Originally Posted by Assassin
Welcome to #gotwoot, For those unfit for society since 03 | Rules 1. Talk 2. Do not spoil 3. Download Triggers = BAN 4. Have a pic or a story to tell 5. OBEY
[02:26] * Joins: WebUser5724 (~Gotwoot@gw-803DE150.mc.videotron.ca)
[02:26] <Kirai> Ok, so that's half the world's population that should hate me...
[02:27] <Kirai> I just need to work on the other half...
[02:27] <WebUser5724> Ban 4
[02:27] <Kirai> A canadian webby, eh?
[02:27] <Yuki-Laptop> smite him@
[02:27] <Yuki-Laptop> *!
[02:28] * Kirai sets mode: +b *!*@gw-803DE150.mc.videotron.ca
[02:28] * WebUser5724 was kicked by Kirai (like this?)
[02:28] * Kirai sets mode: -b *!*@gw-803DE150.mc.videotron.ca
[02:30] <masamuneehs> lolol, he thought the command for initiating download triggers was BAN 4 !!! oh god that is too rich