[Ritsuka] To Aru Majutsu no Index II OP Single - No buts! [Kawada Mami].rar
[OWA Raws] Kawada Mami - No Buts! (DVD 1280x720 h264 AAC).mp4
[Nipponsei] To Aru Majutsu no Index II OP Single - No buts! [Kawada Mami].zip
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UTW - Toaru Majutsu no Index II - 05v2 - 720p
Originally Posted by UTW
[Ayako]To Aru Majutsu no Index II - 05 H264_1280x720
[Ayako]To Aru Majutsu no Index II - 05 XVID 704x400
Ayako for you guys plus Marik's torrent is gone.
In retrospective this arc wasn't all that interesting when compared to the ones from the original Index, it's just that after Railgun the bar was set so low that pretty much anything would satisfy my hunger for plot
And speaking of railgun, i better see some Touma on next week's episode or i'm gonna rage >_>
Hmmmm.... the episode felt incomplete. For instance we never saw the other two 'important' Roman Catholics being defeated... specially the crazy wheel girl.
Agnesse seems to have a dark past... I hope it gets explained in another arc. For now... back to Science.
It didn't feel like such a bad arc, though to a degree I agree with Archie: After Railgun anything would have been fine. But it's true this wasn't very intensive and focused. Too many characters that were, by necessity, left quite superficial. The Kanzaki visiting Touma scene was nice, though.
As the next arc features Mikoto, it should be jolly good, assuming Touma is involved. And since this is his series, I don't see why he wouldn't be.
Oh, such hate towards Railgun. It honestly surprises me that there's such fierce discontent towards it. There were fillers, but they weren't actually bad.Quote:
Originally Posted by kraco
I didn't care for the tax-collector loli, but I really liked the crazy-wheel one. She was my favourite nun (along with Orsola). Stockings FTW!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
I thought that scene was best described as random. She's shown ZERO such behaviour towards him all this time, and right now she's even more dere than Mikoto (I'm serious). Not saying that it should have been any other way in particular, but it was simply.. strange. It was out of character.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
In that regard, my favourite part was actually Tsuchimikado coming in and spicing things up before leaving.
I don't get why Touma went to see Agnese. She was sitting the fight out the whole time without doing any commanding, so it wasn't like she needed to be distracted (unless it's to hold her in the room so she doesn't come out to see them setting up the cards). He could have helped put up some cards himself.
The fight with her also felt lacking in that he never really figured out what he should block. The only thing that was apparent was that there was some form of bubble-field around Agnese that he broke. If anything, he should have grabbed onto her staff to negate any of its powers, and pounded her with his left fist.
We can assume she has been extremely dense and stressed up until now. Perhaps she finally now feels like everything will be fine and she views Touma as the one to primarily thank for it all, because in him personifies the will to help her (and her people and Index) for no ulterior motives. She was a part of the Amakusa sect so chances are she has been hiding much of her personality anyway.
The part that really set her off (in the positive way) was that he admitted he would do the same thing for Agnese should she ask for his help later. Kanzaki was torn between the Amakusa who regard her as a more than a Saint, and the Anglicans who are her current employers. She was stressed because her supporting the Amakusa against the Romans would put the Anglican Church in a bind, but nor could she abandon her fellows.
Touma in contrast never thinks about those kind of organizational boundaries. He helps because he is asked. Kanzaki envies/admires him for that freedom. She wants so strongly to do universal good (she very devout), but cannot. He doesn't represent any organization, even magic versus science. That's why groups are starting to feel threatened by the Touma Faction.
His faction got her out of that torn loyalty without her having to choose.
I thought it was more far more interesting that Stiyl thought the Archbishop was a conniving bitch. He's very close friends with Kanzaki, and now thanks to this affair, she is in an even tighter bind. Kanzaki may not realize it yet, but she will sooner or later. She can't ever cross the Anglican Church. The Archbishop may have collared Kanzaki tighter, but she's starting to lose Stiyl to Touma.
In terms of power he is weaker, but he makes a great double agent. He, like Touma, is becoming loyal to people (Index, Kanzaki, etc.), not to organizations.
well she had a few dere moments in the first seriesQuote:
I thought that scene was best described as random. She's shown ZERO such behaviour towards him all this time, and right now she's even more dere than Mikoto (I'm serious)
it was a weird situation when she showed them though
touma coaught her naked in the bath and kanzaki slashed him away love-hina style.
and that blonde guy (which was way cooler in the first series than he is right know... damn "all knowing behavior") said something among the lines "thats not the way we should thank him, all he saw was your body" and Kanzaki answered "I know, but....." <---- its a bit more obvious in the series but for me that made clear that Kanzaki started to feel something for him, it sounded like she wouldn't care if someone sees her naked normaly
if I remember correctly that happened when that girl from the church in Russia came up to investigate something about Toumas father.
however, that scene in the hospital sure was over the top and I expected it to turn into a hentai scene... the way she is dressed and looked like felt more like High school of the dead than Index.
Awesome episode with an awesome soundtrack. I see that the hospital gag is back too!
Episode 6 - Ayako
-- - - - - - --
Now we are talking! I suppose the previous nun arc served some larger purpose with faction revelations, but still this arc that refers back to the level 6 experiment feels like 100% clear material. It made the whole experiment look even more ominous by having Kuroko try to understand bits and pieces of it based on too little information. I'm actually no fan of Kuroko, but shifting the main attention to her from Misaka worked wonderfully here, probably much much better than having the focus on Misaka herself.
I'm looking forward to seeing how Touma finds himself again in the middle of it, as I deem it unlikely Misaka would seek him out for assistance (the preview actually suggested Index might get herself involved first, God only knows how since food isn't involved). Secondly, Accelerator was a joyous appearance. It's easy to believe he's indeed just as crazy as the OP hints.
It was nice to see how the future Last Order - Accelerator relationship works. She and the others really hold the keys to power now. He is dependent on them, must protect them, but he's powerless if Last Order wishes it. It's also kind of cute they set them up with Yomikawa. Perhaps he may get involved the the really hairy Anti-Skill stuff, where his abilities would be the most useful. It looks like he's going to get involved in this one.
Aside from Index destroying the satellite, and Touma knowing Mikoto and the MISAKAs, I'm not sure how they're going to bring about their involvement.
Like Kraco said, I too like the way they've shifted to Kuroko instead of Mikoto. It's nice to see someone so utterly out of the loop. They didn't do that too well with Mikoto and Kuroko's introduction to magic last season. It did seem kind of weird they were generally okay with it all. It's refreshing to see someone, especially in Kuroko's position, so naive about things even with someone so close to her.
The Kuroko/Musujime powers parallel is very interesting. We discussed our thoughts on some of the finer points of Kuroko's powers last season, but this part, and next episode, will expand on this. From the looks of things and Uiharu's explanation, Musujime can only move things remotely. She appears to have a really good range, but there already seem to be a few limitations.
- Uiharu mentioned she hesitates to teleport herself. Kuroko likely has her beat there since she never seems to hesitate.
- Uiharu also said that Musujime can't interfere with similar powers, so if Kuroko touches something and sends it, it's hers.
- Kuroko mentioned in Railgun comparing herself to her "rival" Kongo Mitsuko that she teleports things beyond the mere three dimensions, I forget exactly how many. We came to the conclusion that last season that Kuroko can add things to her targets. Momentum, velocity, vectors, etc. She definitely displays such aptitude with her own body. She teleports in place and comes out with a flying kick.
On the other hand, Musujime doesn't seem to have that capability. She just remotely translates her target from point A to point B. Nothing else changes. The people she grabs are immediately taken by gravity. The needles she stole from Kuroko simply appear in her body. Kuroko can give those things some real momentum after just brushing them with her fingers. Musujime was physically throwing the needles at Kuroko.
- Musujime uses that wand (looks like a flashlight) for some reason. It's not clear what it's for. Maybe...she isn't an Esper?!
Either way, I think Kuroko has plenty of advantages because her potential is a lot higher, and the method by which her powers work requires a lot more mental capacity. She just hasn't mastered everything yet. I kind of wonder that if she did eventually grow to level 5, if she'd also be able to remotely grab things.
Aaaaaaand Index is a useless piece of shit again... Other than that and the lack of Touma that was pretty nice.
Haha, how the mighty have fallen. It's the ultimate irony that Accelerator is now dependent on the sisters for use of his powers, i sincerely applaud the author for that particular plot twist.
They just assumed those were esper powers since there's such a variety of them.Quote:
They didn't do that too well with Mikoto and Kuroko's introduction to magic last season. It did seem kind of weird they were generally okay with it all.
And i think it's too soon for a "who's the best teleporter" competition, at the very least i want to know what the wand is for and what her injuries are before making any preemptive judgments
Episode was full of win. Mikoto, Kuroko, Uiharu, Accelerator, Last Order aka 20001 and MISAKA Imouto aka 10032
Kuroko needs to find out what really happened now. With the information she's gotten... it would be kinda anticlimatic she didn't learn the existance of the SISTERS at this point.
The preview suggests both Touma and Accelerator will have a more active role next time. I hope for mayhem.
Fucking. Awesome. Episode.
Detective work by Kuroko, the whole jumping through the city night thing (that's always sick, no matter who does it), the lot.
The injuries she sustained are best described as brutal. We know Kuroko's perfectly capable of such acts (she cut down an entire building with glass), and she's disabled firearms with her ability countless times - having done on a human's a first, and is much highlighted by those bloody bandages.
I particular, I really liked her eyes.
Man.. seeing Last Order actually teasing Accelerator speaks loads about them - and in particular how much she's grown (mentally) since then. Accelerator's still popping veins, but he's no longer going schizo (mainly since he can't follow it up with any physical threat). It's so much fun now that someone's put a brake on him.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
It was 10 - though I'm not sure of how significant this fact will be.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
I'm expecting that too. In fact, I think Kuroko could have stopped her on the spot if she had teleported behind Musujime. Teleporters are good, but they don't have eyes on the back of their heads. I actually wonder if Kuroko herself can teleport others that have the same ability as her. I wouldn't think so - as it'd make sense for it to be a universal rule (like how it'd make sense for electric-type espers to be immune to outside electrical attacks). Following our previous discussions, the likely explanation would be that teleporters are so aware of their own selves and their stand in the current plain that it simply won't shift just because someone else's personal reality wished it to.Quote:
- Uiharu mentioned she hesitates to teleport herself. Kuroko likely has her beat there since she never seems to hesitate.
From UTW's translations, they state that she doesn't teleport herself. To me, that means it's physically possible, but due to either a physical or mental barrier (be it injury, mental trauma) she doesn't doesn't. Because of all that, it seemed strange how she managed to escape from Misaka there. It doesn't feel like she'd teleport herself, but that's the only explanation for how she got off (and got on) there in the first place.
I think she can and will teleport herself if needed, but she will always hesitate before doing so. That hesitation will get her ass handed to her by Kuroko.
He put the brake on himself. After all, he only got injured because he willingly decided to save Last Order, not kill her or abandon her to her fate. Now he's paying the price. Still, I'm satisfied Last Order is like this and not being all emo trying to think how to ever pay him back the huge favour. It should also be better for Accelerator this way (to have cheery Last Order around; I'm not talking about the brain damage) as I don't think he previously had any human contacts whatsoever aside from dealing with the scumbag scientists and their ilk.