I don't know, I actually felt kinda cool watching the finale from S1. Any climax this final ep potentially had was deadened by the volume of musical pieces.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
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I don't know, I actually felt kinda cool watching the finale from S1. Any climax this final ep potentially had was deadened by the volume of musical pieces.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Oh, I also felt immensely cool watching the end of S1. Because I knew the idiocy would finally stop. I'm such a big fan of Mikoto I couldn't drop it like I would have any other series turning similarly bad, so I was happy enough when the travesty finally ended.
Honestly, if you're going to do filler, this is how you do it. While the plots don't really make that much sense, I appreciate that they loosely tied them together. They even included the terrible movie in the filler subplot with the mech design and the space elevator itself.
While the story doesn't make any sense, I can still enjoy Saten piloting a giant robot and Kongou rocketing it into space, and Misaka using it as railgun ammunition.
Kuroko with javelins is also pretty cool. Though it would have been better if she just javelin'd the first one and then used that robot corpse and telefragged it into the other robots, making a giant robot katamari.
S1 - railgun with mecha arm
S2 - railgun with mecha body
I can only imagine what they'll have Misaka use as railgun ammo in season 3 filler.
This series needed a lot more Kongou. She's one of the best things that comes out of Railgun, but they never give her enough screen time. Instead they waste episodes on the boring characters introduced in the bad final arcs of season 1. The ones with no personality, no entertaining abilities, and no fun rivalry with any of the characters. Kongou even has a pretty good character development in finding her own two best friends despite her proud outward attitude.
I don't watch Railgun for the dull friendship between people who might as well not even have powers. I watch it for entertaining stuff like Kongou slapping a rocket booster to power armor and then watching it spin off into the sky to crash into who the hell knows what.
It's like Kuroko destroying a building with teleportation. These are espers with super awesome powers and lacking the wisdom to use them correctly and appropriately. Be creative!
No, we get, "I'm gonna be sad because I was living with you and now you want to move in with your best friend."
Less weepy go-nowhere "drama," more paper fan waving and air-rockets!
We get episodes devoted to espers who can...talk to other psychics. We don't get mindwipe brainwash physics. Lame.
One saving grace was the reason Meltdowner was helping. It wasn't because she cared about what was going on. No, she was just pissed at being used. Didn't care by whom or what for, she was just going to make them suffer.
This show needed more Shokuhou and Mugino. They are by far the best characters introduced in this season.
I also wanted more Kinuhata. That deadpan washboard hotpants combination!!!
+1 for Shokuhou. She's a bitch, but at least she's interesting.
They really have a tendency to go full retard with Toaru filler don't they. I don't even want to go into detail how fucking stupid it all was because i'd never be done typing.
Whatever, the first part was ok and i only skimmed through the second one anyway.
Railgun T - 01
- - - - --
This instantly feels more entertaining that Index. Probably because this doesn't have the insufferable character called Index. No idea if I keep watching this, though. I didn't end up watching Accelerator either. It feels like enough to read the manga adaptations. I did watch a bunch of episodes of the newest Index series, but somehow I couldn't be bothered to finish it. It was too hurried and disjointed. Maybe I should check how far the manga adaptation is, assuming it's still running like Accelerator and Railgun. I just wish Railgun had more Touma+Misaka scenes (without Index, obviously).
Episode 2
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Looks like the director really wanted to avoid any overlap with Index and thus scenes I expected weren't there. Consequently Touma is removed entirely. Perhaps it was like that in the manga adaptation as well, I can't remember anymore.