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SF and IJ are being powered by ultracompact nulclear fission reactor, so in that case its no different from Freedom and Justice...the power source for Destiny and Legend is still unknown though, probably some deuterion power and its most likely nuclear.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
the reactor put in sf and ij are new models and more efficent lets hope this new power source will help if compete with destinys speed which is insane
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are you stating fact, opinion, or general rumor? You make it sound like fact. But the powersources for S. Freedom and I. Justice have been tightly kept a mystery. Even in their profiles on the official site it says they have some new power source. Destiny and Legend from what I heard in the ep do have some connection to deuterion since I think Gil actually said it or something in an ep. Or was it in the boot screen. Gotta double check now. RRrrrrr.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
I wouldn't be too surprised at the new power source. In the end, to power these power-demanding gundams, I'd say the power source would most likely have the word 'nuclear' in it. Or something along that line. Or they might get creative and just throw an unknown term at us...
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
okay let me rephrase what i said its powered by a model of the original reactor that allows these new ms to operate with long jevity or to the pilots physical limitaions these are currently rumors the only thing as of now which is true is that the power source is a nuclear reactor, but anything could happen in this incredible series
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Infinite Justice. Pilot: Athrun Zala
Finally, it's confirmed.
Other spoilers:
Title: Will of Gold (*1)
Summary: Having been informed that Djbriel has escaped to Orb, Dullandal sets the next target as Orb. During that time, Kira heads for the Archangel having received a new sword (*2).
(*1) Might be referring to Strike Freedom's gold-coloured joints. Unless the Japanese is some phrase I haven't heard of.
(*2) A couple of times Freedom is indirectly refered to as a "sword" in SEED (ep 35 for example).
Title: Freedom and Justice (*1)
Summary: Orb is facing annihilation by the allied forces' (*2) attack. However, Kira and Athrun's class act (*3) drives them back. Then Lacus makes a speech detailing Dullandal's plans.
(*1) Technically, this title doesn't contain the names "Freedom" and "Justice" but is about the general Japanese terms. This is similar to how ep 36 of SEED was "In the name of justice".
(*2) Referring to ZAFT + those from EAF who changed side I think.
(*3) Hard to translate "katsuyaku". Edict boringly translates it as "activity" but it's cooler than that. The best concept I could come up with is "class act" - ie they strutt their stuff.
Title: Lacus's Sadness
Summary: Dullandal plans are on a grand scale. Because of the allied force's mistakes, Cagali once again becomes the sovereign of Orb. But among the good news, Lacus is...
Title: Blade of Light
Summary: Having successfully assassinated Lacus, Dullandal finally sets out to ostracise (*1) the earth. Using the new weapon "Velscious" (*2), he issues an edict that all wars must end within 24 hours.
(*1) Not sure about "ostracise" here. The Japanese is vague
(*2) Another Nordic name? Literal romanisation is "Bereshiisu"
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
wTF Lacus is going to be rip [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img] kira will go berserk again [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
well i dont know about those spoilers being all true but some points of them will be also another spoiler that will get to a few people is "Episode summaries from this month's Newtype confirm that in episode 40, Cagalli receives from Kisaka a new MS, "Akatsuki", left behind for her by Uzumi." the stage has been set now will see if GSD will be the greatest series ever yahoo long live lacus clyne and die meer
on another note there's a new and improve lunamaria she wears a new outfit similar to the one of that extended who was burried like someone in FF7
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
I have the strangest feeling its Meer and not Lacus. And yea the new suit Akatsuki has been confirmed to be in Newtype and is posted on Gunota so its definately happening. Looks like Kira and Athrun pick up the new suits in space then head back to earth. Where a final battle is then gonna happen in space. If its true Lacus is killed and not Meer then Kira will probably go berserker beyond anything we've seen yet. I mean Shinn was pretty nuts in Destiny when he took down the GOUF. But if Lacus was ever killed I'm pretty sure Kira would lose it and in the Strike Freedom that isn't gonna be good. The chairman is gonna need that new suit. Wonder why I get the feeling that its piloted by Rey?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
wait.... those spoilers that says that Lacus is supposed to die, did it come from the picture of justice???? because if it didnt, its probably another fake spoiler...
HOPEFULLY ITS FAKE... i would surely hate the series is Lacus dies... like cmon, how can you kill Lacus!? But on the other hand, if she does die, Kira will kill whoever killed her [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] cant wait for that!
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
yea those spoilers are fake ones twisted from the reall ones that dont even reach episode 43 on naruto forums the real ones from the destiny mag have been posted up:
39 Kira of the Sky
Upon hearing the fall of Heaven's Base, Lacus felt impending danger of Orb being the next target for attack. She contemplated the idea of Dullindal's building of a new world combining Earth and PLANTs. At the same time, DaCosta retrieved a "note" from the abandoned Mandel Colony.
*The word "Note" in japanese usually refer to either a notebook or a diary, as oppose to just a piece of paper...
40 The Golden Will
After receiving inteligence that Djibril had escaped to Orb, ZAFT fleet prepared to move out. Minerva also received the order for action. In reply to ZAFT's demand to extradite Djibril, the head of Orb answered that "Djibril is not here". This gave ZAFT an excuse to attack. Trying to save her homeland, Cagalli decided to participate as well, and she given by Kisaka an MS left by Uzumi "Akatsuki".
*Akatsuki can mean either "Dawn" or "Crimson Moon".
41 Episode title undecided yet. No information on the staff and/or the story.
*Some people are speuclating it to be another episode with old footages and "story thus far"... oh well~
42 Freedom and Justice
With the brutal attacks from Shinn's Destiny, Cagalli was in grave danger. At the same time, Kira with the new Freedom appeared, and engaged fiercely in battle with Shinn. Also, another new MS appeared...
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Im betting all my virtual dollars on the new MS being I-Justice
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i swear if they kill off lacus, kira will go freaking crazy in battle maybe take out shinn and the whole minerva. and how coud nayone kill LACUS, if they really killed her off, that would be hella messed up and a bad ass ending.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
i swear if they kill off lacus, kira will go freaking crazy in battle maybe take out shinn and the whole minerva. and how coud nayone kill LACUS, if they really killed her off, that would be hella messed up and a bad ass ending.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
"But among the good news, Lacus is..."
i Don't get this right here... Anyone has an idea? Or am I missing something...
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
If Lacus dies, -I- am going to go berserk.
However, lacking evidence, I'm betting Dulindal sets up Meer's assasination in order to set off the populace of PLANT or somesuch.
Kira has already lost one woman, he doens't deserve to lose another.
Kagali gets a new suit, eh? How nice. However, if her father left it for her... it seems like it would be a bit, well, dated. Anyone got a pic?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
I was just going to post the spoilers that were posted by Dannynonsense. So I guess Lacus doesn't die. If she would, Fukuda would have legions to go against. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
There was an interesting point made at AnimeSuki's forum. News says that GSD will start airing on the 5:00 o'clock time slot on saturdays instead of the usual 6 PM. Does that mean more episodes than 50 for GSD since Blood TV has already been confirmed for the 6 PM slot in October?
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Madell
Can this be confirmed? Wait for confirmation, I say!
Though if you are right, I'd be more than hapy to let you have credit for saying it first.