i think it's just going to be part of the astray series and they just showed it on the episode for fun
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i think it's just going to be part of the astray series and they just showed it on the episode for fun
I thought the Forbidden Blue appearance was just a cameo? Not something that matters one bit? Was I wrong?
yeah, it was only a cameo, splash was just having a fangasm
actually i wasnt. DragonBladeX mentioned something about it showing up after ep 38 so i assumed from that.
and besides, everyone is free to give his/her thoughts about what he/she thinks might happen later on right?
even if it's highly unlikely or afterwards proven false
the thread's title even says so "SEED Destiny Thoughts"
meaning you may state what you think will happen, because we obviously can't see into the future and thus never be sure that what we say will become true
heh I just assumed that if the cameo does show it in ep 36, it has a high chance of it appearing in the upcoming battle between ZAFT, EAF and Logos. I don't think its going to sit around and do nothing in the base after all...
A few thoughts based on episode 37 (didn't want ot post in that thread as some of this may be considered spoilers).
First and foremost, Dulindal is in the unfortunate position of thinking that both Athrun and Kira, the most dangerous people to his plans, are dead. This means that he is going to act as if they cant affect him, and I cant wait to see his face when he finds out that BOTH are in fact still alive.
Also, based on the performance of Destiny/Legends beam shields... those crazy DOM-Troopers jsut got a whole lot better. Seriously, with Beam shields, they are better than almost every single non-nuclear suit (including gundams) we have seen so far. Any chance they will get some good pilots? Neo could use a nigh unstoppable suit, couldn't he...?
I wish I had the rest of the series. This is building up to a painful point.
There were 3 of them right? Neo, Yzak and Deakka would be niiiiice.
But what about Andy? He needs a suit too!Quote:
Originally posted by: telemari
There were 3 of them right? Neo, Yzak and Deakka would be niiiiice.
EDIT: As for the rumor he gets Gaia, I just dont see it happening at this point. Gaia is on Minerva, and Minerva prolly wouldn't give it to Mr. Waldfeldt
Andy has Murasame right now. And maybe ORB will upgrade them.
The Gaia isn't on the Minerva. It was shipped off to somewhere in some episode.
the pilots for the dom have already been picked and its not any of those four since yzak and deakka will still be piloting zaku's andy will pilot gaia with a new color scheme though no one knows how thats gonna happen as for mwu nothings been confirmed except he will join the aa and orbQuote:
Originally posted by: MeroTZ
But what about Andy? He needs a suit too!Quote:
Originally posted by: telemari
There were 3 of them right? Neo, Yzak and Deakka would be niiiiice.
EDIT: As for the rumor he gets Gaia, I just dont see it happening at this point. Gaia is on Minerva, and Minerva prolly wouldn't give it to Mr. Waldfeldt
I'll have no more heero bashers, he was a legend, solom, broody, plus suicidally indistructible, absolute unstopable killing machine. Though Wing was the first Gundam I ever saw........oh btw I like Kira so im not in the phycho shinn camp [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Anyone else got the feeling that lunamaria (sorry i dont kno the exact spelling) is going to die since shinn cares for her, like the kiss of death "i will protect you"
And is it just me or is everyone spelling physics wrong, its PHYSICS not fysics, if the FYSICS is the usa spelling then i appoligise bt it sux
Shinn is gonna crack soon and become an uncontrolable killing machine much to gil nd reys delight
And whats the deal with mwu/neo at first i thought it was le crusant from SEED. Im gonna hav to watch things more closly like u guys :S lol
......side note, i went through ajusting most of the spellings nd abreviations not to seem like a complete hypocrite over the physics/fysics thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Peace [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Soon we'll see what kind of evidence Lacus has gathered up from PLANT. It better be good since they're starting another war because of it.
Oh, it's physics. But I've never heard of these following words: appoligize, bt and sux. An essential point when trying to correct other people's language: Get it right yourself. Otherwise you'll just be laughed upon.Quote:
Originally posted by: chriscantAnd is it just me or is everyone spelling physics wrong, its PHYSICS not fysics, if the FYSICS is the usa spelling then i appoligise bt it sux
They aren't starting anything. The war has already begun but the information/evidence that Lacus has/will find is there just to give a good reason to take the real instigator down.Quote:
Originally posted by: Aramis
Soon we'll see what kind of evidence Lacus has gathered up from PLANT. It better be good since they're starting another war because of it.
i think shinn is becoming a really hated character, he's nothing but a puppet that follow orders, i dunno wut got into him and why'd he believe in gil and rey so much. Doesn't he have a own mind of his own? or he's clouded with hatred against eaf. i mean... could he even think?...... its war, their r misfires everywhere, and the reason he chose to join zaft military is wack, both sides was there cause of his parents death.
He's being that role model, but not in a good way, but in a bad way, which we learn not to make his kinds of mistakes. and y the heck is lumaria hugging shinn, it doesn't make sense, since he's the person that killed her sister!!!!, and how could he kill meyrin(she is a friend) i think he should of known better.
For those people out there that are Shin fans and Kira haters, (those who wants kira to die or thinks he could die because he's not the main char is totally not true) kira fans r alot more than Shinn fans, like a 3-1 ratio, if they kill off Kira. Its like killing off the most of the gundam fans, soo.... killing Kira is not a option at all.
danholo watch out for double posts. Creating a post to knock other people isn't the greatest idea either. Lets try and stay on topic guys. I've listed the three Dom Trooper pilots way earlier in this thread. So they are listed. However while the Dom's having a beam shield is cool. You gotta wonder what their power source is. Is it this new power source that both S. Freedom and I. Justice have? Or are they running off batteries. It'll suck if its batteries. As the power drain will be immense. We've only got a few more episodes left and stuff is all starting to fall into place for the big battle. I've also got no doubts that one of the last episodes with be a double if not two double length eps. The show is definately 50 eps long. Since the new show is already scheduled to take Destiny's place. S. Freedom is also gonna have to be quite impressive if its said to compete with Destiny having showed some impressive speed. It seemed like shinn is even more beserk than before. He had better control in that one battle but this time it all flew out the window. I'm assuming we'll see S. Freedom in ep 41.
yea, and im sure kira will beat shinn this time. once he get serious enuff, shinn can go berserk all he wants, but kira is still the best coordinator explain in GS and Gil in GSD. and we all come to realize shinn is out of his mind.
you're saying that SF en IJ have a new power source?Quote:
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
danholo watch out for double posts. Creating a post to knock other people isn't the greatest idea either. Lets try and stay on topic guys. I've listed the three Dom Trooper pilots way earlier in this thread. So they are listed. However while the Dom's having a beam shield is cool. You gotta wonder what their power source is. Is it this new power source that both S. Freedom and I. Justice have? Or are they running off batteries. It'll suck if its batteries. As the power drain will be immense. We've only got a few more episodes left and stuff is all starting to fall into place for the big battle. I've also got no doubts that one of the last episodes with be a double if not two double length eps. The show is definately 50 eps long. Since the new show is already scheduled to take Destiny's place. S. Freedom is also gonna have to be quite impressive if its said to compete with Destiny having showed some impressive speed. It seemed like shinn is even more beserk than before. He had better control in that one battle but this time it all flew out the window. I'm assuming we'll see S. Freedom in ep 41.
but what's the power source for Destiny and Legend then? if i have to believe Destiny's and Legend's boot menu (which you see in the eps) they are nuclear powered, or were the animators just lazy as hell and did they take some shots from Seed to recycle? (i really can't believe the latter option though)
and i'm putting my money on either 40 or 41 for SF's appearance, it depends on the pace of the coming episodes
i mean, if they total heaven's base in episode 38 and go straight for orb after that, SF may even enter at the end of 39, so to speak