Haha, nice Assertn.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I promise next time something good is said by you and i'm there i'll post it:p
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Haha, nice Assertn.Quote:
Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
I promise next time something good is said by you and i'm there i'll post it:p
[ 02:48:48 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] ahh
[ 02:48:49 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] no lol
[ 02:48:51 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] lol
[ 02:49:00 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] stop right hand is fighting left habd
[ 02:49:02 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] hand
[ 02:49:03 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] lol
[ 02:49:06 ] *[ Spiegel-LT ] damnit
[ 02:49:24 ] *[ %Dee-esMon ] wth are you doing
[ 02:49:37 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] he is masturbating
[ 02:49:40 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] but..his hands are fighting
[ 02:49:42 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] for control
[ 02:49:48 ] *[ +Nasphreak29 ] cause...he switched
[ 02:49:51 ] *[ %Dee-esMon ] haha
[00:58] * Topic is 'Welcome to GotWoot, home of asshattery and porno-chan | This channel officially doesn't care about Deadfire's pants'
[00:59] <Deadfire> "This channel officially doesn't care about Deadfire's pants'"
[00:59] <Deadfire> :(
[00:59] <DO> shut it
[00:59] <DO> df
[00:59] <Deadfire> DO
[00:59] <Wilik_> they are one your head DF
[00:59] <Deadfire> the ghetto will not help me in my time of need!
[01:00] <z> do you own one pair of pants or something?
[01:01] <Deadfire> na
[01:01] <Deadfire> that was from I think two days ago
[01:01] <z> are they your...camo pants?
[01:01] <Deadfire> I woke up in a daze and didn't know where shit was
[01:02] <Deadfire> so I told everyone I needed pants
[01:02] <z> they didnt care did they
[01:02] <Deadfire> and I think Kitkat was the one to put that in the topic
[01:02] <complich8> yeah ...
[01:02] <complich8> kitkat doesn't care about df's pants ...
[01:02] <Deadfire> which sort of makes things worse
[01:02] <complich8> I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing ...
[01:03] <Deadfire> yea exactly complich8
[01:03] <complich8> I mean ... it could be she doesn't care about your pants because she's just not interested in that, or it could be because they're not much of an obstacle...
[01:03] <complich8> like, either "George Bush doesn't care about black people" or "I don't care about gnats"
[01:04] <Deadfire> Hmm.... this makes me ponder
[01:04] <complich8> knowing kitkat, I doubt it's the second though ... so it's probably a bad thing
[01:04] <Wilik_> we just dont care about DF's pants
[01:04] <complich8> either that or it could just be pure indifference
[01:04] <complich8> like it is for me
[01:04] <complich8> like .... "what are you even talking about ... no, I don't care, nevermind. thread locked"
[01:04] <Deadfire> complich8 it would be more like you to be indifferent and Wilik to tell me to go buy some fucking pants
[01:05] <Wilik_> yea
[01:05] <complich8> s'true
[01:05] <Wilik_> there ya go
[01:05] <Wilik_> DF you know me so well
[01:05] <Deadfire> it scares me sometimes Wilik
[01:05] <Wilik_> it should
[01:08] <Deadfire> anyways I should get to bed
[01:08] <Deadfire> as it is just right there
[01:08] <Wilik_> whatever DF
[01:08] <Wilik_> you are probably sitting on your bed right now, chatting on irc
[01:08] <Deadfire> ....
[01:09] <Wilik_> :P
[01:09] <Wilik_> was I right?
[01:09] <Deadfire> I have to be sitting in my chair to read the text at least
[01:09] <DO> i wish I could irc from bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> shit
[01:09] <Wilik_> I can irc from bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> just use my laptop
[01:09] <Deadfire> why don't we all IRC in bed
[01:09] <Wilik_> I like my chair more
[01:10] <Deadfire> the only thing though is I'm in bed talking to strangers and agreeing alot with them
[01:12] <complich8> I like my bed, but to type two-handed from my bed I'd need to suspend a laptop upside-down
[01:12] <complich8> and that would just be awkward
Earlier in #gotwoot
[01:19:17] ‹ +masamuneehs › disgusting (and not safe for work!) http://cgi.4chan.org/h/src/1182832532444.gif
[01:19:42] ‹ Knives › that's that stupid girl from megaman
[01:19:46] ‹ Joker-kun › lol
[01:19:54] ‹ ~complich8 › that's .....
[01:19:58] ‹ Knives › where all the bots are on pokedexs or some shit
[01:19:59] ‹ ~complich8 › who thinks of these things?
A little later
[01:40:23] ‹ +masamuneehs › http://cgi.4chan.org/h/src/1182832532444.gif
[01:40:27] ‹ +masamuneehs › OMFG ITS BACK
[01:41:02] ‹ rockmanj › wtf
[01:41:04] ‹ rockmanj › eww
[01:41:09] ‹ rockmanj › that ruined my day!
[01:43:24] ‹ rockmanj › im gonna have nightmares
[01:43:33] ‹ rockmanj › who does that then runs away?
[01:44:07] ‹ rockmanj › i dont even feel like finishing the article i was reading now
[01:46:08] ‹ rockmanj › it was kinda weird...i click on it...and im like...that's odd
[01:46:15] ‹ rockmanj › her mouth kinda looks like a snatch
[01:46:20] ‹ rockmanj › then the penis pops out!
[01:46:24] ‹ rockmanj › :(
Poor rockman
Oh and just cause Assertn says he's never quoted this is what he thought of it
[01:24:57] ‹ @st33v › lols masa wtf
You're welcome Assertn:p
Ok, it was kinda funny...in retrospect
Okay. Seriously... This isn't even disturbing. it's just plain WTF.Quote:
Originally Posted by joker-kun
I really have to know what that .gif was.
I hardly ever visit /gif/ or /b/ anymore, but still. I'm so curious.
you honestly don't want to know.
In Grandpa complich8 we trust.
[17:04] * L points at topic
[17:04] <L> =)
[17:05] <Light> how can you point to the topic, unless
[17:05] <Light> it's a plot to draw me out
[17:05] <Light> and to see how I react
[17:05] <Light> if I change the topic you know I'm kira
[17:05] <Light> but if I don't then you will think I'm not
[17:05] <L> perhaps ( yagami light yahari kira desu...)
[17:05] <Light> but if I don't do anything you will think it's werid
[17:06] <Light> so I will get someone else to change the topic
[17:06] <Light> but If I do that then L may ask that person why
[17:06] <L> clever
[17:06] <Light> and then he will relate it to me being kira
[17:07] <Light> but what if I kick and banned him before
[17:07] <Light> but then he will wonder why
[17:07] <Light> and use leet haxs
[17:07] <Light> and find I'm really Kira
[17:07] <L> so what will you do
[17:08] <Light> I don't know
[17:08] <Light> (notes that that is the only answer that he can give to make L think he isn't Kira
[17:08] <L> hmm ic
[17:08] <Light> (but it's possible he will wonder why)
[17:08] <L> (keep evading me kira)
[17:09] <Light> (I must change the subject, but to what
[17:09] * Light thinks
[17:09] <Light> so it's a nice day outside eh?
[17:10] <Light> (prefect L will not think I'm kira as Kira doesn't like nice days)
[17:11] <L> (hmm, a nice day... kira doesnt like nice days)
[17:11] <L> (but.... its not a nice day...)
17:12] <Light> (damn it really isn't a good day outside)
[17:12] <L> (yagami light yahari kira desu...)
[17:12] <L> yeah its a nice day
[17:12] <L> ....
[17:13] <Light> (what should I say, anything i say will make him think I'm Kira)
[17:13] <Light> Na I'm joking L I'm trying to make us cheer up
[17:14] <Light> (prefect Kira doesn't joke and isn't cheery)
[17:14] <L> (hmm, i wonder....)
[17:14] <L> oh, ic
[17:15] <L> (ill get you next time kira....)
[17:14] <DrAgE> Wilik, its Assassin's birthday
[17:14] <Wilik|Work> OH SHIT
[17:14] <DrAgE> treat him kindly
[17:14] * Quits: Assassin (~al@gw-F1AEB8E6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) ([irc-8.gotwoot.net] Local kill by Wilik|Work (HAPPY BDAY BITCH!))
[18:49] <Deadfire> lets play the ! game
[18:49] <Deadfire> !!!!
[18:49] <Joker-kun> !!!!!
[18:49] <Jaredster> ???
[18:49] <Jaredster> am i doing this right
[18:49] <Deadfire> no use !
[18:50] <Deadfire> and you have to have the longest amount of them
[18:50] <Deadfire> so I put !!!!
[18:50] <Deadfire> and joker put !!!!!
[18:50] <Deadfire> so you have to do 6
[18:51] <Deadfire> !!!!!!
[18:52] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!
[18:52] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!
[18:53] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!
[18:53] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:14] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <complich8> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Deadfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:55] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:55] <BroRapist> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] <complich8> there's a step up for ya....
[18:56] <complich8> courageous ...
[18:56] <Deadfire> indeed
[18:56] <Deadfire> Joker can you match him
[18:56] <Deadfire> ?
[18:56] <Joker-kun> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] <Joker-kun> +3
[18:56] <Joker-kun> :O
[18:56] <BroRapist> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:56] * Quits: BroRapist (~bro@gw-F159F7C2.dsl.teksavvy.com) ([irc-8.gotwoot.net] Local kill by complich8 (srsly ... stop that))
[18:56] <Deadfire> Bro wins
[00:39:01] ‹ @st33v › i had biochem, chemistry 1, chemistry 2, biology 1
[00:39:04] ‹ @st33v › in high school
[00:39:05] ‹ @st33v › xd
[00:39:16] ‹ @st33v › and 2 years of physics
[00:40:11] ‹ @st33v › yeah yeah, i had my cum laude
[00:40:23] › BroRapist stopped reading at "cum"
[00:40:53] ‹ @st33v › congratulations BroRapist, you're the first one to do the obvious
Assertn' pwning BoC:rolleyes:
[20:40:09] <Spiegel> lol
[20:40:09] <Spiegel> i know
[20:40:20] <Spiegel> I will Spike my Spiegel in your ass
[20:40:56] <Nasphreak29> whats that Spiegel?
[20:41:00] <Nasphreak29> your going to anally rape Thi3f?
[20:41:02] <Nasphreak29> wow
[20:42:27] <Thi3f> I'll just reply as I did to DO when he wanted to do the same thing. 2mm probably won't hurt, so go ahead
[23:31] <DO> okay I was banned from the forums again
[23:31] <Yukimura> lol
[23:31] <Yukimura> who would do such a thing
[23:33] <DO> ok well
[23:34] -irc-8.gotwoot.net- *** You are permanently banned from Gotwoot (spelled idiocy, dumbass)
I didn't ban you, you pothead.
:( it looks like there's plenty of hikinx going on...
post deleted
Short but to the point
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> I used to beat up my sister
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> I told her I was prepairing her for the world
[10:46] <Wilik|Work> yea I was an asshole
[ 02:20:14 ] *[ ~^ ] !kick st33v
[ 02:20:15 ] *· · Kicks : st33v was kicked from #gotwoot by [ Gotwoot ] : [ Requested ]
[ 02:20:17 ] *· · Joins : st33v [~st33v@gw-A70693F7.z120-89-67.customer.algx.net] - 32 users
[ 02:20:26 ] *[ &st33v ] >:|
[ 02:20:38 ] *[ &st33v ] :o
[ 02:20:43 ] *[ &st33v ] lols
[ 02:20:48 ] *[ &st33v ] thanks josh <3
[ 02:20:49 ] *[ %Yukimura ] i didn't see tht coming
[ 02:20:54 ] *[ ~DO ] wtf st33v with &
[ 02:20:55 ] *· · Quits : complich8 [ ~complich8@THE.complich8 ] : [ [[quit]] ] - 31 users
[ 02:21:00 ] *[ ~DO ] I disagree tottaly
[ 02:21:06 ] *[ &st33v ] DO
[ 02:21:13 ] *[ ~DO ] st33v is gay and has aids
[ 02:21:20 ] *[ ~^ ] see what you've done st33v
[ 02:21:23 ] *[ &st33v ] is this the part where you show your ugly side?
[ 02:21:24 ] *[ ~^ ] you made comp quit
[ 02:21:30 ] *[ ~^ ] because of your bleeding vagina
[ 02:21:32 ] *[ ~DO ] st33v: stfu
[ 02:21:43 ] *[ ~^ ] :P
[ 02:21:46 ] *[ &st33v ] :|
[14:31] <Assassin> you know, in like all cultures, DF would be the catch of a century....He holds several positions of authority online, is good with technology and he's a soon-to-be warrior
[14:31] <Assassin> he could have his own harem
[14:32] <Assassin> gratned it would be a shitty century, but still
Assassin seems to want my babies...it sort of makes sense now
Well, i think he has been going through tough times...