I felt the same way as well. Looking forward to this 2nd season!!
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I'd just like to point out that Misaka's presence in the only official art for the second season makes me smile
Index is asexual so i don't give a fuck
Well Touma sees Index like a little sister, and unlike a certain someone he's not really into incest :p
Correct. Touma does see her as a sister. Plus the fact that Index bites his head and steals all his food must mean something.
They aren't holding hands either, as Bill said, its just a camera effect.
I expect a full of Mikoto season.
Heck. Funny fact. Kuroko has more screentime than Index (without considering the first 4 episodes of S1)
Even if they were holding hands it wouldn't mean much. After all, Index can't even get her own food, so she's a person who needs somebody to hold her hand 16/7. Misaka, however, is her own woman by any definition, so holding her hand would obviously mean something and after neither the original Index nor Railgun Mikoto and Touma aren't (yet) quite that far.
In conclusion, gotwoot supports ToumaXMisaka
You didn't even know of Touma when you first met her, you just liked her design
I was supporting the shipping before anyone >_>
That doesn't make sense on any level >_>
Index 2 trailer
Jiz yourself.
Goddam Accelerator sounded creepier than ever! That was one of the better pieces of news included in the trailer.
Of course a trailer is a trailer and even B movies have oft had excellent looking trailers but nevertheless this looked initially more promising than the past Railgun series. There could be considerable darkness in the show. I also noticed it has plenty of boobage to compensate for the flatness of a certain scientific favorite (and a certain magical sidekick you can't get rid of), har har.
I did, thank you
Oh look, i did it again. Is that Mikoto's mom?
She's fine the way she is >_>
Indeed she is. Especially considering she's still a middle schooler.