruto was learning to summon Gamabunta)?
Also, whats wrong with red sigs? I wana kno so that next time, I'll make sure not to use a red color. The thing was that this sig was about Kyubi and Naruto and their chakra together is red so it was supposed to be along those lines. Is there a better color that would fit the sig?
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I would take out the kyubi pic completely
because for one, it looks awkward (the box...) its better to NOT have than make it awkward.
and 2nd, kyubi being there in ur sig is really not that noticeable, i could only see half his eyes and mouth
red isn't that bad of a colour, but your red is like almost close to pink red, really hurts the eyes. I'd prefer crimson red more (but thats only me, im a picky bastard)
And the red back ground, makes the red text abit hard to read and weird looking.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
red just sucks generally.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Jing's finaly using a custom Avatar. Yeah for Jing.( throws around confetty)
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
LOL, Finally stopped being lazy and found a good Ino one that kakafosha made.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: r3n
red just sucks generally.
you're just gonna.......disregard 1/7th of the entire color spectrum??
any color can work well if used properly. It's all about color scheming
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
NM, I'd say you should feather the edges around the kyuubi and play with the opacity some. Make it flow with the rest of the sig. As it is now it looks like you just slapped it in there.
If you're having trouble making it flow then perhaps do something creative with it to make it stand out but not in such a way as to look as if it was simply dropped there.
Perhaps you could box the image, make it look contained or something. Also, about your font and use of color.. I would consider maybe using the stroke function on it or something like that... add a little flare AND make it easier to read. Maybe outline it in black.
I think I have a pretty good idea of what you were going for in that sig.. and I think you can still make it work, but I think you'd do well to look at some image blending tutorials.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: r3n
red just sucks generally.
you're just gonna.......disregard 1/7th of the entire color spectrum??
any color can work well if used properly. It's all about color scheming
look, its at the very end of the spectrum, nobody would notice if it suddenly ours eyes couldnt sense red. slap in UV to the visible spectrum of light. violet kicks ass
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Thanks for all the replies guys. I'm gonna work this sig out and see if I can make it better.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Hey, well my idea for wallpaper is so far one for Naji, I am bassically colouring in manga images (I don't read the manga but so I pretty much stayed clear of anything past the anime for this wallpaper i have in mind, though I did read the lastest manga chapter because i was board one nite ... thinking of doing one of those panels and colouring it, not sure.) anyway, i need your help.
On the right side, i plan to use panals and on the left, one big shot thats sort of an action sequince ala comic book style (ie, doing a whole bunch of movements at once, any of you read a Spiderman comic would know the style of spide leaping from atop a buidling and instead of wasting six panels, they cover only one, but each differnt motion he does, that figure is just simple shades of the end of the scene.)
Anyway, here is the problem, i whited out the whole background and just had naji, what i wanted to know, whas if the highlights and the shadow look good on the face? or if there is anything i am missing, next for highlighting would be the forhead protector and hair.
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
I feel that the shadows need to be a bit darker to give a nice contrast.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
The shadow as a whole? or just on the face?
EDIT: ^^^^ I just changed the link above for the pic, is that what you were talking about? Lefty
RE: New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Yes exactly what I'm talking about .
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Hey, im just showing off my new sig.
edit: i took off the sig, because he apologized and said he made a mistake.
New sig or wallpaper? show it off here!
Originally posted by: jing
Hey, im just showing off my new sig.
LOL jing. you got him good. and for anyone who may think the sig is wrong, chambers kinda set himself up for it. it was only a matter of time.