Thankyou sir...
I was trying to find it earlier and only found 3-4 sites streaming the raw.
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Thankyou sir...
I was trying to find it earlier and only found 3-4 sites streaming the raw.
Hohenheim hasn't been exactly hurrying up, it seems. Unless he's full of plans and theoretic background information and only now is actually on the field and ready to reveal himself. Nevertheless, he should do something already if he's planning to. With the circle finished and also the north turning into a bloodfest, the homunculus is solidly nearing his destination. It's shows also in how relaxed their have become: Even Kimblee was openly standing in the middle of the enemy army.
Things can't be going well for Ed to have completely missed an episode.
rather important scene after the ED
one of the better episodes in a long while. lots of spotlight on the bad guys, and we got to see what Breda and Fuery have been up to (nothing fun). i'm still unsure just what exactly the reverse side of Scar's brother's document contains, but it is clearly the array from the ED, and it is a bit different from the Amestris transmutation array that Father is building.
but, if it took Sloth so long to make that array, how, outside of shounen powerups, are they going to be able to change it?
the highlight of this episode was Van Hoenheim. Not only is he such a nice guy to people who deserve it, but I can't get enough of his "Oops, I'm a klutz, oh wait, no, i'm the most fucking powerful alchemist in the world". when he finally got down to business with Pride, gosh, that was just such a badass scene
Kimblee sure works fast, doesn't he? (ditto that for Drachma. They got that army assembled and down to Briggs in a hurry...) Really interesting to listen to his conversation with Pride (with anyone, really), and then hear how Hoenheim spoke to Pride. Kimblee is so fucking polite, but at the same time, he really isn't... it's a total trip.
Next episode... The Ants Bite. I've been waiting for it!
Pride having limits really took me by surprise. Given how unlimited they have made his power seem in comparison to his brethren, I was taken aback that he is not only limited to the radius of the circle, but also in a great deal of locations within the circle (he is unfettered pretty much just in the lines and Central itself). I guess it makes a great deal more sense that we haven't seen him until recently.
Also, if Hoenhiem's words are true, would forcing him outside the circle kill him outright?
I'm looking forward to seeing the two primary Armstrong siblings reunited face to face.
Very interesting stuff. I can't wait to see Hoenhiem being serious in a fight against the Homunculi.
Also, what was with the part where Hoenhiem says "Pride... I see, so that stands for 'avarice'." Was it a translation error? Avarice being greed. Anyone feeling generous enough to link the manga page of that conversation? I hate poking around due to spoilers... =)
Originally Posted by deadlydreamx
"At the beginning he cut you from himself" I wonder if they will explain the creation of the Homunculus, I would like to theorize that Father was being affected by the humans that he absorbed and so he wanted to get rid of that influence so he removed their personalities. The problem is I don't think they will talk about it, but that is just a feeling I get.
The conversation was very interesting.
According to the subs, it's a transmutation circle when Eastern Alchemy is added with the National transumation circle that's being built by Father.Quote:
Originally Posted by masa
As for whether they'll make it in time, I'm pretty confident they will. May explained before that Eastern alchemy utilises the energy veins in the Earth. She demonstrated that by drawing a transmutation circle in front of her and connecting it to the fow of energy within the earth, she could use that passage to connect to another spot (the train, in this case), copy the circle onto there, and activate its effect.
So as long as they can make one of them, the rest could be copied in a similar fashion, in contrast to Father's method of manually creating each spot.
edit: I just remembered she actually had to throw daggers at the ranged transmutation circle as well, not just copy it. In that case, perhaps they will have to do some manual labour. In any case, Father's plan involves having Ed, Al and others at certain points to be sacrificed, so as long as one of them remains uncaptured, it could prolong Father's plan.
The Chimera turning on Maroch was a shock to me. Funny that it seems like the two who didn't offer to co-operate (lion and gorilla) would actually be the friendlier pair.
Wait a minute. See how powerful the homuculus group is? Why would they need a giant philosopher stone? To become immortal like Van hohemhiem?
The 1st homunculus(shadow in the orb)/Father is the ultimate boss but if all he wants is to be immortal, it just seem off, as he seems to be already a immortal.
I'm confused why you think anyone wants immortality? It certainly seems the Homunculus already have an enormous life span, if it is even limited. I can't imagine they would need that many lives to deal with aging.Quote:
Originally Posted by depthcharge
If you're connecting this to what happened to Xerxes then I believe you're reading too much into the purpose of them showing us those scenes. Philosophers stones have been shown to be useful for much more than extending life.
The Homunculus follow Father's orders. The men at Central think the plan is to make an immortal army. Father himself hasn't said anything about what the true intentions of the plan is.Quote:
Originally Posted by depthcharge
ah, this episode was quite enjoyable to watch. they skimped a little bit on the action (but the comedy worked), and i thought that, although it wasn't an episode with a ton of things out in the open, it has a bunch of little stuff behind it.
oh Envy, pathetic. i absolutely WTF'd the first time i saw his "true" form. that little, tiny pathetic worm. the scene where he tries to take Yoki as a hostage does a great job showing how little the Homunculi understand people, and it does a great job turning the tables on the title and the situation prior, where Marcoh shined.
after all, Envy, if the hostage worked when it was Marcoh, you've got to have faith that it'll work with any of them. and, of course, Envy being so self-conscious of his true form is a great twist on the character.
Scar is brown-skinned Guin. goddamn that guy knows how to talk down to everybody and back it up with badass. not often you get a "keep to your own affairs" lecture from a good guy.
I really like the scene with Olivier and Alex. there's just no way around it, Olivier got where she is today because of her personality, and, Alex, although a talented alchemist, just is too kind a person to advance in the military.
the scene with Olivier and the general, showing her the transmuted soldiers was done perfectly. i love the dialogue in that scene.
of course, one of the reason's i love this chapter isn't all that, it's the scene with Hawkeye and Bradley. it's the third and final part of my "King Bradley = Darth Vader" theory. yes, i do have a hunch that Bradley is going to betray Father and the Homunculi, and I don't think it's coincidence that this scene comes in the same episode where Marcoh, a man who has been doing what he's been told by the military all his life, finally takes a stand and knocks the fuck out of the guy who's been menacing him up until now.
Bradley is a human. he has memories from before he took in the stone and became Wrath. he does say that he is not sure if who he is now is really that person or not. from what we've seen from Hoenheim and Ling, it takes a very strong personality to handle all the souls being inside, and maybe Bradley isn't up to snuff there.
but Bradley is Wrath, for god's sake. he's anger incarnate. this is the guy who's been a pawn for Father all his life, even given an aging body (you notice he couldn't watch when the first Greed was "killed" and put back into the vat). this is a guy who's been playing like a good-natured human half his life.
and, his track record is hazy at best. he kept Mustang, Ed and Al loose, and Pride was none too happy with his comments about Mustang in particular. he "missed" stabbing Mei when she was hiding inside Al's armor
like he said, the only thing he's ever really had in his life is his wife (and, man, she's such a liability, but even Pride doesn't seem to have the OK to shut her mouth once and for all). and Bradley can't even be honest to her about who he is, what Selim is. you think a guy named after the sin of anger is going to be OK with having that one little piece of "normalcy" limited?
he's going to die anyway. what does he care if Father gets his plans fulfilled?
/end rant
I didn't realise Homunculi could live without their stone. My current understanding now is that they're limited to 1 life, but the previous fight with Lust (where I remember Mustang pulling out her stone when she showed it to him unharmed) suggested that destroying the stone destroys the body, as the stone is the true core of their being.
PS: shaking the jar? You people are too soft. You want him to talk? Hang him over a fire.
Judging by his current form, a pinch of salt may work wonders too.
P.PS: And goodbye May. I'll miss you. :o
I was thinking the exact same thing when watching the scene: A portion of salt in the jar might make Envy's lips much looser.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
He's not a good guy, though. Although it seems like he might be planning to become one after this episode. Maybe.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I can't wait for the talk between Hohoenheim and Al. The Envy fight was great and a fitting way for him to lose (though I don't doubt he will be restored to his former power at some point).
Overall a great episode, I really do love this anime.
I can't wait to see Hohoenheim actually fight. He has pretty much only showed his healing/defensive skills so far. I'm not sure we'll see action for a while now, though.
Haha, some pretty serious fan service in this episode.
Also, a scene after the ending. Lots of good stuff in this episode.
some fanservice indeed, but it wasn't quite overboard, so i enjoyed it.
one of my favorite moments (aside from the "no, YOU freeze!") has to be Hoenheim getting serious with Al and lecturing him for trusting him so easily.
Comedy was right on in this episode, but then we had the very good scene with Bido, Greed and Ling at the end. It really didn't make a lot of sense the first time I read it, but I really like the way the anime presented that part.
Greed v Wrath, Part Deux. Bring the epic