...WTF Assassin!
Please yall go back to making your TerraVids.
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...WTF Assassin!
Please yall go back to making your TerraVids.
Don't fall asleep in this channel....
<Deadfire> Genji I'll un-access your ass from the list!
<Genji> ill tell on DO >_>
<z> ...DO didnt do anything
<Deadfire> ya what did DO do?
<Genji> im tired
<Genji> you know what i meant
<z> no i dont
<Deadfire> and thats DO's fault?
* Genji is now known as DS|Sleep
<Deadfire> DO made you tired eh?
<DS|Sleep> no
<Deadfire> what did he do, bore you to death?
<DS|Sleep> the fact that its 6.30 am
<DS|Sleep> made me tired
<Deadfire> RAM you a few times in the back-side
<Deadfire> give you a night of loving?
<Deadfire> answer the question DS!
<DS|Sleep> those 2 sentences made no sense to me
<DS|Sleep> none at all
<Deadfire> ah so you don't remember!]\
<z> hahaha
<z> i remember
<Deadfire> DO must have been rough
<z> there was a goat there too
<DS|Sleep> oh now they made sense
<DS|Sleep> bastard
Wilik's time....
<Yukimura> i hate it when we agree but i don't realize it
<Wilik> so do I
<Wilik> because then I have to spend 5 minutes explaining it to you
<Wilik> just now being a great example :P
<Yukimura> you could have stopped me
<Yukimura> but i see what happened, I missed the meaning of the word like
<Yukimura> it al snowballed from there
<Deadfire> <Yukimura> you could have stopped me
<Deadfire> Wilik doesn't do that
<Yukimura> he doesn't?
<Wilik> lol..
<Deadfire> he wants you to see after 5 mins you are a idiot for going on and on
<Wilik> guess thats what makes me an asshole
<Wilik> :P
<Deadfire> heh
<Yukimura> wow Wilik...that is a pretty asshole thing to do
<Yukimura> i think I'm going to have to cry myself to sleep
<Wilik> ha
<Wilik> only little bitches cry Yukimura
<Wilik> you wanna be a little bitch? do it on your own time
<Yukimura> this is my time
<Wilik> is it?
<Yukimura> it is
<Wilik> any time your on irc or logged into MT its MY time
And there you have it...don't waste Wilik's Time!
How to pick up chicks: The sage advice of the great wilik
[02:08] <Wilik> girls are easy to understand if you try
[02:09] <Wilik> it takes like 2 dates to figure out what they want to make them happy
[02:09] <Wilik> it also only takes 2 dates to figure out if its worth the time :P
[02:09] <Yukimura> i never thought it could be that fast
[02:09] <Yukimura> to figure out what they want
[02:09] <Wilik> lol
[02:09] <Wilik> just listen to what they talk about
[02:10] <Wilik> if they talk about going out alot and shopping and shit
[02:10] <Wilik> they are high maintance
[02:10] <Wilik> I dont bother with those girls unless I want a quick fuck :P
[02:10] <Wilik> because those girls are panty droppers with the right amount of work :P
[02:11] * Yukimura is writing furiously now
[02:11] <Wilik> take them some place nice and buy some drinks
[02:11] <Wilik> usually get some on date 1
[02:11] <Wilik> no need for date 2
[02:11] <Wilik> :P
[02:12] <Wilik> it probably doesnt help I grew up with 3 sisters
[02:12] <Wilik> erm
[02:12] <Wilik> 2
[02:12] <solietjake> why spend like 50-75 bucks on a date when u dont know if ur gonna get some
[02:12] <solietjake> save around 25-40
[02:12] <solietjake> and get a hooker lol
[02:12] <Yukimura> what do non high matinence girls talk about on a date (this would be book material)
[02:12] <Wilik> they ask alot about you
[02:12] <Wilik> and arent interested in how much you make and so forth
[02:13] <Wilik> solietjake, heres a nice trick
[02:13] <Wilik> go to a club
[02:13] <Wilik> find a girl that has already had some drinks because some other guy bought some for her :P
[02:13] <Wilik> take HER home
[02:13] <Wilik> $10
[02:13] <solietjake> lol
[02:13] <solietjake> yeh
[02:13] <solietjake> not a bad idea
[02:13] <solietjake> not to many clubs around here
[02:13] <solietjake> have to go to SF
[02:13] <Wilik> double bag that shit though
[02:13] <solietjake> which is like....
[02:14] <Wilik> i.e. wear extra protection :P
[02:14] <solietjake> 3-5 hour drive depending on traffic
[02:14] <Yukimura> lol
[02:14] <solietjake> nah
[02:14] <Wilik> ok..
[02:14] <Yukimura> that's so sexy wilik
[02:14] <solietjake> u dont want to wear two condoms
[02:14] <solietjake> rubber against rubber = breakage
[02:14] <Wilik> true
[02:14] <Wilik> its a 'joke' btw
[02:14] <solietjake> i know ;)
[02:14] <Wilik> you say that about questionable girls :P
[02:15] <Wilik> i.e. ones you pick up at a club
[02:15] <solietjake> yeh
[02:15] <solietjake> gotta protect the jimmy
[02:15] <solietjake> wear a hat =P
[02:15] <Wilik> yep
[02:15] <Wilik> decent girls are hard to find sometimes
[02:15] <solietjake> yep
[02:16] <solietjake> i think i found one
[02:16] <Wilik> but if you just want to get laid... clubs, bars, all good places to go
[02:17] <Wilik> I like to make up a profession when I goto clubs or bars
[02:17] <Wilik> so when the golddiggers ask what I do...
[02:17] <Wilik> I can tell them I make alot of money :P
[02:17] <Yukimura> lol, when you think about it picking up a girl at a club for a one night stand is just like prostituion but the bar is the pimp
[02:17] <Wilik> easy pickings then
[02:17] <Wilik> well Yukimura, theres 1 thing you are missing
[02:18] <Wilik> and that is, if you dont have good 'game' that girl will go home with some other guy
[02:18] <Yukimura> good point
[02:18] <Wilik> check this out
[02:18] <Wilik> I was out with a friend of mine about a year ago
[02:18] <Wilik> and this really hot chick was kinda hitting on him
[02:19] <Wilik> and he was a fuckin pussy
[02:19] <Wilik> she went home with someone else :P
[02:19] <Wilik> I was trying to help him out and shit
[02:19] <Wilik> but he was so retarded about it, it didnt help any
[02:19] <Yukimura> you can't fix being a pussy from the outside...trust me
[02:19] <solietjake> oi
[02:19] <Wilik> I on the other hand...
[02:19] <solietjake> if i had the chance to have sex with a hot chick
[02:20] <solietjake> i'd fucking go for it
[02:20] <Wilik> took some other chick back to her place :P
[02:20] <Wilik> and left my friend there
[02:20] <Wilik> lol
[02:20] <Yukimura> that's why you're the man Wilik
[02:20] <Wilik> hit and run man, hit and run
[02:20] <Wilik> dont stay till morning, its a RULE
[02:21] <solietjake> lol
[02:21] <solietjake> shit
[02:21] <Yukimura> out of curiosuty what city are you in again wilik?
[02:21] <solietjake> i'd get out of there before she woke up
[02:21] <Wilik> san antonio
[02:21] <solietjake> ah tx
[02:21] <Wilik> oh man I got another good story
[02:21] <Yukimura> lol i was tyoing that solietjake
[02:21] <Wilik> ok so me and my other friend were in georgia
[02:21] <solietjake> lol
[02:21] <Wilik> about 3 years ago
[02:21] <Wilik> and we were at this bar
[02:21] <Wilik> just playing pool
[02:22] <Wilik> and this fugly ass bitch comes up to me and asks me for a lite
[02:22] <Wilik> and im like liting my cigarette
[02:22] <Wilik> and im like 'I dont have one'
[02:22] <Wilik> lol
[02:22] <Deadfire> lol
[02:22] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:22] <solietjake> ownt
[02:22] <Wilik> so my dumbass firned was like 'I got one'
[02:22] <Assassin> lol
[02:22] <solietjake> ouch
[02:22] <Wilik> and lit her cigarette
[02:22] <solietjake> i bet she lit his stogie
[02:22] <solietjake> lol
[02:22] <Wilik> so her hot friend came over and started talking to me
[02:22] <Wilik> her 'wingman'
[02:22] <Wilik> so I was cool with that
[02:22] <solietjake> lol
[02:22] <Wilik> one thing led to another
[02:23] <solietjake> did u hit that?
[02:23] <solietjake> lol
[02:23] <Wilik> and me and my friend are back at thier place
[02:23] <Yukimura> ugly girl with a hot wingman...that makes no sense
[02:23] <Yukimura> even in chick logic
[02:23] <Wilik> it was the fugly girl's bday
[02:23] <Wilik> anyways
[02:23] <Wilik> so my friend is doing whatever hes doing
[02:23] <Wilik> I dunno, I was busy getting it on with the hot chick
[02:23] <Wilik> anyways
[02:23] <solietjake> http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a46...y/hititowl.jpg
[02:24] <Wilik> when im done I go out into the living room and hes passed out on their couch
[02:24] <Wilik> which he has threw up all over
[02:24] <Wilik> so I wake him up
[02:24] <Wilik> flip over the coushin
[02:24] <Wilik> and we get the fuck out of there
[02:24] <Wilik> lol
[02:24] <Yukimura> nice
[02:24] <Deadfire> lol
[02:24] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:24] <solietjake> dude
[02:24] <solietjake> thats awesome
[02:24] <Assassin> lol. you're a role model wilik
[02:24] <Wilik> yea
[02:24] <solietjake> i wonder if they noticed the smell...
[02:24] <Wilik> it was like 4am at that time
[02:24] <Yukimura> that's so awesome but yet so not right
[02:24] <solietjake> yeh
[02:24] <Wilik> I had just enough battery in my cellphone to call a cab
[02:24] <solietjake> i'd feel guilty
[02:25] <Wilik> because we were REALLY far from home
[02:25] <solietjake> did ur buddy score with that one chick?
[02:25] <Wilik> actually its funny
[02:25] <Wilik> because his dumbass gives the fugly chick his phone number
[02:25] <Wilik> so they call us up like 2 weeks later
[02:25] <Wilik> and see if we want to go out
[02:25] <Wilik> hes like 'fuck yea man'
[02:25] <Wilik> im like 'you must have been REALLY drunk'
[02:25] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:25] <Wilik> so we do
[02:25] <solietjake> ahaha
[02:26] <Wilik> we go to hooters
[02:26] <Wilik> and they bring up the coushin thing
[02:26] <Wilik> im all like 'I have no idea what you're talking about..'
[02:26] <Yukimura> YES
[02:26] <Wilik> so anyways
[02:26] <Wilik> the fugly chick is being a bitch
[02:26] <Wilik> and at this time they have ordered alot of expensive shit
[02:26] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:26] <solietjake> ouch
[02:26] <solietjake> wonder whos paying
[02:26] <Wilik> well
[02:26] <Wilik> I havent got to that yet
[02:26] <solietjake> oh
[02:26] <solietjake> sorry
[02:27] <solietjake> continue o great master Wilik
[02:27] <Wilik> so I motion to my friend to get up and head to the restroom
[02:27] <Wilik> and we both go over
[02:27] <Wilik> and I tell him 'dude this sucks, that chick is a bitch, lets get the fuck out of here'
[02:27] <Wilik> so we leave
[02:27] <Wilik> :P
[02:27] <solietjake> ahaha
[02:27] <solietjake> dine and dash
[02:27] <Yukimura> hahahahahahahaha
[02:27] <Wilik> the bill must have been like atleast $80
[02:27] <solietjake> i wonder if they know ur names
[02:27] <solietjake> or where u live
[02:27] <Yukimura> that's awesome Wilik
[02:27] <Wilik> I lied
[02:28] <Wilik> I told them my name was Mike
[02:28] <Yukimura> nice fake name
[02:28] <Wilik> and he told them his name was Leee
[02:28] <Wilik> lee*
[02:28] <Yukimura> very comman and forgettable
[02:28] <Wilik> was funny as hell
[02:28] <Yukimura> Lee not so much
[02:28] <Wilik> and no they had no idea where we lived
[02:28] <solietjake> lol
[02:28] <solietjake> ownt
[02:28] <solietjake> man
[02:28] <Wilik> because we met them back at the bar we originally met them at
[02:28] <solietjake> thats great
[02:28] <solietjake> man
[02:28] <Yukimura> you're gonna see the ugly chick like 8 years from now
[02:28] <solietjake> i bet they are lookin for u two
[02:28] <solietjake> everywhere
[02:28] <Wilik> oh man another good story
[02:29] <Yukimura> and she'll remember you
[02:29] <Wilik> same friend
[02:29] <solietjake> yeh lol
[02:29] <Wilik> and I dunno why but the ugly chicks really digged him
[02:29] <solietjake> gonna kick ur ass or somethin
[02:29] <Wilik> so we met them at the bar
[02:29] <Wilik> and stuff is going ok so we go with them to another bar
[02:29] <Wilik> and my friend is pretty fucked up at this point
[02:30] <Wilik> so we meet one of thier other friends at the other bar
[02:30] <Wilik> and my friend starts hitting on their friend
[02:30] <Wilik> right infront of the ugly chick that he was with originally
[02:30] <Wilik> so she gets all pissed off and leaves
[02:30] <Assassin> lol
[02:30] <Yukimura> yeah i don't think you're supposed to do that
[02:30] <solietjake> o man
[02:30] <solietjake> shit dude
[02:30] <Wilik> and the chick I was planning on getting some from tells my friend 'you better go get her, shes flurting with that other guy' and points to where she went
[02:31] <Wilik> and hes like 'fuck that ugly bitch, this chick is much hotter'
[02:31] <Assassin> ROFL
[02:31] <Wilik> needless to say I didnt get any that night
[02:32] <Deadfire> lol
[02:32] <Wilik> they were nice enough to drive us back to our car though :P
[02:32] <Assassin> thats an awesome verbal bitchslap
[02:32] <Wilik> lol
[02:32] <Wilik> yea I got lots of great stories
[02:32] <Wilik> oh man
[02:32] <Wilik> like 2 weeks ago
[02:32] <Wilik> me and my gf met up with my coworker
[02:32] <Wilik> and some friends of hers
[02:33] <Wilik> and we ended up going back to my coworkers place
[02:33] <Wilik> and we brought one of my gf's friends
[02:33] <Wilik> and we hooked them up
[02:33] <Wilik> I was like 'dude stop putting the pussy on a pedistal'
[02:33] <Wilik> lol
[02:33] <solietjake> lmfao
[02:33] <solietjake> roffle waffle
[02:33] <Wilik> because its been awhile since he got some
[02:34] <Wilik> I was like 'just fuck her right here right now'
[02:34] <Assassin> lol
[02:34] <Wilik> so its been like 2 weeks since he got some now
[02:34] <Deadfire> heh
[02:34] <solietjake> lol
[02:35] <Wilik> yea I have alot of fun ;)
[02:35] <Yukimura> ah the pedestal
[02:35] <Wilik> it was really funny because my gf was like 'you have no game'
[02:35] <Wilik> I was like 'oh yea?'
[02:35] <Wilik> and I started hitting on this one chick
[02:35] <Wilik> and had her number in like 5 minutes
[02:35] <Wilik> and my gf was like 'you suck'
[02:35] <Assassin> lol
[02:35] <Yukimura> damn
[02:36] <Yukimura> that's awesome
[02:36] <Deadfire> lol
[02:36] <Wilik> yea she doesnt say that anymore :P
[02:36] <Assassin> lol, wilik you have to write down that conversation and make it available to all of us :p
[02:36] <Wilik> which convo :P
[02:36] <Assassin> the 5 min one
[02:36] <Assassin> lol
[02:36] <Wilik> oh
[02:36] <Wilik> lol
[02:37] <Wilik> man its all spur of the moment
[02:37] <Wilik> I have no idea what I say
[02:37] <Wilik> I just talk
[02:38] <Wilik> you know a great pickup line?
[02:38] <Wilik> walk up to a girl and ask her to pass the ketchup
[02:38] <Wilik> usually they'll be all stunned for a minute
[02:38] <Wilik> then you just start talking
[02:38] <Assassin> lol about what? ketchup?
[02:38] <Wilik> yep
[02:38] <Wilik> but its a great ice breaker
[02:39] <Wilik> especially in a bar
[02:39] <Wilik> because there is no ketchup
[02:39] <Wilik> :P
[02:39] <Assassin> "well you see, there are two very different types of ketchups"
[02:39] <Wilik> no no
[02:39] <Wilik> usually it goes something like this...
[02:39] <Wilik> 'hey can you pass the ketchup?'
[02:40] <Wilik> *girl looks puzzled for a minute 'what ketchup?'
[02:40] <Wilik> 'ha im kidding, thats the best I got, can I buy you a drink?'
[02:40] <Wilik> go from there
[02:40] <Assassin> lol
[02:40] <Assassin> sage advice as always wilik
[02:40] <Wilik> but see it works because shes now talking to you
[02:41] <Wilik> and thats the hardest part
[02:41] <Assassin> heh, i'll definately have to try that
[02:41] <Wilik> lemme know how it works for ya
[02:41] <Assassin> sure thing :p
[02:42] <Wilik> you might have to try it a few times to get it all worked out the way you want to handle the responses
[02:42] <Assassin> lol, trial and error
[02:42] <Wilik> yep
[02:44] <Wilik> the best advise is just dont be afraid of being shot down :P
[02:44] <Wilik> women hate guys that give up to easy
[02:44] <Wilik> on the other hand...
[02:44] <Wilik> women hate guys that dont know when to give up :P
[02:44] <Wilik> for instance
[02:44] <Wilik> me and my one friend in georgia
[02:44] <Wilik> we went out to our regular bar
[02:45] <Wilik> and we took our roomate with us
[02:45] <Wilik> he was like...
[02:45] <Wilik> 35
[02:45] <Wilik> crazy ass mexican dude
[02:45] <Wilik> anyways
[02:45] <solietjake> lol
[02:45] <Wilik> we were getting drunk and stuff
[02:45] <solietjake> the devil went down to george... sorry lol
[02:45] <Wilik> and we told him some chick was checking him out and he should go talk to her
[02:45] <Wilik> funny
[02:45] <Wilik> his name was george
[02:45] <Wilik> :P
[02:45] <Wilik> anyways
[02:45] <Wilik> he goes and talks to her
[02:45] <Assassin> lol
[02:46] <Wilik> and she totally shoots him down
[02:46] <Wilik> so he comes back
[02:46] <solietjake> georgia*
[02:46] <Wilik> and we're all like 'dude shes playing hard to get, dont give up'
[02:46] <Wilik> so he goes back over
[02:46] <Wilik> and talks to her some more
[02:46] <Wilik> and that didnt go over to well
[02:46] <Wilik> by now we can tell shes getting pissed
[02:46] <Wilik> so we egg him on again
[02:46] <Assassin> haha
[02:47] <Wilik> and he goes over a third time
[02:47] <Wilik> lol
[02:47] <Wilik> she gets up and LEAVES
[02:47] <Wilik> I was laughing so hard
[02:47] <Assassin> lol
[02:47] <Wilik> anyways it gets better
[02:47] <Wilik> he gets pissed
[02:47] <Wilik> and leaves
[02:47] <Wilik> we dont know he leaves
[02:47] <Wilik> till the next day
[02:47] <Wilik> because we call him at like 3am
[02:47] <Wilik> and we're like 'dude where are you?!'
[02:47] <Wilik> and hes like 'at home in bed!'
[02:47] <Wilik> heres the kicker
[02:48] <Wilik> we find out the next day he wasnt at home
[02:48] <Yukimura> with her?
[02:48] <Wilik> he went to another bar
[02:48] <Wilik> and go into a fight with a gay dude
[02:48] <Wilik> who stole his shoe as he was jumping over a fence to get away
[02:48] <Wilik> and on his way home he fell asleep under a bush
[02:48] <Assassin> lol wtf
[02:48] <Wilik> which is about the time we called him
[02:48] <Yukimura> ......
[02:48] <Wilik> he 'thought' he was at home in his bed
[02:48] <Wilik> anyways
[02:48] <Assassin> lmao
[02:49] <Wilik> turns out he woke up around 5am
[02:49] <Wilik> lost and with no idea where he is
[02:49] <Wilik> and finds his way home
[02:49] <Wilik> he lost his phone and a shoe that night
[02:49] <Assassin> ahaha
[02:49] <Wilik> apparently he left his phone under the bush he was sleeping under
[02:49] <Wilik> that was a great night
[02:50] <Assassin> not so much for him :p
[02:50] <Yukimura> i think that's the definition of a crappy night for the mexican guy
[02:50] <Wilik> yea
[02:50] <Wilik> heres the best part
[02:50] <Wilik> the reason the gay guy was trying to kick his ass was because he was hitting on the gay guys friend who was a girl
[02:50] <Wilik> anyways she got mad
[02:50] <Wilik> because he wouldnt leave her alone
[02:51] <Wilik> and so the gay dude tells him to leave her along
[02:51] <Wilik> alone*
[02:51] <Wilik> and hes like 'dude dont be gay im just trying to talk to her'
[02:51] <Wilik> haha
[02:51] <Assassin> lol
[02:51] <Yukimura> and he's like "I am gay..."
[02:52] <Wilik> the really funny part is, he went back to that same bar like 3 days later
[02:52] <Wilik> and hooked up with that chick
[02:52] <Wilik> and man she was fugly
[02:52] <Wilik> because we saw her leaving the next day
[02:52] <Yukimura> is it really that important that she was ugly?
[02:53] <Wilik> no no man
[02:53] <Yukimura> i mean come on, he banged her right?
[02:53] <Wilik> fugly is beyond ugly
[02:53] <Assassin> lol
[02:53] <z> fucking ugly :p
[02:53] <Yukimura> i need a referance
[02:53] <Wilik> its the kind of ugly a paper bag wont even fix
[02:53] <Yukimura> i'm not good at judging attractiveness at all
[02:53] <z> [23:54] <z-man> .urban fugly
[02:53] <z> [23:54] <^> [1/82] shorter word for "fucking ugly" - oh shit that girl is fugly
[02:53] <Assassin> fugly is like z
[02:53] <z> yup
[02:53] <Wilik> even if you you draw a happy face on the paper bag
[02:53] <Assassin> lol
[02:54] <Yukimura> sigh, stupid all guys high school
[02:55] <Wilik> dont feel bad Yukimura, I didnt date much in highschool
[02:55] <Yukimura> I just feel like I should have learned this stuff then
[02:55] <Wilik> I didnt come out of my 'shell' till I was about 19
[02:55] <Yukimura> yeah i'm still pretty holed up in here at 21
[02:55] <Wilik> then it was all trial and error
[02:56] <Wilik> and I wasnt really good at the whole 'dating' thing till about 22
[02:56] <Wilik> I guess my so called 'high' point was dating a 29 year old at 19
[03:01] <Assassin> i think thats the main lesson. you shouldn't have high standards unless you have the track record to support them
[03:01] <Wilik> yea
[03:02] <Assassin> theres no shame in banging an ugly chick
[03:02] <Wilik> because you cant walk up to a hot chick and expect to get some
[03:02] <Wilik> unless you got the balls to get some :P
[03:02] <Wilik> its all pink on the inside eh? :P
[03:02] <Wilik> I remember when my dad told me that
[03:02] <Wilik> I was about...
[03:02] <Assassin> rofl
[03:02] <Wilik> 17
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was driving me to school
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was upset I didnt have a gf at the time
[03:03] <Wilik> and was asking me why I didnt
[03:03] <Yukimura> .....
[03:03] <Wilik> and I was like 'I dont want to hit on ugly chicks'
[03:03] <Assassin> lol so your dad tells to bang whatever you can get. thats awesome
[03:03] <Wilik> and he was like 'what does it matter? its all pink on the inside'
[03:03] <Yukimura> lol, i wish my dad was like that
[03:03] <Assassin> best talk ever
[03:03] <Wilik> dude my dad was crazy
[03:04] <Wilik> he wanted to get me a hooker for my 18th bday
[03:04] <Wilik> because he didnt feel I was dating enough
[03:04] <Yukimura> hahahaha
[03:04] <Assassin> lol
************************************************** ********
[03:14] <Yukimura> nowadays people try to raise kids without beating them
[03:14] <Wilik> fuck that
[03:14] <Yukimura> it's lunacy!
[03:14] <Assassin> damn rite
[03:14] <Wilik> im gonna beat my kids
[03:14] <Assassin> ditto
[03:14] <Wilik> they dont like it, they can leave
[03:14] <Wilik> I dont give a fuck
[03:14] <Wilik> dont have to take care of them if they arent there
[03:14] <Yukimura> i'd beat my son, I don't think I could do it to a daughter...at least outside the heat of the momonet
[03:15] <Wilik> dude
[03:15] <Assassin> lol
[03:15] <Wilik> you dont beat your daughter, thats what your wife is for
[03:15] <Assassin> ahahaah
[03:15] <Yukimura> yeah that's what I was thinking
[03:15] <Wilik> you make her do it
[03:15] <Wilik> my mom whopped the shit out of my sister
[03:15] <Yukimura> oh...i was thinking, if i get mad at the daughter i'd just beat my wife
[03:15] <Wilik> ROFL
[03:15] <Assassin> lmao
[03:15] <Wilik> damn Yukimura thats just twisted
Terra graces us again, this time we were somehow talking about a VA for the fourth hokage (naruto):
[ 06:48:45 ] *[ Terracosmo ] and mute fourth hokage
[ 06:48:56 ] *[ Terracosmo ] that's just fucked up
[ 06:49:01 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] yondaime was fanservice
[ 06:49:06 ] *[ Terracosmo ] hell yeah
[ 06:49:13 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I don't understand his popularity
[ 06:49:17 ] *[ Terracosmo ] he hasn't even appeared
[ 06:49:30 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] nh3 was based on th emanga
[ 06:49:31 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] thats why
[ 06:49:39 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] so they put him in even without VA
[ 06:49:39 ] *[ Terracosmo ] true
[ 06:49:52 ] *[ Terracosmo ] they'll probably cast Gackt as his voice
[ 06:49:54 ] *[ Terracosmo ] ultimate fanservice
[ 06:49:58 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] lol
[ 06:50:00 ] *[ Terracosmo ] or TM Revolution
[ 06:50:02 ] *[ Terracosmo ] or Ayumi Hamasaki
[ 06:50:03 ] *[ Terracosmo ] lol
[ 06:50:13 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] haha no TM would have to die within 3 eps
[ 06:50:15 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] XD
[ 06:50:26 ] *[ Terracosmo ] obviously
[ 06:50:27 ] *[ Terracosmo ] poor TM
[ 06:50:33 ] *[ Terracosmo ] his chars have no future
[ 06:50:40 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 06:50:56 ] *[ Terracosmo ] you saw Seed Destiny then?
[ 06:50:59 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] yes
[ 06:54:46 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I even wrote Heine fanfics
[ 06:54:48 ] *[ Terracosmo ] I loved him
[ 06:54:57 ] *[ Terracosmo ] stupid anime
[ 06:55:39 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] lol
[ 06:55:41 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 06:55:47 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] you even had a heine sig
[ 07:01:40 ] *[ Terracosmo ] yeah
[ 07:01:41 ] *[ Terracosmo ] fuck
[ 07:01:44 ] *[ Terracosmo ] stupid anime x2
[ 07:01:47 ] *[ %DS|ModelKit ] hah
[ 07:13:37 ] *[ Terracosmo ] lol
[ 07:13:40 ] *[ Terracosmo ] damnit
[ 07:13:45 ] *[ Terracosmo ] revel in my sadness
[20:55] <Deadfire> how about we test this Assassin kick me from the channel for a sec
[20:55] <Assassin> op me
[20:55] <Deadfire> fuck that
[20:56] <Deadfire> Haku
[20:56] <Deadfire> >_>
[20:57] -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
[20:57] -HostServ- Your vhost of assassin.edu is now activated.
[20:57] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Assassin
[20:58] <Assassin> i can kick you now. but i wont cuz you're a dirty hoe
[20:58] <Assassin> •›› DCC Get ::: #1 [SD]_Naruto_Hurricane_Chronicles_-_004_[3B08A457].avi ( 170MB ) ::: 69% ::: >••••••x••< ::: Speed: 33.15KB ::: KoolAidBlast ::: Status: Active «
[20:58] <_kAi_> so, you gunna stick your dirty dick up him?
[20:59] <Deadfire> !kb Assassin thats fine I can still do it to you :p
[20:59] <Deadfire> O.O
[20:59] <Deadfire> !!!!
[20:59] <Deadfire> :p
[20:59] * Assassin sets mode: +b *!*@*.Bastard.RU
[20:59] * Deadfire was kicked by Assassin (gtfo hoe)
[20:59] -irc-8.gotwoot.net:@#gotwoot- Gotwoot invited Deadfire into the channel.
[20:59] * Joins: Deadfire (~DF@Commie.Bastard.RU)
[20:59] <Gotwoot> [Deadfire] without Porn the internet would not know of Deadfire
[20:59] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Deadfire
[20:59] * You were kicked by Deadfire ([Autoprotect] 19:59:40)
[20:59] * Attempting to rejoin channel #gotwoot
[20:59] * Rejoined channel #gotwoot
[20:59] * Topic is 'more badass than samuel l jackson broke on the corner with his ghetto blaster'
[20:59] * Set by _kAi_ on Wed Feb 28 21:34:10
[20:59] * Gotwoot sets mode: +o Assassin
[20:59] <Deadfire> lol
[20:59] <Assassin> haha
[21:00] <Deadfire> Autoprotect FTW
[21:00] <Assassin> gotta get me one of those
Script Kiddy, I wish i had opper and all that status, but i am only a lowly peon.
<Wilik> wheres DO
<complich8> he's over there ->
<Wilik> thanks captian obvious
<complich8> [Winamp] is playing: [Sahashi Toshihiko - Heigei] [01:20 / 01:37] ( http://radio.gotwoot.net )
<Wilik> i'd listen to the radio
<Wilik> but its all gay music
<complich8> you're all gay music, Wilik =D
<Wilik> nope, just the stuff you're playing is :P
<complich8> I disagree
<Wilik> atleast you got a fanboy
* Wilik points at DF
<complich8> ehh, that's true >_>
<Deadfire> what?
<Wilik> lol
<complich8> better than being consigned to irrelevance like certain people though >_>
<Wilik> knives?
[22:21] <Knives> who are you?
[22:21] <JohneLockeTheWindow> someone you don't hate
[22:21] <JohneLockeTheWindow> that's all you need to know
[22:21] <Nasphreak29> ..and why should Johne lock the window?
[22:22] * JohneLockeTheWindow is now known as JohnLockeTheWindows
[22:22] <Deadfire> because jane is trying to get in
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> but Jane is a chick
[22:22] <Deadfire> john is a homo
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> ..aaaah
[22:22] <JohnLockeTheWindows> john is not a homo
[22:22] <Drakeron_Lucifus> ...
[22:22] <Nasphreak29> that explains it
[22:22] <Drakeron_Lucifus> my real names john!
Chalk that up with the "things you don't say at certain times" list
unban me you asshats
<Kraco> http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread...168#post328168Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
* Arcness sets mode: -b *!*@gw-4CDD920.dyn.optonline.net
<Arcness> Oh it was masa
<Arcness> LOL
<Arcness> haha
I didnt know it was you. You should sign into your nick :P I thought you were some random webuser.
[21:36] * Nasphreak29 is now known as NasphreakInBedWithZ
[21:36] <NasphreakInBedWithZ> ..
[21:36] <Deadfire> ...
[21:36] <Wilik> now thats gay
[21:36] <Deadfire> man Nas thats gay
[21:36] * NasphreakInBedWithZ is now known as NasphreakInBedWithWilik
[21:36] <Wilik> oh dear god
[21:36] <UChessmaster> lol Wilik
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithWilik is now known as NasphreakInBedWithTwisT
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithTwisT is now known as NasphreakInBedWithDOandWilik
[21:37] <Wilik> eew
[21:37] <Wilik> DO
[21:37] <UChessmaster> ...
[21:37] <Wilik> nas is so gay
[21:37] <Wilik> he makes z look straight
[21:37] <DO> :/
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithDOandWilik is now known as NasphreakInBedWithAngelEyezand
[21:37] <Wilik> oh shit
[21:37] <Wilik> AngelEyez
[21:37] * NasphreakInBedWithAngelEyezand is now known as NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat
[21:38] <Wilik> Nas is trying to get freaky with ya
[21:38] <Wilik> you should ban him
[21:38] * AngelEyez sets mode: +b *!*@the.original.phreak
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat was kicked by AngelEyez (As requested)
[21:38] <Wilik> ROFLMAO
[21:38] <UChessmaster> lol
[21:38] <AngelEyez> ;)
[21:38] <Sasori> lol
[21:38] <Deadfire> lol
[21:38] * AngelEyez back to GW
[21:38] <Sasori> :]
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat has joined #gotwoot
[21:38] <Wilik> now that is funny as hell
[21:38] <NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat> she was actually here?!
[21:38] <Wilik> yes
[21:38] <UChessmaster> kick him again!
[21:38] * NasphreakInBedWithAEandKitKat is now known as Nasphreak29
[21:39] <AngelEyez> I'm always here :P
[21:39] * NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_ really goes to bed now
[21:39] <Wilik> oh shit
[21:39] <Wilik> _kAi_
[21:39] <UChessmaster> please?
[21:39] <Wilik> ban him!
[21:39] <NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_> -.-
[21:40] <UChessmaster> lol
[21:40] * NasphreakInBedWith_kAi_ is now known as nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom
[21:40] * nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom runs off to bed
[21:40] <Wilik> oh you'd regret that if it was true
[21:40] * nasphreakinbedwithwiliksmom has left #gotwoot
A amusing day had by all.....except Nas
That was fun. Nasphreak gets owned.. Multiple times.:p
Wow, I don't even remember typing this. I'm simply DUH BOMBQuote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
[20:27] <Assassin> df shouldn't be a mod. he'll starve us all
[20:27] <DF|Champloo> starve?
[20:28] * Whitebeard goes to bed
[20:28] <Assassin> vage refrences to communist russia
[20:28] <Assassin> vague*
[20:28] <masa> friggin commies trying to put the same amount of stew in each pot
[20:28] <DF|Champloo> in soviet russia refrences are vague to YOU!
[20:28] * complich8 takes df's stew
[20:29] * masa takes Assassin's stew
[20:29] * DF|Champloo steals masa's stew
[20:29] * complich8 steals df's masa's stew
[20:29] * Assassin is hungry
[20:29] * masa steals comp's df's my stew
[20:29] * complich8 devours the other two before anyone has a chance to steal them
[20:29] * Assassin is still hungry
[20:29] <masa> haha! too slow!
[20:30] <DF|Champloo> lol
[20:30] <complich8> hey, that's a lot of stew :p
[20:30] * masa dribbles some on the floor for Assassin to lick up
[20:30] * DF|Champloo orders more stew
[20:30] * Assassin takes a bit out of masa's leg instead
[20:30] <Assassin> bite*
[20:31] <Assassin> too hungry to type properly
[20:31] * masa gives DF some more stew, stool stew...
<Deadfire> ...
<Deadfire> someone just looked at my desktop here and called saber "some sort of pokeman thing"
* Deadfire 's erge to kill is rising
<Dee-esMon> technically..... she is >_>
<Dee-esMon> i mean she is summoned, and fights for a master
<Dee-esMon> <_<
<Deadfire> You will die for that comment DS
Death to the Dee-esMon! I think he has had it comming for a long time...
We Love you DS
[01:17] * D0 is now known as I_love_cocks
seriously, this guy is just wierd >.>
That was DO??
The masters of Gotwoot offer solutions for social problems.
Part 1: Identification of Problem
[13:28:58] <complich8> my roommate got mugged not even half a block away from where I work
[13:29:23] <Wilik> that sucks
[13:29:41] <complich8> what's worse is that it was 6 girls that mugged him
[13:30:07] <complich8> what's even worse is that the cops drove up and, rather than taking a police report right away or chasing down the fleeing muggers, they tried to find something to arrest him for
[13:30:48] <Wilik> ROFL
[13:30:53] <Wilik> 6 girls?
[13:31:00] <complich8> could have easily caught one or two of them, but instead they opted to harrass the guy who was on the ground unconscious and bleeding ...
[13:31:09] <Wilik> did they try to rape him too?
[13:31:09] <complich8> yeah ...
[13:31:11] <complich8> no
[13:31:22] <complich8> they just beat him up and stole his wallet, cell phone and shoes
[13:31:31] <Wilik> haha his shoes?
[13:31:33] <complich8> yeah
[13:31:39] <Wilik> no one will jump you comp
[13:31:44] <Wilik> you look like a damn viking
[13:31:45] <complich8> yeah, I'm pretty safe :p
[13:32:06] <Wilik> did he defend himself at all?
[13:32:29] <complich8> he's sort of a pansy, and they apparently hit him pretty hard
[13:32:35] <Wilik> haha
[13:32:39] <Wilik> women dont hit hard
[13:32:53] <complich8> fat black women?
[13:33:01] <Wilik> now thats totally different
[13:33:05] <complich8> yes :p
[13:33:13] <Wilik> Yuki knows all about that shit
[13:33:14] <_kAi_> that's what I thought straight away
[13:33:23] <complich8> it also makes it even more ludicrous how the cops didn't chase after them
[13:33:37] <Wilik> then being black and all
[13:33:41] <complich8> "she's running slower than you can walk! chase the bitch down!!"
[13:33:49] <Wilik> just throw a donut
[13:33:54] <_kAi_> but rolling is a different story
[13:33:55] <complich8> >_<
[13:33:55] <Wilik> she'll stop to eat it
[13:34:01] <_kAi_> so will the cop
[13:34:15] <Wilik> so he really didnt defend himself at all?
[13:34:26] <complich8> anyway, one of them punched him in the face, he was moderately drunk ...
[13:34:27] <complich8> he fell
[13:34:30] <complich8> they started kicking
Part 2: Solution Proposed
[13:34:31] <Wilik> I wish 6 girls would jump me
[13:34:37] <_kAi_> I'd rape them
[13:34:41] <Wilik> same here
[13:34:45] <Wilik> to teach them a lesson
[13:35:08] <Wilik> I can see the trial now...
[13:35:18] <Kraco> Apparently the cops thought so as well. Common sense.
[13:35:42] <Wilik> 'so we were trying to beat him up right.. then that mother fucker just turned me around and started fucking me doggy style right there in the middle of the street'
[13:36:19] <_kAi_> heh
[13:36:36] <Wilik> me 'she had it coming your honor, she picked the wrong guy to try to steal a wallet from, because lets face it, if im gonna give some bitch money, I damn well want something in return...'
[13:36:48] <_kAi_> hah
[13:37:04] <_kAi_> exactly
[13:37:15] <Wilik> i'd get off on soliciting a prostitute
[13:37:16] <Wilik> :P
[13:38:03] <Wilik> and she'd learn a valuable lesson, its easier to just fuck a guy for money then to try to kick his ass to get it :P
[13:38:13] <_kAi_> so be a hoe
[13:38:25] <Wilik> pimps up, hoes down!