Reminds me of a certain pink-haired girl in a certain ninja anime.
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Reminds me of a certain pink-haired girl in a certain ninja anime.
I have to agree on that a degree. In my personal opinion it would be good if both were kept separated so long that they have time to develop. Raki of course would need an almost total overhaul, whereas Clare already has shown much improvement when her movements and decisions haven't been hampered by the fact she needed to take care of a largely helpless boy - helpless even against other humans.
However, if Raki learned to kick ass like, for example, the raider commander with the strange sword... If that happened, he wouldn't anymore be such a burden. Especially if his personality would move up several steps. He might even be able to surprise and take down some careless basic Yoma.
Still, knowing this series, anything can happen.
Staying up late pays off! thanks!
Pricilla IS BACK!!! and not to mention Easley. and now Raki will tag along with two dwellers of the deep. The fights were AWESOME. Maria looks like number one as she slayed AB with ease. I wonder what did happend to her after oath in slashers.
Great fights, Clare and Deneve's charge after their power up managed to look really awesome instead of lame and tired like most powerup->attack sequences end up. And Flora's attacks were impressively unremarkable. On the one hand, it didn't really look like she was doing anything, on the other hand...she was doing something yet you could barely tell she was moving.
Cynthia and Veronica's little speech was well done as well, it almost makes one forget how kawaii she is when she tries to act all tough. And poor Yuma, way to be the only one to get fucked up, but she is #40 so I guess it's just good that she's not dead.
Nice episode. I can only imagine where the whole Priscilla, Easely and Raki go. Maybe they will eat his guts... I doubt it but meh.. I'll probably have to find a doujin.fanfic to find the ending of that meeting I want :D
Priscilla looked and sounded noticeably younger. Riful of course still wins the 1st place loli cake, but it is an intriguing trend. The nameless one Ophelia killed did too, but not as much. Perhaps Awakeneds, or more accurately, Abyssal Ones revert their bodies back to the shape they were before they became Claymores. We always knew Riful was really young (thanks to Galatea), but Priscilla hadn't been in training all that long. Is this her pre-Organization body?
"He smells interesting." <---- bad sign for Raki.
We really haven't gotten that many new names. Flora, Undine, Veronica, Cynthia, Yuma. Sure, they were all named when Miria assigned them, but after that, they all blended back into the crowd.
Flora suspects something. Does it have to do with Clare and Deneve not awakening when they should have or just Clare? Flora gave her a look when the two were slicing up the Awakened's head into tiny bits.
I can kinda see where this is going. Raki will join Easley's crew and get in Clare's way when she meets Priscilla. Raki might also get some yoma powers depending on how male awakened beings are created.
The pieces are all falling into place now.
I am pretty sure male and female awakened beings are created the same way... It is just guys don't have the same mental or physical fortitude as women( I can't believe I said that :()Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
But they've never explained how the claymores get yoma powers in the first place, unless eating yoma flesh is the one and only way.
After reviewing the scene with Clare and Flora several times it doens't seem like Flora actually did anything at all. I thought I saw her arm flinch indicating she was doing her draw slashes as Clare was doing her Quick Sword, but the look on her face was more of surprise then focus and she doesn't seem to be moving in the slightest. She might have been about to do her thing when Clare disintegrated the head with Quick Sword. I can't really be sure of either anymore.
Flora chopped the head with Clare, thats a pretty sure thing. Flor's fighting style is much similar to the flash sword of Irene, since she doesnt draw her blade. Its supposed to look like shes not doing anything.
@Ryll - "smells interesting" is not a bad sign. Its actually a good sign, that will mean he will be kept alive despite being in the jaws of death. "Smells delicious" is a whole other matter. AB's probably have a heightened sense of smell, like dogs, thus the remark.
Yeah! Claymore going LOLI. I knew that brat was Priscilla the moment I saw her, and she seemed really cute too. Little girls eating guts, hmm, new for me but lets give it a try.
Flora definitely is suspecting something. First, the fact that they managed to comeback from the limit, and the fact that the number 47 (noticeable due to her youki if its not common knowledge) just moved and fought like a single digit, and is probably stronger than she is.
Flora's style definitely incorporates drawing the blade from the sheath quickly and shoving it back (we saw it when she made sure everyone was listening to Miria). It's Kenshin's style. shinta|hikari is correct, she never looks like she's doing anything because she keeps putting it back so fast. I have no doubt Flora will be keeping an eye on Clare for that little display in mid-air.
I wonder if what smells "interesting" on Raki is the vague scent of Clare. Since Clare contains Teresa's body parts.
If I had to guess about Flora's suspicions it would be about the owner Clare's right arm. Clare doesn't even seem to try to hide the fact it isn't her arm. Isn't it still wearing the outfit it had on when it was cut off(partially personified appendage :O?).
Priscilla and Raki are going to have buttsecks and Clare is like "hellz not biatch, he's mine." Why does Priscilla seem so childish now? Maybe Easley's rugged good looks mystified her.
Priscilla was childish before she awakened too -- at least inasmuch as she was inexperienced, idealistic and generally naive.
It seems like awakened beings preserve a substantial part of their pre-awakening personalities somewhat indefinitely, so I'd guess once the hunger for guts subsided a bit she probably resumed her previous personality and dispositions -- plus the occasional gut-lust and minus the sense of claymore obligation.
wow.... what an interesting plot twist....
I'm assuming the 2 people with Raki were Easley and Priscilla in their human form. I thought Priscilla was Easley's girl? It seems like she is attracted to Raki. Perhaps it's just a friendly attraction or something.
But it looks like Raki will get close to Priscilla and then he finds out Clare wants to kill her and he stops her and all this drama goes down.
Heh, this arc is fun. It's got that "Ender's Game"ish taking-a-bunch-of-nobodies-and-forging-a-coherent-force-out-of-them theme going on.
If I had a real complaint with this episode, it was the fact that the animators laziness in using the generic anime fast combat animation(you know the one) made it seem like everyone was using Flash Sword.
Anyway, I also think male Awakened Ones are made the same way as female ones. They said they used to use males to make Claymores but they stopped. Its probably because they all awakened really fast.
Crossing my fingers for Awakened One Raki!
What if... Easley(I'm assuming that guy is him) offers Raki a way to become stronger? Dun dun dun!!Quote:
Originally Posted by DarthEnder
Though.. I'm not sure if ABs know how to make Claymores/ABs... But then knowing that Easley is the strongest.... I'm sure he knows how.