I didn't get a birthday thread, thats some ol' bullshit.
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I didn't get a birthday thread, thats some ol' bullshit.
meh, neither did I last time my birthday rolled around :p Don't take too personally.
OH I WILL!:mad: [/wrist]Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Awww :(
Belated happy birthdays, Complich8 and Fox Fire.
In less happy news.
At around 10pm, the night before last, I started feeling aches throughout my body.
By about midnight, the pain was pretty much unbearable (and I have a high tolerance for pain), and I'd also gained a migraine.
At something like 4am, the delusional state that's brought on my severely disturbed sleep had me convinced that I was going to die.
A little over 24 hours later, I've had enough painkillers to anaesthetise an Algorian Mammoth, metaphorically. The pain has been mostly replaced by nausea, which isn't striking me as much of an improvement. I hate being sick.
Hmm... Maybe you are getting your wings at last, Tenshi! At least in Haibane Renmei there seemed to be severe pain and fever before the wings broke out of a haibane's back. You are an angel, after all!
Joking aside I hope it's nothing serious. It does sound very nasty, though.
Wings would be nice.
That way, I could put take out my anger on all the things I hate with impunity.
I'd just need to steer clear of AA guns and fighter planes.
I'm more inclined to beleive, however, that it's a viral infection.
It certainly has an element of plausibility to it, especially since I'm not really an angel; I just pretend to be one on the Internet.
I've not been this ill since I was working directly with clothes imported from China.
Hate being ill.
awww... hope you feel better kirai!
Kirai, your sickness presents an interesting conumdrum for me. On the one hand it's harder to be angry and mean to you since your're over there wallowing in misery and such, but on the other hand, the spite generated from the social conditioning that tells me I should stop being mean to you increases my overall animosity towards you. As you know the angrier I am at you the more I want you to hang around #gotwoot so I can mess with you. Anyway, get well so we can go back to our regular routine of verbally eSlaping one another. And make sure my avatar is alright, I'm condfident no measly virus will breach her defenses, but you can't be too careful!
Obligatory Bitching: What's the deal with all these crickets? Thery're everywhere! I've probably gotten 75-100 confirmed cricket kills this summer alone. This is mainly thanks to my new Raid lemon scented bug spray, which in addition to driving crickets into insane fits of jumping and spasming on contact also acts as a slow acting poison, killing the foolish young crickets that dare venture across any area one of their bretheren was felled. On the positive side, there are more dead crickets, and thus less live crickets now. However because of my copious spraying my basement is becomeing a cricket Killing Fields, with more corpses appearing near the door every day.
Being that I hate insects in all ways, I am not fond of picking them up, even with a paper towel and I certainly wouldn't subject my vacuum to the demeaning duty of interacting with cricket carcasses either. So now i'm stuck searching the baasement this last week before school starts again, finding dead dried up corpeses everywhere I go, and throwing them away. I even found a corpes in a bag of clothes I hadn't opened for years and a live one in some clothes that I was about to fold!
While we're on the subject of small creatures that irritatie me, there is a Spider that I need to call out. I generally have no beef with spiders like I do with crickets, since spiders primarily eat insects, who are my arch enemies. However there is a new guy who spins a web outside my patio window every evening around dinner time. If you've ever get the chance to watch a spider weave a web you really should, it's an amazing feat for one creature with a brain the size of a pinhead and terrible eyesight to create something 10 times bigger than itself, one strand of silk at a time. My problem is, this spider is too damn big! While it's not one of the giant spiders you might see in the Amazon or something, it's still about as long as 4-5 lines of text on the forums and maybe 3 wide. This spider is intimidating to say the least, and with it's penchant for the window right outside the dinner table I am forced to look at it nearly every night. While i'm glad it's capturing and killing the foul insects (I've seen it killing and eating one, which was also pretty cool to watch) it tends to distract me from eating, which is unacceptable. Go somewhere else giant spider!
explanation would be cool
I'm actually quite worried about you, Yuki.
You defined the size of the spider in terms of lines of text on the forum.
That's quite scary.
Although screen resolution would make it mean more.
If you were running a 14 inch monitor at 1600 by 1200, then I'd feel inclined to laugh.
But you could be running a 52 inch plasma screen at 640 by 480, which would make the spider frighteningly huge (like X-Box).
the spider's just a pic I took of a large-ish spider (about the size of a quarter). It was last year (about a year ago exactly, middle of august), and those guys were all over the damned place. That one was in the middle of a web that was anchored to a branch about 15 feet overhead, and to the bushes about a foot off the ground ... stretched out to about 5 feet wide at the base, was about 3 or 4 feet wide where the spider was (in the middle).
Mostly just a response to yuki's complaints about a big spider :p.
To contribute to the bitching, here's a story for ya:
I went in to work yesterday (despite it being sunday) … mostly to fill out a timecard and put in a couple hours (and only partly because I was hungry and wanted a sandwich and work's right on the way back). Walking in through the drawing room (big open room in the first floor of the building), there was some management student meeting or something … a dozen or so random students sitting around a table talking. The apparent “leader” guy said “I’m really excited about this year” … and my only immediate reaction was this thought:
Wow … how cliché. A dozen, maybe a hundred people before you have sat where you’re sitting, or the equivalent, and said the exact same thing: "I’m excited about this year". But why? Because it’s your year now, because you’re in command of the group, it’s your chance to shine. This year is your entitlement. It’s not just some opportunity, it’s yours. At least that's what you think. That’s why your excited. That’s why everyone’s excited. And all your little ambitions and dreams, all the grandiose things you think you’ll do … with cliché lines like that, they are destined to be crushed into a pulp of obscure banality. You're going to graduate and become an assistant manager at an OSCO.
I'm ... becoming really jaded I guess :p. I hate the sugary optimism of students who've had their path bought by their parents and think the world revolves around them. Sick of the floods of idiots who can't figure out how to cross streets without running in front of traffic like some grotesque god-mode game of frogger (where "lose a life" is superseded by "win a lawsuit"). It's going to be nice in 3 or 4 weeks, around the time the first exams hit and the weather gets a little colder and all of those cheery optimistic morons get their happy delusions demolished by the cold cruel reality of their freshman calculus classes. Schadenfreude? Yeah, I've got that in spades.
Except that the crushing defeat of Math 161 or Chem 115 or Physics 152 never happens to those happy management majors. I fucking hate that. They go through their entire undergrad curriculum thinking they're so great 'cause they can waltz out with a 3.5 in classes that a braindead maggot could sleep through and pull a B in by shitting randomly on the scantron sheets, think they're special because their curriculum is a cakewalk even compared to majors in Liberal Arts. And that irritates the hell out of me.
There was a pretty big spider in my basement yesterday. It was just sitting there on the carpet and didn't move until it got squashed. It was very large.
The one I saw was the size of over two quarters including the legs, so I guess that would be considered Big Mac-size.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
I'm usually a very easygoing person, but encountering a big spider will cause me to scream bloody murder. It's funny, because I grew up on a farm, and insects outside in the wild don't bother me at all. Bugs in my house however, are hostile invaders that must be killed as quickly as possible. There is only one creature that I loathe more than the spider, and that is the creature I call the Hamilton Bug. These pasty little centipedes have grotesquely long jointed legs and giant antennae and move excessively fast, frequently eluding capture. They start out really small, but can grow to be a foot long, in rare cases. Even talking about them gives me the shivers. I used to come across them in my old house, and my preferred method of dealing with them was either running away, or yelling till someone came down to kill it.
I can't even kill them because I can't stand the crunchy feeling of their little exoskeletons being crushed. Ugh, bugs, stay out of my house.
@compy: Nothing wrong with a little optimism! I came through a brutal spirit-crushing 5 years of engineering physics and I'm still cheery and hopeful =P
Got a picture of one by any chance?Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
Hamilton bug, eh? Centipede-ish, kinda big, moves fast, long legs?
is it like this common house centipede?
I've seen these guys as long as about 3 inches including legs and antennae... they're freaky.
If it's not one of them, I'd love to see a pic if you can keep yourself from screaming long enough to snap one sometime (seconding BoC's request, motion carries, take a pic).
(are you sure they're not ... muskrats? :D)
I'm super pissed that I can't get any work done at work.
The VP of our multimedia dept and the main client guy for our project keep having funny aim chat convos and it's distracting me. How am i supposed to get work done when there's too much fun in the workplace :mad:
Arg, i hate getting negitive reps on posts over a year old. That is all, thank you for lsitening.
Damn there are NO hot chicks in my class. I really mean it, there might be a weak 6 in there somewhere other than that I have nothing to work with. I really feel like skipping this class now.
CS 483: intro to the theory of computation. 11 people (10 undergrads, one grad student). 1 girl. Physically I'd say she's about a 7.5. If you count brains towards hotness, she's probably a 9 (how many girls know how to apply the difference between a transition function and a transition relation in automata theory?).Quote:
Originally Posted by el_boss
Psy 222: fundamental psychobiology. 70 people. 30-40 women (I haven't counted), so about 50-50 breakdown, which is actually pretty bad for psychology (which usually tends towards a 60-40 female/male mix). 85% psych majors in the class, 15% school of science (generally in interdisciplinary neuroscience programs).
At least both of the textbooks and both of the profs are good. And now I know what Basal Ganglia are ...